Result: Central Wisconsin Vizsla Club
Location: Portage, Wisconsin
Post Date: Sep 22, 2021
During the course of the field trial season, some clubs do not submit a report highlighting the winners' performances, opting instead to submit the Essential Data forms showing the winners of the various stakes sponsored.
So as to accord these winners some public recognition for their accomplishments, rosters of these stakes are posted.
Portage, Wis., April 10 -- One Course
Judges: Samantha Dumm and Randal Piette
OPEN RESTRICTED SHOOTING DOG -- 2 Pointers, 5 Irish Setters, 2 German Shorthairs, 1 Vizsla and 1 German Drahthaar
1st--HORICON HAVENS PENNY TROM HEAVEN, unreg., German Shorthair female, by H's Hedge Rise Ignites--Salamones Mele Kackimaka Boo. Jack Marcese, owner and handler.
2d--BACKWOODS CADDY SHACK, unreg., German Drahthaar male, by Backwoods D K Fyrst--Backwoods Drama Queen. Bill Kennedy, owner; Greg Dixon, handler.
3d--LOUIE, 1674879, Vizsla male, by Harvard Bound--Smileys Klondike Bar. Bill Elliott, owner and handler.
Judges: Adam Delude and Bruce Mueller
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 3 Pointers, 1 German Shorthair, 2 Vizslas and 1 Wirehaired Vizsla
1st--HIGHROLLER'S LIVINON THE EDGE, unreg., German Shorthair female, by High Roll N's Crep Shoot--Eshod's Rumour Has It. Hyrel Henke, owner; Greg Dixon, handler.
2d--BACKWOODS CODE RED, unreg., Irish setter male, by Buckaroo's Hand Made--Cedar Creek Franklin's Better Half.
Judges: Samantha Dumm and Bruce Mueller
OPEN DERBY -- 2 Pointers, 2 Irish Setters,1 German Shorthair, 3 Vizslas, 1 German Drahthaar and 1 Wirehaired Vizsla
1st--WILD COVEY COLDSNAP, 1692521, pointer male, by Wiggins River Wild-Erin's Blackhawk Barbie. Tony King, owner and handler.
2d--SNOWY RIVERS SO FAR SO, 1692693, German Shorthair female, by H's Am Cruiser--Snowy River's Sippin on Fire. Mike Kindler, owner and handler.
Judges: Samantha Drumm and Randal Piette
1st--SAGE REY REICHE, 1674105, Vizsla female, by Harvard Bound--Smileys Klondike Bar. Brandon Reiche, owner; Bill Elliott, handler.
2d--[Placement Withheld]
3d--CASCADE HANZA, unreg., German Drahthaar male, by Cascade Double Barrel--Cascade Sophia v Blitzen. Randal Piette, owner and handler.
Mayfield, Ida., May 22
Judges: Art Coe and Tom Kosmack
NBHA OPEN RESTRICTED SHOOTING DOG -- 1 Brittany, 3 German Shorthairs and 1 Vizsla
1st--CANYON CREEK CRUZER, 1662001, German Shorthair male, by Rio's Rising Renegade--Cottonwood's Spot and Stalk Ray & Tami Larrondo, owners; Steve Swanson, handler.
Raymond, Neb., May 14
Judges: Steve Hetmanek and Jeff Schnipkoweit
OPEN PUPPY -- 8 German Shorthairs, 1 Pointer and 1 Weimaraner
1st--WHATDOIN WALDO, 1694073, pointer male, by H'n H Wild Atheart--H'n H Rambling Rose. Malani Petty, owner and handler.
2d--MILE MAKERS PURDY SLICK, unreg., German Shorthair female, by Greyrock's Mile Marker--Outbak's Purdy Slick. Robert Thompson, owner; Adam Burch, handler.
3d--TEXAS PREACHER MAN, unreg., German Shorthair male, by Chisholm Creek's Jax Orbetter--B D K's Calamity Jane. Terry & Kirk Bomer, owners; Robbi Gulledge, handler.
Judges: Rhonda Haukoos and Sue Oertel
AMATEUR DERBY -- 4 German Shorthairs
1st--ELK CREEK'S I'VE GOT FRECKLES, unreg., female, by Budlands Grizzly Bear--Hang Em High of El Creek. Jeff Schinipkoweit, owner and handler.
2d--EL CREEK'S WHERE'S THE WHISKEY DRAGO, unreg., male, by Badlands Grizzly Bear--Hang Em High Kate of Elk Creek. Nick Schnipkoweit, owner and handler.
Judges: Brooks Carmichael and Kevin Donohue
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG -- 15 German Shorthairs and 1 Vizsla
1st--B D K'S SAM I AM, 1675197, male, by Slicks Cuttin Wild-- C L K's Point Me the Way. David O'Brien, owner and handler.
2d--HOLCOMB'S AVA, 1681604, male, by Badlands Grizzly Bear--Risky Ticky's Mighty Roo Roo. John Holcomb, owner and handler.
3d--LIVERHEAD'S GETTIN ROWDY, 1662974, male, by B D K's Chloe Jax of All Trades--Liverhead's Jumpin Jackie. Peter Wilkin, owner and handler.
Judges: Kevin Donohue and Jim Douglass
10 German Shorthairs and 1 Vizsla
1st--B D K'S DIRTY HARRY, 1675196, male, by Slicks Cuttin Wild--C L K's Point Me the Way. Mark Wasserman, owner and handler.

2d--B D K'S SAM I AM, 1675197, male, by Slicks Cuttin Wild--C L K's Point Me the Way. David O'Brien, owner and handler.
3d--TRIX AND PIP'S MORNING, unreg., female, by Keg Creek Trix or Treat--Rollin Thunder Pocket Watch. Steve Hetmanek, owner and handler.
Judges: Jeff Schinipkoweit and Scott Thielen
AMATEUR ALL-AGE -- 10 German Shorthairs and 1 Vizsla
1st--B D K'S TWELFTH MAN, 1661756, male, by Uodibar's Against All Odds--B D K's Kessie's Sin City Casino. David O'Brien, owner and handler.
2d--JOKERS SIN CITY SLICK ACE, 1682210, male, by Slicks Cuttin Wild--Bildors Smoke N Hot Klo Da Ho. Robert Thompson, owner and handler.
3d--OUTBAK'S HOW YOU DOIN, 1691918, male, by Greyrock's Mile Marker--Outbak's Lil Josey. Larry Bradley, owner and handler.
Judges: Steve Hetmanek and Sue Oertel
AMATEUR PUPPY -- 5 German Shorthairs, 1 Pointer, 1 Vizsla and 1 Weimaraner
1st--BOZ LIGHT YEAR, unreg., male, by H C K's Clowns Last Straw--M and M's Southfield Daisy May. Sam Hare, owner; John Tawater, handler.
2d--KELLY'S MAGIC, unreg., male, by H C K's Clowns Last Straw--M and M's Southfield Daisy May. Sam Hare, owner; John Tawalet, handler.
3d--PATRIOT'S MAD HATTER, unreg., female, by McFarland's Zeke--Zoey Renee McFarland. Sean Bradley, owner and handler.
Judges: Steve Hetmanek and Jeff Schinipkoweit
OPEN DERBY -- 9 German Shorthairs and 1 Pointer
1st--O B'S SLICK IN THE MUD, 1687879, male, by B D K's Sam I Am--B D K Allie's Miss Sassy Pants. David O'Brien, owner; Keith Gulledge, handler.
2d--A K RUBY'S PIGPEN, 1689616, female, by Barnstormin Bernie--Rawhide's Jumpin Jenny. Jesse Futman, owner; Art Armbrust, handler.
3d--CLOWN'S NIGHT TRAIN, unreg., male, by Rawhide's Clown--Hi N's Hurricane Kate. Sean Bradley, owner and handler.
Judges: Bruce Bryant and Jim Douglass
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 14 German Shorthairs, 1 Vizsla and 1 Weimaraner
1st--B D K'S P W JEWELS EMERALD, 1656976, female, by B D K's Chloe Jax of All Trades--B D K's Rags to Riches. Keith & Robbie Richardson, owners; Keith Gulledge, handler.
2d--H R K'S BAD MOON RISING, 1659490, male, by B D K's Chloe's Jax of All Trades--B D K's Rags to Riches. Brooks Carmichael, owner; Keith Gulledge, handler.
3d--SLICK'D UP BIG JAKE, 1681812, male, by Badlands Grizzly Bear--C C K's Ricky Mighty Roo Roo. Jeff Schinipkoweit, owner; Jim West, handler.
Judges: Scott Thielen and Bob Thompson
OPEN RESTRICTED SHOOTING DOG -- 15 German Shorthairs and 1 Vizsla
1st--HEAVEN SCENT'S OCHO MOJO, 1685974, female, by Jax'd Up Trix'dout Chevy--Karmakan Blabitch. Linda Waterhouse, owner; Rich Barber, handler.
2d--OUTBAK'S ROUGH CUT, 1672639, female, by Greyrock's Mile Marker--Outbak's Lil Josey. Adam Burch, owner; Rich Barber, handler.
3d--B D K'S SAM I AM, 1675197, male, by Slicks Cuttin Wild-- C L K's Point Me the Way. David O'Brien, owner; Keith Gulledge, handler.
Judges: Brooks Carmichael and Sue Oertel
OPEN ALL-AGE -- 14 German Shorthairs
1st--H C K'S CLOWNS LAST STRAW, 1681601, male, by Rawhide's Clown--Hi Tailyn Katara. Sam Hare & Dirk Davis, owners; George Newcomb, handler.
2d--ROLLIN THUNDER'S SINGIN IN THE RAIN, 1680831, male, by Keg Creek Trix or Treat--Rollin Thunder Pocket Watch. Steve Hetmanek, owner; Jim West, handler.
3d--B D K'S GOLD MINE CLAIM JUNPER, unreg., male, by Chloe's Jax of All Trades--B D K's Rags to Riches. David O'Brien, owner; Keith Gulledge, handler.
Ionia, Mich., May 29 -- One Course
Judges: Richard Hollister, Sr. and Blake Rizzo
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 3 Pointers and 3 Setters
1st--WICKED QUICK, 1674810, pointer female, by Dunn's Tried'n True--Dunn's Get Out Sue. Sandy MacLean, owner and handler.
2d--RUSTY NAIL, 1651755, setter male, by Independence Day Sam--Hytest Silver Bell. Bill Darr, owner and handler.
3d--WICKED HIPPIE, 1684804, pointer female, by Lester's Sunny Hill Jo--Wicked Quick. Sandy MacLean, owner and handler.
OPEN DERBY -- 1 Pointer and 2 Setters
1st--DUKE'S HOLD MY BEER, 1684677, pointer male, by Sugarknoll War Paint--Sizzlin Julie. Ron Sposita, owner and handler.
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG -- 3 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st--WICKED QUICK, 1674810, pointer female, by Dunn's Tried'n True--Dunn's Get Out Sue. Sandy MacLean, owner and handler.
2d--WICKED HIPPIE, 1684804, pointer female, by Lester's Sunny Hill Jo--Wicked Quick. Sandy MacLean, owner and handler.
Judges: Leroy Long and Tom Vanecek
OPEN PUPPY -- 7 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st--NORTH BAY'S TENNESSEE RYE, 1690874, setter male, by Ponderosa Mac--Eldridge's Beauty and Beast. Brandon Short, owner; Owen Short, handler.
2d--PONDEROSA'S COPPER PENNY, 1690593, setter female, by Ponderosa Mac--Eldridge's Beauty and Beast. Robert Ellis, owner and handler.
3d--SAMMY THE ROCK STAR, 1694825, setter male, by Sunrise Star--Lucy Two Star. Dr. George Najor, owner and handler.
Judges: Leroy Long and Blake Rizzo
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 6 Pointers and 11 Setters
1st--RAG POPPER, 1678464, pointer female, by Bail Me Out--Walden's Ridge Liz. Mike Cook, owner and handler.
2d--GROUSEHILL BULLET PROOF, 1664897, setter male, by Waymaker Super Sam--Vitali Grouseringer Purdy. John Capocci, owner; R. J. Ecker, Jr., handler.

3d--DUN ROVENS DRIFTER, 1655062, sestter male, by Dun Roven's Gary--Dun Rovens Boofay. Richard Hollister, Jr., owner and handler.
OPEN DERBY -- 6 Setters and 1 Brittany
1st--DUN ROVENS ZIP, 1686123, setter male, by Dun Rovens Drifter--Waymaker Hello Becky. Mark & Tom Fernandez, owners; Richard Hollister, Sr., handler.
2d--NORTH BAY'S TENNESSEE RYE, 1690874, setter male, by Ponderosa Mac--Eldridge's Beauty and Beast. Brandon Short, owner and handler.
3d--K DEL'S EAGLE MAGNUM HOTSHOT, 1685770, Brittany male, by Magnum High Velocity--K Del's Eagle's Chance to Soar. Kenric J. DeLong, owner and handler.