Result: Spencer Farms Field Trial Club
Location: Milton, Florida
Post Date: Apr 30, 2019
Submitted By: Keri Sims

MILTON, FLA. -- The weather was clear and cool for the Spencer Farms trial in March.
The Amateur All-Age was the first stake. Veteran dog Sandhill Trig earned first place with a forward race, three finds and a back. He was handled by Robert Thomas for owner Dr. Randy Peel. Second was Spencer's Rambling Alibi, a Derby, with three broke dog finds and a good forward race. Third was Sims Rambling Rex with two finds and two backs.
Winning the Amateur Derby was Sandhill Lil Juney, handled by her owner Robert Thomas. Juney had three finds and a good forward race. McRee's Take It EZ, handled by owner Pat McPherson, had two finds and a back to place second.
The Amateur Shooting Dog was won by Lam's Pride'N Joy, owned and handled by Chris Koutras. She had three finds and a stop to flush. Second was won by Marsh's River Jewel, handled by owner Junior Sims. She had a good forward race and three finds. Third place was withheld.
The Open All-Age was won by Sandhill Trig with two finds and a big forward race for handler Fred Rayl and owner Dr. Randy Peel. Second went to Daddy Boy, owned and handled by Bobby Dubose. He had two finds and a forward race. Third was Sandhill's Lil Juney, handled by owner Robert Thomas. She had two good finds.
Open Derby winner McRee's Take It EZ had four finds and a forward race. Second place went to Sandhill Smooth Operater, handled by owner Dr. Randy Peel. He had two finds. Third place was withheld. The other Derbies became completely unglued and didn't finish the course.
The Open Shooting Dog was won by Lam's Pride'N Joy, handled by owner Chris Koutras. She had two finds and a good forward race. Placed second was Emma, Vizsla female handled by owner Amy Davis. She had a snappy race with two good finds. Third went to Sandhill Smooth Operater, handled by Tom Hennes for owner Dr. Randy Peel.
We thank our judges, Fred Rayl, Tom Hennes, Robert Thomas, Lance Johnson and Scott Phipps.
The food was delicious and was prepared by Cleve and Nacey Rhodes. A full course ribeye steak dinner was provided Saturday night with all the fixings.
Keri Sims managed the secretarial duties and kept things in order. Mr. Ron Taylor was the bird planter and ensured birds were placed between every brace.
Milton, Fla., March 15 -- One Course
Judges: Tom Hennes and Fred Rayl
AMATEUR ALL-AGE -- 6 Pointers
1st--SANDHILL TRIG, 1626670, male, by Kilsyth Willie Nelson--Spanish Angle. Dr. Randy Peel & Dylan Pforte, owners; Robert Thomas, handler.
2d--SPENCER'S RAMBLING ALIBI, 1672127, male, by Spencer's Rambling Lawman--Silicone Sister. Jim Spencer, owner; Junior Sims, handler.
3d--SIMS RAMBLIN REX, 1661666, male, by Truley Amazing--War Dance Pat. Junior Sims, owner and handler.
AMATEUR DERBY -- 4 Entries
1st--SANDHILL LIL JUNEY, 1678831, pointer female, by Sandhill Trig--Molly's Lil Whirlwind. Robert Thomas, owner and handler.
2d--MCREE'S TAKE IT EZ, 1672895, pointer male, by King's Force--McRee's Scarlet. Pat McPherson, owner and handler.
Judges: Lance Johnson and Scott Phipps
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG -- 4 Pointers and 2 Vizslas
1st--LAM'S PRIDE'N JOY, 1657322, pointer female, by Lester's Snowatch--Wiggins Wild Woman. Chris Koutras, owner and handler.
2d--MARSH'S RIVER JEWEL, 1670111, pointer female, by Erin's Wild Justice--Caladen's River Hawk. Junior Sims, owner and handler.
Judges: Lance Johnson and Tom Hennes
OPEN ALL-AGE [One-Hour Heats] -- 6 Pointers
1st--SANDHILL TRIG, 1626670, male, by Kilsyth Willie Nelson--Spanish Angle. Dr. Randy Peel & Dylan Pforte, owners; Fred Rayl, handler.
2d--DUBOSE'S DADDY BOY, 1669857, male, by Dubose's Snake--Dubose's Susy. Bobby Dubose, owner and handler.
3d--SANDHILL'S LIL JUNEY, 1678831, female, by Sandhill Trig--Molly's Lil Whirlwind. Robert Thomas, owner; Fred Rayl, handler.
Judges: Lance Johnson and Scott Phipps
OPEN DERBY -- 6 Pointers
1st--MCREE'S TAKE IT EZ, 1672895, pointer male, by King's Force--McRee's Scarlet. Pat McPherson, owner and handler.
2d--SANDHILL SMOOTH OPERATER, 1676473, male, by Night Ryder--Butler's Jill. Dr. Randy Peel, owner; Tom Hennes, handler.
Judges: Scott Phipps and Robert Thomas
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 7 Pointers and 1 Vizsla
1st--LAM'S PRIDE'N JOY, 1657322, pointer female, by Lester's Snowatch--Wiggins Wild Woman. Chris Koutras, owner and handler.
2d--EMMA, unreg., Vizsla female, breeding not given. Amy Davis, owner and handler.
3d--SANDHILL SMOOTH OPERATER, 1676473, male, by Night Ryder--Butler's Jill. Dr. Randy Peel, owner; Tom Hennes, handler.