Result: Sandlapper Field Trial Club
Location: Mcbee, South Carolina
Post Date: Apr 30, 2019
Submitted By: Tom Hall

Gratitude First in the Amateur Derby
MCBEE, S. C. -- The Sandlapper spring field trial was held at the Mid-Carolina field trial grounds just east of Camden, S. C., on its traditional spring date falling on the weekend of February 21-24. The weather was cooperative, the dog work was competitive and classy, and the camaraderie the best.
The seasoned team of Sandlapper Club members led by Gilbert Webber, Bill Britt, Tim Ruff and Dr. Billy McCathern planned and executed the trial in a coordinated effort that always sets a high standard for our association and always results in an enjoyable and efficient weekend.
The critical selection of judges for the trial is never a problem for the Sandlapper trial as the members individually do so much for our sport. Sandlapper trial veterans have put in the time judging across the southeast and their efforts are always returned with excellent judges willing to assist at the Sandlapper trials.
Judges were Steve Browder of Pineville, S. C., and Trey Littlejohn of John's Island, S. C. Their decisions were applauded by all participants reflecting their experience and knowledge.
The Open Derby kicked off Thursday with good weather and the course looked excellent thanks to the off-season efforts led by Mid-Carolina president Dennis Lemoine who has done a tremendous job improving the grounds through burning and adding new food plots to the venerable course that has been the home to the association's trials over the last fifty years. All states with active field trial seasons seem to have one clubhouse that becomes a museum to their sport and Mid-Carolina is ours.
Eighteen dogs were entered in the Open Derby. Robert (Lefty) Henry's pointer female Stella Wind was awarded first with an excellent display of bird-finding and class, staying to the front the entire thirty minutes. Second was Swami's Riptide, pointer male handled by Whitley Stephenson. Placed third was Cairds War Train, handled by club member Calvin Curnutte for owner Bob Little. Thank you all of our Open stake participants for traveling.
The Amateur Shooting Dog began on Friday with continued good weather and balmy temperatures. The much anticipated stake had a healthy field of 22 dogs. Tim McClurg had an excellent weekend with first and second place finishes in the one-hour stake. First place was awarded to Mac's Silver Chief and second to pointer female Mac's Gunny Lou. Third place was awarded to the Kimbrell family of Fort Mill. George Kimbrell scouted for his son Jack who kept the winning family tradition alive with a strong showing from Pink Pistol, pointer female.
The Amateur Derby had fifteen starters. It's enjoyable to see Roger Boser with his red dogs come down and show off the old breed that we don't get to see that often. Typically, we only see the red setters when he shows up and we appreciate his bringing his string to the the Sandlapper trial.
Roger handled his Irish setter Derby male Gratitude around the course with control and poise and was rewarded with the first place award for the effort. Second place went to a familiar face at many of our South Carolina trials, Sammy Giddens, for his handling of Alley Cat, pointer female. Third went to Gary Miller's pointer male Captain Henry Morgan. All the placed Derbies showed tremendous potential and have good futures in store. The Derby crop in the South Carolina Association continues to impress with good numbers of dogs in all of our trials holding much potential for the future.
Thank you again to the judging team of Steve Browder and Trey Littlejohn for the three days spent in the saddle and the excellent hot lunches all three days that make all trials held at Mid-Carolina special.
This trial was the typical Sandlapper experience with great dog work and the usual excellent camaraderie. Thank you to the leadership of the Sandlapper Field Trial Club which continues its long running tradition of excellent field trials with an emphasis on fun competition and great memories in the field.
McBee, S. C., February 21 -- One Course
Judges: Steve Browder and Trey Littlejohn
OPEN DERBY -- 15 Pointers, 2 Setters and 1 Irish Setter
1st--STELLER WIND, 1678050, pointer female, by Easy Terms--Quickmarksman's Erin Penny. Robert Henry, owner and handler.
2d--SWAMI'S RIPTIDE, 1678560, pointer male, by Wiggins Mister Ronnie--Wiggins Miss Swami. Whitley Stephenson, owner and handler.
3d--CAIRDS WAR TRAIN, 1678126, pointer male, by Sugarknoll War Paint--Sizzlin Julie. Bob Little, owner; Calvin Curnutte, handler.
AMATEUR DERBY -- 10 Pointers, 1 Setter and 4 Irish Setters
1st--GRATITUDE, 1676458, Irish setter male, by Come Back Cutter--Come Back Doodle. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.
2d--ALLEY CAT, unreg., pointer female, breeding not given. Sammy Giddens, owner and handler.
3d--CAPTAIN HENRY MORGAN, 1682384, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill Pirate--Class Act Rachel. Gary Miller, owner and handler.
[One-Hour Heats] --18 Pointers, 1 Setter and 3 Irish Setters
1st--MAC'S SILVER CHIEF, 1665549, pointer male, by Mac's Silver Dollar--Hilo Southern Tea. Tim McClurg, owner and handler.
2d--MAC'S GUNNY LOU, 1660561, pointer female, by Creekside Willie--Mac's Lilly White. Tim McClurg, owner and handler.
3d--PINK PISTOL, 1657464, pointer female, by Marques Lucky Strike--Marques Miss Judged. George Kimbrell, owner and handler.