Result: United States Quail Shooting Dog Futurity
Location: Hoffman, North Carolina
Post Date: Feb 10, 2021
Submitted By: Margaret C. Drew

Futurity Winners. From left front: Doug Ray with Absolute Dominator, Shawn Kinkelaar with Thunder Bolt's Storm, Jerry Raynor with Browntown Breakaway, and Mark Hughes with Hatteras Storm Surge. Back row: Gretchen Adsit, George Doyle, judge: Jim Emerson, John Adsit, and Jeff Smith, judge.
HOFFMAN, N.C. -- The 2021 United States Quail Shooting Dog Futurity experienced many challenges which affected litter nominations and entries.
The North Carolina FTA changed the date used by the Futurity for over nineteen years which presented a conflict with the National Open Shooting Dog Championship in Union Springs, Ala. It is with gratitude to the Atlantic Coast Championship committee, Bill Faust, John Outlaw and Dave Huffine, that the Futurity was able to run with any kind of an entry. This group agreed for one year not to offer their Derby stake so as to allow time for the Futurity to run so handlers could get to the National Open Shooting Dog Championship for the February 1 start date.
Thank you handlers Jerry Raynor, Shawn Kinkelaar and Doug Ray. Incidentally, it just so happened that those three handlers also drew Monday braces in Alabama.
Obtaining judges is always a challenge; however, this year the COVID-19 Pandemic led to additional challenges. The state of North Carolina had a limit of eight persons inside with masks, preventing dinners and lunch from being served. Second Vice-president Gretchen Adsit provided individual bagged lunches for the judges daily.
All announcements were made outside. This included the presentation of last year's Futurity winner painting by Mary McPherson. Receiving the painting was Sam and Nida Giddens in honor of I'm A Southern Natural. Chairman Gary Miller presented the painting and announced the twelve one-hour callback dogs at the conclusion of Saturday's running.
Judges this year were Jeff Smith of Chase City, Va., and George Doyle of Union Level, Va. It is interesting to note that several persons helping with this Futurity were once trial supporters and helpers in New England. Jeff from New Hampshire, George from Massachusettes, Earl and Margaret Drew from Massachusetts, John and Gretchen Adsit from Vermont. Other Committee members are Chairman Gary Miller, Mike Husentis, Pennsylvania, Roger McPherson, South Carolina and Pennsylvania, Bill McCarthy, Bill Britt, and J. B. Hatcher.
Many thanks to the folks who nominated the 38 litters. From these litters emerged the eventual 48 entries. This year the top sire was Chelsea's Thunder Bolt with five litters, followed by two each by Waybetter Rocky, Stoney Run Buddy, Erin's Redrum, and Fastforward's B K Gunner.
Also it is important to point out litters that had multiple entries: Doug Hinton's Jo Veeta by Black Top had four, with callbacks. Carl Lefler's Broken Hallo ex Rocky River Snow Bird had three, with a callback. Fred Rose's Smokerise Mariah by Stoney Run's Buddy had three entries.
Professional handlers supporting the Futurity included Doug Ray, Shawn Kinkelaar, Jerry Raynor, Phil Stevenson, Calvin Curnette, Tony Bingham, David and Mark Hughes. There were also nine amateur competitors: Garrett Preis, Gary Miller, Sam Giddens, David Huffine, Ben Dillard, Harry Cook, Earl Drew, Warren Parrott, and Roger Duerksen.
The United States Quail Shooting Dog Futurity wishes to thank the breeders, owners, and handlers for their support.
Purina remains a great supporter with ProPan to the four winners, as well as assorted items to give owners and handlers, not to mention their financial help with the ad. This year the keychain sized sanitizer bottles were a big hit, as were the hats.
The Futurity ran the courses in reverse, as has been the custom for several years. DNA kits were handed out to the four winners.
The winner was Absolute Dominator, white and orange pointer male handled by Doug Ray. Absolute Dominator was from a litter bred by Jamie Daniels of Bronwood Ga., and is owned by Joyce and Johnny Taylor of Paron, Ark.
In the initial series, Dominator ran with determination, while showing a flashy gait. He scored a mature find by the old bunker area before finishing his consistent ground race to earn a callback. Absolute Dominator lived up to his name as he dominated this Futurity in the second series with three well spaced perfect finds. As the rain increased in the second series, handler Ray also toweled him periodically to keep him charging the cover. He looked happy and undisturbed by the rain, scoring his three big coveys which he pointed and handled with maturity and pride.
Second place was Thunder Bolt's Storm, white and lemon pointer female with Shawn Kinkelaar. She is owned and bred by Dr. Thomas Jackson of Columbus, Ind., from a litter by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt out of Lady Underall. Storm was always to the front in classy style and powerful ground appeal. She was only the second dog to score two finds in the first series. Both finds were tall and a pleasure to see. Owner Dr. Tom Jackson was present to cheer her on. His wife was attending her first trial; however, I am not sure she got to watch the brace.
In the second series Thunder Bolt's Storm reached forward with classy style while searching the sides with determination. During her hour she had an unproductive, a find and a stop to flush.
Third place went to Audie Brown's white and orange pointer male Browntown Breakaway, handled by Jerry Raynor. Browntown came from a breeding between B K Whynot Handous and Fastforward's B K Gunner bred by Sergio Valez. Browntown Breakaway displayed a snappy gait and cast frequently through the open woods to pop out to the front. Just before pickup in the first series, he was found hesitantly standing with handler producing quail.
In the second series, Browntown Breakaway got down to business immediately, moving forward to round the corner and head toward the east. Handler pointed him out to the judges on several occasions. Point was called at 29 for an off-course stand; however, handler could not put birds to flight and a relocation attempt came up empty. He had a good shooting dog race, hunted to objectives, a few lateral casts; however, definitely a dog you would want to take home.
Fourth place was awarded to Hatteras Storm Surge, white and tan setter male owned by Jett Ferebee of Greenville, N.C., who had been present to watch as handler Doug Ray whistled him in both series. Storm Surge had a stop to flush at 6, with bracemate approaching to stop for a back by command in the first series. Just before his thirty minutes were up Hatteras Storm Surge scored a solid covey find. Storm Surge ranged with appropriately in the thirty minutes.
Hatteras Storm Surge is one of four littermates from a setter litter sired by Black Top ex Jo Veeta, bred by Doug Hinton.
In this hour series, Storm Surge covered the ground with consistency in range and despite the rain did not alter his eye-appealing cadence. He had an unproductive about 30 minutes and a stop to flush just before the hour expired. (All these dogs from the Black Top--Jo Veeta litter gave the judges and gallery something to look at with good ground patterns, style and often bird work. Breeder Doug Hinton was in the hospital recovery from COVID-19 at the beginning of the Futurity; however, he was at home and feeling better when I called and spoke to him after the trial.)
The opening brace was Double Deuce Pearl, pointer female, with Hall of Fame handler Dave Hughes, and Willow's Silver River, pointer female, handled by Phil Stevenson. Owner Randy Witt was present to watch Silver River. This pair was forward in brisk 27 . Double Deuce Pearl remained forward at a medium range showing good style on point during the shared unproductive at 17. Silver River put down a ranging race, often needing the assistance of scout.
In brace No. 2, Shawn Kinkelaar had pointer male Upfront's McQuade, paired with Lone Tree Doc, pointer male (Phil Stevenson). McQuade moved well with bracemate, both looking promising. His half hour overall range was appropriate, although inconsistent in application. Lone Tree Doc had a lengthy absence and required a location devise at pickup. Doc's breeder, Carl Lefler, was present to evaluate his performance.
Hatteras Storm Surge had a stop to flush at 6, bracemate approaching to stop for a back by command. Bracemate was Rum on the Rocks, pointer male (Mark Hughes). Just before his thirty minutes were up Storm Surge scored a solid covey find. Both dogs complemented each other as they covered the long field adjacent to Derby Road. Storm Surge ranged with more distance, while Rocks covered the ground stylishly at a medium range.
Yeocomico Captain Kinsale, pointer male owned handled by Garrett Preis, was scratched. Browntown Breakaway, pointer male (Jerry Raynor) displayed a snappy gait and cast frequently through the open woods to pop out to the front. Just before pickup he was found standing hesitantly with handler producing quail.
No. 5 had Thunder's Wild Agin, pointer female (Kinkelaar) with Merritt's Hitch, setter under the guidance of Calvin Curnette. Wild Agin was quickly off the breakaway and cast far to the right. Scout was dispatched, although at 17 Kinkelaar took a location device. Hitch is an animated and very white setter genetically from the late Terry Merritt's kennel. He covers the ground at a close range, although very animated and classy. At 20 she bumped a large covey and gave chase, again at 25 making game she stopped briefly, although only tweety birds were seen as she moved on.
In No. 6, Calvin Curnette had pointer male Greypointe Ponderosa with Walden Ridge Wicked Dreams, pointer male bred and owned by David Steele, who was mounted to watch Doug Ray handle. This twosome showed promising speed and style off the breakaway. Ponderosa was watered at 15. We watched both dogs march down the long field before the brook. Ponderosa had a medium race, while Wicked Dreams soon realized he had racing shoes on, reaching further and further until a location device returned him to the dog wagon. Ponderosa was down for his 30 minutes.
Pointer male Lefever, bred, owned and handled by Gary Miller, was drawn with pointer female Lone Tree Rebe (Stevenson). This pair promised to keep us all alert; however, by 15 Stevenson chose to return his charge to the dog wagon. Lefever hunted appropriately with good casts, and good style; however, his half hour ended with an unproductive. At 25 we found him standing along the edge of the road crossing, looking pretty sure of himself. Despite a relocation request, as time elapsed, an unproductive here.
I'm Southern Man, setter male with owner-handler Sam Giddens, and Anna Lake Samantha, pointer female (Dave Hughes). This pair of orange and white setters covered the ground in a clean windshield wiper pattern. Each had an unproductive, one at 15 and one at 19. Hughes' Samantha hunted closely while I'm Southern Man ranged moderately for Giddens.
In No. 9 were Benchmark, setter male (Doug Ray) with Sweet Grass Slim, setter male owned and handled by David Huffine. Slim is from a local field trial veteran Mills Hodge's continued breeding program. Last year's Futurity also had one of Mills' bred dogs called back. Benchmark's is owner Jett Ferebee was in attendance.
Benchmark covered a lot of ground with much scouting required and at times sharp commands by handler. His style and power on the ground cannot be overlooked. At 24 Benchmark scored a large covey along a field edge as we crossed the road and headed back toward the clubhouse on course 2. Sweet Grass Slim was seen infrequently, although ahead when we could see his fancy footwork.
Doug Ray had Cape Point Lucky Strike with I'm Southern Smoke (Sammy Giddens). This pair of white and black setter males are littermates, both showing range and biddability, although neither pointed birds.
No. 11 had Matt Phillips on the wagon to watch the dog he bred and owns, setter male Ignite the Night (Mark Hughes). Ben Dillard from Maryland was in attendance to handle his setter male Bozeann's Rex, which he had also bred. This pair was spirited and eager to get down to work. Ignite the Night, a black and white setter and Rex, a mostly white setter with some orange, could not contain their excitement, each giving chase when coveys were located.
The last brace of opening day. Phil Stevenson handling pointer male Pistol in My Pocket, and Shawn Kinkelaar with pointer female Chelsea's Fancy Free. Your reporter missed this brace; however, the judges reported that this brace had the two best races of the day, both dogs forward, classy, hunting to objectives; however, with no quail contact would likely be called back. This brace was paraphrased by the judges as the perfect storm with style, range and cooperation with handlers.
Opening day two, No. 13, found Rock'N Rolls Back in Black, pointer male owned by Harry Cook who was scouting for handler Tony Bingham, and West Wind Big Jake, pointer female (Mark Hughes ). Back in Black gave the judges a race with a challenge in ranging so that he was seen infrequently. He happily barked during his 30 minutes, although scored no quail contact. Bracemate Big Jake put down a solid race, with appropriate range, while exhibiting a fancy gait and happy to be hunting.
In No.14, Absolute Dominator ran with determination, while showing a flashy gait. He scored a mature find by the old bunker area before finishing his consistent ground race to earn a callback. Bracemate Red Rum Rosie, pointer female (Mark Hughes), covered the course with good eye appeal; however, today did not reach for course objectives according to judges.
Noname Emma, pointer with owner-handler Earl Drew, and Smokerise Hannah, pointer female (Tony Bingham). Emma gave the judges a snappy always forward race, scoring one perfect covey find, and an unproductive shortly after. Emma and bracemate took the right edge of the long field adjacent to Derby Road. Smokerise Hannah had a good medium ranged race with one unproductive.
Shawn Kinkelaar with pointer male Lewis Thunder Struck and Warren Parrott with B K Deighton's Jewel. These two Derbies had matching classy races which pushed the medium range upward while reaching forward. Deighton's Jewel scored an unproductive, which was backed by bracemate Thunder Struck.
In No. 17, pointer male Mohawk Mill Silver Chief ran as a bye after setter female Island Fantasy was scratched at the last minute by her owner after he had given her to a family member. Silver Chief is owned by and was handled by Harry Cook which broke away on course No. 5. Silver Chief started out well, moving forward while showing his good tail animation as he made sweeping casts. Not having a bracemate he did not reach outward, although he did thoroughly cover a feed strip where birds had been flown just the day before. Not responding to handler to move forward from this area, he was taken to the dog wagon early.
Southpoint's Sledgehammer, pointer male, had his breeder-owner Whitley Stephenson in the gallery to watch and scout as Phil Stevenson handled the dog, with Palmetto's Rum Runner, pointer male owned and handled by Rodney Poston. This pair of sharp looking pointers reached forward, stretching to both sides of the course. Both required scout assistance to keep to the front. Sledgehammer had a long absence and I think was gone as time was called. Rum Runner is powerful on the ground, scored one solid and sure point buried in the deep feed strip of season grasses; however, no birds were flown. As time was called his second absence was approaching 9 minutes.
Owner-handler Roger Duerksen arrived for brace No. 19 with pointer male High Heat; however, High Heat did not adapt to the Hoffman grounds well, reaching wide on lengthy casts, leading to an early pickup. Bracemate Thunder Bolt's Storm (Shawn Kinkelaar) was always to the front in classy style and powerful ground appeal. She was only the second dog to score two finds. Both of her finds were tall and a pleasure to see. Her owner and breeder Dr. Tom Jackson was present to cheer her on.
Brace No. 20 found both owners present to watch their dogs. Hatteras Rip Tide, setter owned by Jett Ferebee, was handled Doug Ray, and Rocky River Wild Agin, pointer male was bred by and is owned by Carl Lefler, handled by Phil Stevenson. Rip Tide rendered a fast forward race, always well to the front. After crossing the road below the clubhouse, he scored one covey find. Rocky River Wild Agin made his way around the course in a spiral pattern, with no bird contact, although he certainly did try, by suffered two unproductives.
In No. 21, Tony Bingham with pointer male Smokerise Jake, and Doug Ray with setter male Hatteras Sand Storm. Jake was independent from the first blast of the whistle, reaching distantly to the front with speed and determination. Despite being a little difficult to handle, Jake did establish a nice stand, although no birds were flown. Sand Storm covered the course with wide, swinging sweeps, required a little scouting and suffered an unproductive near the old candy tree clearing. Both handler and judge were on the ground deep in the plum brambles with no success in locating game. This relocation attempt produced nothing.
Hirollins B K Frankenstein, pointer male owned and handler Warren Parrott, was braced with pointer male Hillside Gus (Phil Stevenson). Owner Randy Witt was present to watch and transport Gus. Frankenstein marched along the course with fancy style, hitting the appropriate spots for quail; however, he did not stop when on two occasions birds were seen lifting. (This report stated by a judge as I was too far back to see where the dog was at those times.) Hillside Gus presented a good sense of where he might find birds, carried himself with a good gait and stood attentively for an unproductive. His range adapting to cover in the upper edge of medium.
No. 23: Smokerise Bull, pointer male (Bingham) and Phil Stevenson handling pointer female Lone Tree Rose. Of the three littermates running with the Smokerise prefix, Bull displayed a powerful ground gait, with good style and range. After a pair of unproductives, Bingham picked him up. Lone Tree Rose left the breakaway with ample intention; however, seemed not on target today and after 15 minutes Stevenson returned her to the dog wagon.
Owner-handler Warren Parrott reappeared in No. 24 with Hirollins BK Don't Juno, braced with Hard Truth (Doug Ray). These two white and orange pointers demanded everyone's attention, as they were closely matched in coloring. Juno a little more white and his body a little fuller with a long stride. During this 30 minutes a covey and then three quail were seen lifting with no dog in the vicinity. Hard Truth searched the areas where birds should have been available, locking up at time, but no birds being flown.
The judges selected twelve dogs from the original 48 to run in hour callbacks. They selected dogs which had style in hopes to see if they could maintain an hour of hunting. Also selected were those with and without bird work.
Beginning on Sunday morning, with the promise of rain, we broke away at 8 a.m.
Browntown Breakaway was covered with the winners. Greypoint Ponderosa matched his bracemate's range and positive search. One judge commented that he preferred Greypoint's gait and rhythm, although he scored no quail finds in either series.
White and orange setters Hatteras Storm Surge and Sweet Grass Slim covered the ground thoroughly, with Storm Surge glancing toward handler a few times, while high floating Slim swung wider and wider until he caught an edge and was gone. He was located via a mechanical devise. Storm Surge is covered with the winners.
Hillside Gus has several big body spots, which makes watching him a little easier to track. His race was wide, a little inconsistent, although he did score a find. Hatteras Rip Tide made a wrong turn and was returned via a locating devise with time still on the clock.
No. 4 had two dogs that the judges had declared from the first series the kind of dogs you want to take home, Pistol in My Pocket and Chelsea's Fancy Free. This pair started their hour as if to defend their reputation from Friday; however, when their paths kept crossing and movement became more lateral Fancy Free was leashed. Shortly thereafter Pistol in my Pocket was also up. (Pistol in My Pocket was from the litter Broken Hallo ex Rocky River Snow Bird, bred by Carl Lefler had three littermates entered in this futurity with promising results. See the running order to check out the entries.)
With the rain once again increasing, No. 5 was readied. Thunder Bolt's Storm is covered with the winners. B K Deighton's Jewel ran a good race as she reached into the cover for game. She had a divided find with bracemate and a back, her poise in the rain was that of insecurity.
The sixth and final brace of the Fifty-Seventh Quail Futurity was Lewis Thunder Struck and Absolute Dominator. Dominator's effort was covered with winners. After 45 good minutes of hunting with style to spare, Thunder Struck began to check with handler who quickly took a towel from his saddle and rubbed the dog down. Thunder Struck had an unproductive at 50; following a discussion with the judges he was rubbed down and put in the dog boxes where dry hay awaited him.
Hoffman, N. C., January 29
Judges: George Doyle and Jeff Smith
FUTURITY [Thirty-Minute Qualifying Series;
One-Hour Finals] -- 36 Pointers and 12 Setters
1st--ABSOLUTE DOMINATOR, 1686566, pointer male, by Erin's Redrum--Pearl Again. Johnny & Joyce Taylor, owners; Doug Ray, handler.
2d--THUNDER BOLT'S STORM, 1684304, pointer female, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt--Lacey Underall. Dr. Thomas Jackson, owner; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler.
3d--BROWNTOWN BREAKAWAY, 1690829, pointer male, by Fastforward's B K Gunner--B K Whynot Handous. Audie Brown, owner; Jerry Raynor, handler.
4th--HATTERAS STORM SURGE, 1690469, setter male, by Black Top--Jo Veeta. Jett Ferebee, owner; Doug Ray, handler.

Painting Presentation. Futurity Chairman Gary Miller (left) with painting of 2020 Futurity winner I'm A Southern Natural, and owners Sammy and Nida Giddens.