Result: Kansas Red Setter Club
Location: Dexter, Kansas
Post Date: Mar 26, 2021
Submitted By: Don Beauchamp

Open All-Age Winners. Front (l-r): Jay Lewis with Worsham's Super Sport, Joe Worsham with Bocomo Cherry, and Justin Crook with Cactus Jet J R. Behind: Rick Loomis, Bob Lais, Frank Schoenborn, Barry Ward, Greg Gibson and Don Beauchamp.
DEXTER, KAN. -- The Kansas Red Setter Club hosted the Kansas Open Derby and Open Puppy Classics again this year at the Radcliff Ranch at Dexter, Kan., with the help of the Wichita Bird Dog Club. The event commenced on Friday, March 12, and concluded at noon on Monday, March 15.
Fifty-six dogs with owners and handlers from six states participated, making this a fun and successful trial.
I need to thank all the judges and workers who helped with all the neessary work. First is Jay Lewis of Ashland, Mo., who chaired this event and judged the Open Shooting Dog along with Eddie Berendzen of Higbee, Mo. One other judge from Missouri was Joe Worsham from Easton, Mo., who helped judge the Open Derby Classic.
The three additional judges from Kansas were Greg Gibson of Goddard, Kan., who judged the Open All-Age and Open Derby Classic and Bob Lais of Wichita, Kan., who also judged the Open All-Age and the Open Puppy Classic with Frank Schoenborn of Wichita, Kan. Thanks to all six judges for their time in the saddle and well received decisions.
Additional help was Klaus Schmidt who helped Frank Schoenborn plant the liberated quail each morning. Brad Taylor helped Don Beauchamp with the dog wagon and gates; Tyler Buche helped around camp headquarters, and Paul and Rae Ott served the noon lunches.
In addition to judging, Bob Lais and Greg Gibson marshaled, took notes for the reporter and also worked at the campsite. NutriSource pet foods helped support the trial.
A sincere thank you for all the above, without their help this trial could not have been run.
And finally thank you Paula Radcliff for your kindness in allowing us the use of your spacious Ranch for the past 45 years so we can enjoy field trialing on private grounds in Kansas.
Weather conditions this year were a real challenge. We started with the Open All-Age Stake on Friday morning with temperature of 46 and rain all day; in fact it rained all day Friday, Saturday and until Sunday afternoon, keeping everyone wet and muddy for most all of the stakes.
Handlers and judges were amazed at the amount of bird work on the liberated birds as well as the wild coveys. In fact, Eddie Berendzen mentioned while judging the Open Shooting Dog they were averaging two to three bird contacts per hour.
The Open All-Age broke away on Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. Worsham's Super Sport, a pointer male owned by Joe Worsham, won first place. "Dave" was in the second brace had a beautiful find at 10 and ran a good race. Second place went to Bocomo Cherry, a pointer female, owned and handled by Jay Lewis in the third brace. Cherry had a back, a find, and an unproductive on feathers and an out-front very nice race. Third place was Cactus Jet J R, setter male owned by Mike Parnell and J. R. Cardwell of Winnsboro, Tex., and handled by Justin Crook of Jasper, Mo. Jet ran in the third brace with Cherry and had an unproductive and a nice find at 56.
Another dog in the running was Flash, a pointer male owned and handled by Doug Meyer of Tonganoxie, Kan., that had a very good find and race but was lost at 55 minutes.
The Open Derby Classic was won by Two Seamer, a pointer male owned and handled by Colby Tackett of Cherokee, Okla. He had a good find and a strong race and finish. Second place was Bocomo Dutchman, pointer male owned and handled by Jay Lewis. Dutchman and ran a good race, had one find on a relocation and a stop to flush. Third place was earned by Greypointe Patron, pointer male owned and handled by Doug Meyer. "Knot" had a nice smooth race and one find.
The Open Shooting Dog began Saturday still in the rain with temperatures in the upper-40s and continued throughout most of the stake. It was amazing how much bird work was encountered under these conditions.
First place was won by Lone Big Time, a pointer male owned by Missy Gaines of Broken Arrow, Okla., and handled by Justin Crook. "Stevie" had a nice forward race with a find at 12 minutes. Second was earned by Traveler's Split Rail, setter male, owned and handled by Greg Sand of Hill City, Kan. "Chase" had two finds and a good race. Greg Sand also won third place with his setter female Traveler's High Point. "AC" ran the next to the last brace on Monday morning with bird work and a smooth race in dry conditions.
The Open Puppy Classic ended on Monday under nice weather conditions. Greypointe Que Quiere, a pointer male owned and handled by Doug Meyer, nailed down first place. "Waylon" ran all over with a big race. Second place was earned by Moore's Last Hurdle, pointer male, owned by Tony Crow of Winnsboro, Tex., and handled by Justin Crook. Klaus Schmidt of Wichita, Kan., placed third with his pointer female, Touch's Micro Dot , which who also ran a big race.
Dexter, Kan., March 12
Judges: Greg Gibson and Robert Lais
OPEN ALL-AGE [One-Hour Heats] -- 7 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--WORSHAM'S SUPER SPORT, 1680553, pointer male, by Touch's Knight Rider--Touch's Maswood Anne. Joe Worsham, owner and handler.
2d--BOCOMO CHERRY, 1677071, pointer female, by Westfall's Black Cloud--Bocomo Hot Dotty. Jay S. Lewis, owner and handler.
3d--CACTUS JET J R, 1657125, setter male, by Sky Hawk Joe Dos--Cactus Jet Groovy. Mike Parnell & J. R. Cardwell, owners; Justin Crook, handler.
Judges: Greg Gibson and Joe Worsham
KANSAS OPEN DERBY CLASSIC -- 14 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--TWO SEAMER, 1688946, pointer male, by Rock Acre Shortstop--Frozen Desert Blizzard. Colby Tackett, owner and handler.
2d--BOCOMO DUTCHMAN, 1691795, pointer male, by Westfall's Black Cloud--Bocomo Miss Molly. Jay S. Lewis, owner and handler.
3d--GREYPOINTE PATRON, 1689123, pointer male, by Whippoorwill Justified--Greypointe Invierna. Douglas P. Meyer, owner and handler.

Open Derby Classic Winkners. Front row (l-r): Justin Crook with Two Seamer, Eddie Berendzen with BoCoMo Dutchman and Barry Ward with Greypoint Patron. Back row: Dennis Hidalgo, Rick Loomis, Joe Worsham, Frank Schoenborn, Bob Lais, Greg Gibson, Jay Lewis, Doug Meyer and Don Beauchamp.
Judges: Ed Berendzen and Jay Lewis
OPEN SHOOTING DOG [One-Hour Heats] -- 15 Pointers, 7 Setters,
3 Irish Setters and 2 Vizslas
1st--LONE BIG TIME, 1680370, pointer male, by Oakspring Big Time Warrior--Forty View Jill. Missy Gaines, owner; Justin Crook, handler.
2d--TRAVELER'S SPLIT RAIL, 1662940, setter male, by Shadow Oak Bo--Star's Last Chance. Greg Sand, owner and handler.
3d--TRAVELER'S HIGH POINT, 1658349, setter female, by Hytest Talquin--Traveler's Prairie Souix. Greg Sand, owner and handler.

Open Shooting Dog Winners. Front row (r-r): Justin Crook with Lone Big Time, Greg Sand and Laura Miller with Traveler's Split Rail and Doug Meyer with Traveler's High Point. Behind: Don Beauchamp, Bob Lais and Greg Gibson.
Judges: Robert Lais and Frank Schoenborn
1st--GREYPOINTE QUE QUIERE, 1690521, male, by Greypointe Izquierda--You Never Can Tell. Douglas P. Meyer, owner and handler.
2d--MOORE'S LAST HURDLE, unreg., male, breeding not given. Tony Crow, owner; Justin Crook, handler.
3d--TOUCH'S MICRO DOT, 1692164, female, by Touch's Diamante--Seranoa's On Guard Annie. Klaus Schmidt, owner and handler.

Open Puppy Classic. Front row L-R, Doug Meyer holding Greypointe Que Quiere, Justin Crook with Moore's Last Hurdle and Klaus Schmidt with Touch's Micro Dot. Behind Don Beauchamp, Bob Lais, Greg Gibson and Frank Schoenborn.