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Result: National Red Setter Field Championships

Location: Chandlerville, Illinois

Post Date: Apr 8, 2021

Submitted By: Ed Liermann

Rescheduling and improvisation have been a consistent part of our lives in the past year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Originally slated for mid-March the National Red Setter Club ran the its 2021 National Shooting Dog Championships at the Jim Edgar Panther Creek Wildlife Area April 8-11. The weather was mild at the start of the week and then we had some rain as the trial progressed.

Thanks to Purina for sponsoring this event and all they do for our sport. We also thank Garmin and SportDog for their continued support. We are truly fortunate to have these generous sponsors and the great representatives they send to our trials.

Thanks to the Field Trial Clubs of Illinois and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources the Jim Edgar grounds have continued to improve. After several years of work and planning we welcomed the addition of a clubhouse that was added in the last year a result of a fundraiser supported by the Field Trial Clubs of Illinois.

Also, last year Roger Fiorito built and donated a shed to house birds during the trial, this is a nice addition to the site. And the improvements continue, we were able to heat up some lunch because Terry Tryzinski and Jim Lawless recently committed several days to wire the clubhouse, all we had to do is start the generator. Thanks to all who worked on these improvements.

We were fortunate to have an experienced judging panel all from the State of Illinois. Judges for the Open Shooting Dog Championship and Horseback Puppy Stake were Frank Vicari and Bill Elliott. Judges for the Amateur Shooting Dog Championship, Forty-Seventh Red Setter Futurity, Walking Shooting Dog, Walking Derby and Walking Puppy stakes were Frank Vicari and Stan Williamson.

Open Shooting Dog Championship Winners. From left: Waycross with Dennis Hidalgo and Gratitude with Roger Boser. Standing: Judges Stan Williamson and Frank Vicari

We had a nice entry with many familiar faces and some new friends among the group. Don and Linda Beauchamp, Paul Ober, Terry Feitz, Amy and Jerry Gauthier, Dave and Ashley McCuan (along with the youngest members here pursuing the Purest Challenge), daughters Charlotte and Caroline, Milt and Wendy Shafer, Tom Waite and Andrea Ward, Garth Sellen, Roger Boser, Mike Fox, Jeff Marshall, Dennis Hidalgo, Jay Gaydosh, Mike Harryman and Scott Moore.


The winner, running in the seventh and last brace of the Championship as a bye dog, was eight-year-old Waycross, owned by and handled by Roger Boser of Even Valleys, Pa., ran a nice forward shooting dog race and carded finds at 12, 25 and 50 displaying pleasing style and hunting to the objectives throughout the hour.

Runner-up, running in the third brace was Gratitude, four-year-old male also owned and handled by Roger Boser. Gratitude also had a commendable shooting dog race and notched finds at 8, 18, and 46 and displayed nice stlye on his birds.

Chandlerville, Ill., April 8

Judges: Bill Elliott and Frank Vicari


[One-Hour Heats] -- 13 Irish Setters

Winner--WAYCROSS, 1653133, male, by Justified--Redstone. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.

Runner-Up--GRATITUDE, 1676458, male, by Come Back Cutter--Come Back Doodle. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.


This was a very competitive stake with many dogs that will be heard from down the road. First place went Brook's White Hot Blaze, male owned by Luke Tewes of Bennet, Neb., and handled by Tom Waite. Running in the second brace, Blaze had a big forward race and one handsome find. Second place went to Homestead Lee, male owned and handled by Jeff Marshall and running in the third brace also had a big forward race and one find with nice style.

Third place went to Treadstone, male owned and handled by Roger Boser, running in the first brace had one find with nice style and a nice forward race. Fourth place went to Cedar Creek Magpie, female owned and handled by Scott Moore of Larsen, Wis. Running in the fourth brace she had two finds with nice style and a nice race. As stated earlier this was a quality stake with a lot of talent displayed in each brace and many of these dogs will be seen on the shooting dog circuit.

Judges: Frank Vicari and Stan Williamson


11 Irish Setters

1st--BROOK'S WHITE HOT BLAZE, 1686462, male, by Zansett Simply Red--Lincoln's Steady Brook. Luke Tewes, owner; Tom Waite, handler.

2d--HOMESTEAD LEE, 1687297, male, by Zansett Simply Red--Long White Line. Jeff Marshall, owner and handler.

3d--TREADSTONE, 1688058, male, by Waycross--Stilleto. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.

4th--CEDAR CREEK MAGPIE, 1689219, female, by Cedar Creek Skyline Ace--Cedar Creek Shindig. Scott Moore, owner and handler.


The Open Puppy Stake showed that we have a number of very nice youngsters coming along. Taking first place with a nice forward race was Foxy's Lady Sadie, handled by Tom Waite and owned by Mike Fox. Showing a lot of speed and potential, second place went to Dale Creek Jane's Peep, owned by Andrea Ward and handled by Tom Waite. Cedar Creek Rio, owned and handled by Scott Moore took third place with several nice casts a forward race.

In the Jack Carter Memorial Open Walking Shooting Dog Stake, first place went to Raintree Blue Moon handled by Tom Waite and co-owned by Catherine Lewis and Dean Reinke, with a nice race and one find. Sunsetter Kid Rock, owned and handled by Garth Sellen garnered second place with two finds and a nice race. Third place was withheld.

The Open Walking Derby winner was Brook's White Hot Blaze, handled by Tom Waite and owned by Luke Tewes captured first with a nice forward race and two finds. Owned and Handled by Garth Sellen, Sunsetter Annie Oakley took second with a nice forward race and two finds. Cedar Creek MacArthur Ruby, owned by Milt and Wendy Shafer and handled by Milt, had two nice finds and a forward race to garner third place.

In the Open Walking Puppy Stake, Sunsetter Annie Oakley owned and handled by Garth Sellen showed great potential and had a good forward race to place first. Second place went to Quantonas Reflection, owned by Dave and Ashley McQuan and handled by Dave McQuan Reflection ran well and had a nice forward race. Cedar Creek Asa's Reign owned and handled by Amy Gauthier ran big, covering a lot of ground to earn third place.

Judges: Bill Elliott and Frank Vicari

OPEN PUPPY -- 5 Irish Setters

1st--FOXY'S LADY SADIE, 1691626, female, by Zansett Simply Red--Foxy's Lil Red Missy. Mike Fox, owner; Tom Waite, handler.

2d--DALE CREEK'S JANE'S PEEP, 1692809, female, by Zansett Simply Red--Foxy's Lil Red Missy. Andrea Ward, owner; Tom Waite, handler.

Judges: Frank Vicari and Stan Williamson


9 Irish Setters

1st--RAINTREE BLUE MOON, 1683335, male, by Zansett Simply Red--Foxy's Lil Red Missy. Catherine Lewis & Dean Reinke, owners; Tom Waite, handler.

2d--SUNSETTER KID ROCK, 1678658, male, by Red Rock--Come Back Leah. Garth Sellen, owner and handler.

OPEN DERBY -- 12 Irish Setters

1st--BROOK'S WHITE BLAZE, 1686462, male, by Zansett Simply Red--Lincoln Steady Brook. Luke Tewes, owner; Tom Waite, handler.

2d--SUNSETTER ANNIE OAKLEY, 1692910, female, by S C Simply Irresistible--Silver Creek Jillian. Garth Sellen, owner and handler.

3d--CEDAR CREEK MacARTHUR RUBY, 1687470, female, by Cedar Creek Sixgun--Cedar Creek Ciara. Ed Liermann & Milt Schafer, owners; Milt Schafer, handler.

OPEN PUPPY -- 4 Irish Setters

1st--SUNSETTER ANNIE OAKLEY, 1692910, female, by S C Simply Irresistible--Silver Creek Jillian. Garth Sellen, owner and handler.

2d--QUANTONAS REFLECTION, 1692490, female, by Heiligsepp's Blick--Quantonas Reciprocal. Dave & Ashley McCuan, owners; Dave McCuan, handler.


The Amateur Championship was won by Snowy River's Honest Abe, five-year-old male owned by Chase Verdoorn of Platte City, Mo., and handled by Dennis Hidalgo. Abe had a nice race and a nonproductive at 22, and finds at 38 and 50.

Runner-up Champion was Windfall, seven-year-old male owned and handled by Roger Boser of Seven Valleys, Pa. Windfall had a nice forward race with a back at 22 and three finds at 38, 40 and 45.


CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] -- 12 Irish Setters

Winner--SNOWY RIVER'S HONEST ABE, 1667437, male, by Lincoln Watch That Tail--Cedar Creek Franklin. Chase Verdoorn, owner; Dennis Hidalgo, handler.

Runner-Up--WINDFALL, 1658437, male, by Touchstone--Redstone. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.

Forty-Ninth National Red Setter Futurity Winners Amateur Shooting Dog Championship Winners Open Walking Derby Winners
Jack Carter Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Winners Open Horseback Puppy Winners Open Walking Puppy Winners
Gratitude, Runner-Up in the National Red Setter Open Shooting Dog Championship Windfall, Runner-Up in the National Red Setter Amateur Shooting Dog Championship