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Result: NGSPA Region 9 Championships

Location: Payette, Idaho

Post Date: Apr 19, 2021

Submitted By: Ray Larrondo

After what was a non-existent spring trial season for the German Shorthaired Pointer championship enthusiasts in 2020, most were eager to get back to this spring. This was evident by the extraordinary number of entries at our nationals and the number our competitors who made the trek to southern Idaho in mid-April to put their dogs to the test in the high desert.

The grounds at the Prairie Wind Ranch were in great shape this year, providing some big, rough, challenging terrain for dogs to hunt through. With a decent carryover of wild birds, as well as strategically released coveys of chukar, most of these canine athletes had ample opportunities to get game pointed.

Ranch owners Keith and Bobbi Richardson, along with all of the fantastic help, ensure that the place is a first class venue. Rich Robertson along with Austin Williams make certain everything out on the three hour continuous courses are ready for man and beast. The staff in the clubhouse, Lynn, Kaitlyn, Anita, along with Rod and Linda Randolph kept food and drinks on the table and the place tidy after our daily gatherings.

Dean Crabbs and his wife Diane had the dog wagon stocked with snacks and got dogs to the places needed for each brace. Club members Gary Moen and John Bunn were also present when their schedules permitted to help with the dog wagon duties.

Anyone who has put on an event like this can appreciate how all of the assistance is necessary to make these things happen. Terry Zygalinski brought in horsepower to get our judges through the country, and he also handled a few dogs while he was here.

A good number of competitive amateurs were in attendance from neighboring states. They included Keith Richardson from Wyoming, Art Cox, Tom Kosmack, and Kyle Oxborrow from Utah, Brandon Blum, Keith Bryant, and Alan Davidson from Colorado. Those handlers who were closer to home included Derrick Olsen, Steve Pasas, Gary Moen, Wayne Yamashita, and Ray Larrondo. The pros were represented by Rich Robertson, Josh Nieman and Brandon Downs.

Our sport owes a great deal of gratitude to the superb companies and the individuals who represent them. Purina and representative Greg Blair are always stepping forward with top notch products to award as well as financial support. Jim Morehouse and SportDog, for whom Jim wears the logo and delivers their first class e-collars and bark collars to give as prizes as well. Wilson's Point S Tire also provided gift certificates to the winners. Thank you to all three of these companies and the upstanding individuals who represent them.


The Region 9 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship is a special stake for those who attended this trial. A few years ago after the passing of Rick Dodge, a pillar of the Region, as well as the NGSPA in whole, we decided to name this Championship in honor of him.

Dean Crabbs, his wife Diane, along with Keith and Bobbi Richardson collaborated to have a trophy made and placed in the clubhouse at the ranch. Each year the winner of this stake has its name placed on the trophy, which is made of a large tree trunk and is capped with a very nice shorthair in bronze. Most attending the trial would agree having one's name put on the monument is very meaningful.

This year the stake drew seventeen dogs, judged by Art Cox from Eagle Mountain, Utah and Scott Jordan who made the trip out west from Grant, Minn. In the end, these two gentlemen agreed they had a couple of dogs worthy of championship placements.

Canyon Creek High Tide, four-year-old bitch owned by Ray and Tami Larrondo of Nampa, Ida., was handled by Ray and named champion. Earning the runner-up title was T A K's Hail On Heels, owned and handled by Tom Kosmack of Price, Utah.

Payette, Ida., April 19

Judges: Art Cox and Scott Jordan


[One-Hour Heats] -- 17 German Shorthairs

Winner--CANYON CREEK HIGH TIDE, 1672987, female, by H K's Prime Cut--Uodibar's Waiting For Daylight. Ray & Tami Larrondo, owners; Ray Larrond, handler.

Runner-Up--T A K'S HAIL ON HEELS, 1677840, female, by Tope's Forward Scout--Tak's Jeter. Tom Kosmack, owner and handler.

Region 9 Rick Dodge Memorial Amateur Shooting Dog Championship Winners


After completion of the Amateur Shooting Dog, Art Cox and Scott Jordan remained in the saddle to watch nine rambunctious Derbies that were drawn.

BMB's Free Lesson, owned by Brandon and Jennifer Blum, and handled by Brandon put on a great show, complete with good bird work, earning him first place. Coming in second was TAK's Nobody Rides For Free, owned and handled by Tom Kosmack. Third place was given to Canyon Creek Rio's Rendition, owned by Ray and Tami Larrondo.

NGSPA REGION 9 DERBY CLASSIC -- 9 German Shorthairs

1st--B M B'S FREE LESSON, 1694755, male, by B M B's Free Ride--Covey Up's Controller Burn. Brandon & Jennifer Blum, owners; Brandon Blum, handler.

2d--T A K'S NOBODY RIDES FOR FREE, 1694286, female, by B M B's Freeloader--T A K's Lil Ratchett. Tom Kosmack, owner and handler.

3d--CANYON CREEK RIO'S RENDITION, 1688670, male, by Rio's Rising Renegade--P W Extraordinaire. Ray & Tami Larrondo, owners; Ray Larrondo, handler.


Open All-Age Championships in the German Shorthaired Pointer world seem to be gaining numbers in most areas of the country. Out West is no different. Seventeen canine athletes were drawn to contest stake, run under the watchful eyes of Larry McConnell, who now calls New Plymoth, Ida., home, and Mike Eades from Ephrata, Wash.

After these dogs finished "eating up" most of this big country, champion honors were awarded to Prairie Wind BDK's Dot On The Horizon. "Dot" is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Rich Robertson. Another fantastic performance was turned in by A O Tripps To Win, owned by Alan Davison. Josh Nieman handled "Tripp" to the runner up spot in the stake.

Judges: Mike Eades and Larry McConnell


[One-Hour Heats] -- 17 German Shorthairs

Winner--P W B D K'S DOT ON THE HORIZON, 1647542, female, by P W Zackly Right--B D K's Outbak Cutter. Keith & Bobbi Richardson, owners; Rich Robertson, handler.

Runner-Up--A O TRIPPS TO WIN, 1671013, male, by Kimber Tactical--Sixxem's A Cut Above. Alan O. Davison, owner; Josh Nieman, handler.


The Open Shooting Dog was the final stake for the Region 9 event. Brandon Blum from Berthoud, Colo., graciously stepped up to judge at the last minute and rode alongside judging partner Howard Burbach, who made the trek from Pleasant Hill, Mo.

After nineteen dogs were turned loose from their respective starting points, a couple of performances definitely rose to the top. Meeting both judges expectations and standards, P W Indian Brook Heads Up was named champion. "Enzi" is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson and was handled by Rich Robertson. Garnering the runner-up title was Llano's Game On Greta, handled by Josh Nieman for her Texas owner Chad Inderman.

Judges: Brandon Blum and Howard Burbach


[One-Hour Heats] -- 19 German Shorthairs

Winner--P W INDIAN BROOK HEADS UP, 1661199, female, by No Mars Mack v Hauss--P W Pennies From Heaven. Keith & Bobbi Richardson, owners; Rich Robertson, handler.

Runner-Up--LLANO'S GAME ON GRETA, 1679141, female, by Llano's Game on Dude--H K Angie's Slick Image. Chad Inderman, owner; Josh Nieman, handler.

Open Shooting Dog Championship Winners. From left to right: Howard Burbach (judge), Keith Richardson with P W Brook Heads Up (Enzi), Rich Robertson, Ray Larrondo with Llan's Game On Greta, and Josh Nieman