Result: Sunflower State Open Shooting Dog Championship
Location: Elk City, Kansas
Post Date: Dec 12, 2019
Submitted By: David Merritt

Sunflower Championship Winners. Front (l-r): In Swami's Shadow with Eddy Taylor and L F Dyno Mike with Virgil Moore. Behind: Eddie Berendzen and Nathan Berendzen, the judges.
ELK CITY, KAN. -- The Flint Hills Field Trial Club hosted the 31st running of the Sunflower State Open Shooting Dog Championship and the 5th running of the Marvin McDowell Derby Classic.
The Sunflower State started in 1988 and was held at Howard, Kan. Marvin McDowell was trial chairman and Richard L. Reid, secretary. Individuals helping were Red Crupper, dog wagon; Jake Kirkland, Bill Litner, Ron Driscoll, Maurice VanLerberg, Jim Maxwell, Gordon Shaw and Mike Lyons.
Champion of this stake was Gerke's May Roll, pointer female by Pork Roll ex Gerke's Hot Stuff. She was bred by Rayburn (Butch) Gerke of Navasota, Tex., and owned by Buzz Calkins; Gordon Hazlewood handled.
Elhew Fast Express, pointer male owned by Dr. Jim and Betty Haisten and handled by Jack Herriage, was the runner-up. Sixty-one dogs were entered.
They ran the Kansas Open All-Age Classic with 22 dogs entered and the Kansas Open Derby Classic with 14 entered. They also ran an Amateur All-Age (12 dogs), Amateur Shooting Dog (34 dogs) and an Amateur Derby (10 dogs).
The winner of the 2019 Sunflower State Open Shooting Dog Championship was In Swami's Shadow, seven-year-old white and orange pointer female owned by Bill and Mary Sand of Moline, Ill. She was handled by Shawn Kinkelaar. Named runner-up was L F Dyno Mike, white and orange pointer male owned by Brad Bates of Midland, Tex., and handled by Virgil Moore.
The Championship had 44 dogs competing in weather typical of Kansas, warm some days and cold and rainy others. We lost one day due to the cold and rain. Bird work was at a premium on some of the days. It was the luck of the draw.
A big thank you goes to Bill Westfall and family for allowing the use of the Westfall Brothers Ranch. These are some of the best grounds in Kansas. Five or six coveys of wild birds were seen and no armadillos.
Thank you to Bill and ranch manager Chuck Cantfield for the use of the truck and trailer to haul horses to the starting point and a vehicle to plant birds.
Thank you also to Randy Wilson for doing the dog wagon. He was always on time and where he needed to be.
Ivan Breckenridge was again chief cook and bottle washer. Ivan always feeds us well. He had ham and beans and cornbread, stew and goulash, ham sandwiches for lunch. Supper Thursday night was fish and fries cooked by Harold Gearhart and Ivan; this was a big hit. We had steak, baked potatoes and salad on Wednesday furnished by Upfront's Southern Star and handler Shawn Kinkelaar.
Judges this year were Eddie and Nathan Berendzen of Higbee, Mo. This father and son team did a fine job of looking at all of the dogs. The placements were all well received.
Luke Topp and Harold Gearhart marshalled and opened/closed gates all day, every day, rain or shine. And it did rain as we started the afternoon brace Tuesday. The longer we went the more it rained. The temperature went down some and it took its toll on some of the dogs. Wednesday was a complete wash- out as it rained all day.
Handlers this year were Harold Gearhart, Shawn Kinkelaar, Eddy Smith, Eddy Taylor, Justin Crook, Virgil Moore and Chuck Stretz. Also, we need to thank the owners who foot the bills and allow these fine handlers to keep and run their dogs.
Thank you to Purina for all the help they give, not only this trial, but to the entire field trial community. Without this help of sponsors like Purina it would be hard to put on our trials.
The Derby Classic saw eight hopefuls compete. All were placed on race.
The winner was S S S Lightning, pointer female owned by R. A. Snipes, Jr. of Aspermont, Tex., and handled by Shawn Kinkelaar. Second was Fast Money, pointer female owned by C. W. and Patty Moore of Toronto, Kan., and handled by Justin Crook. Third was Sugar Plum, pointer female owned by Dr. Gene Spiotta of Germantown, Tenn., and handled by Eddy Taylor.
Elk City, Kan., October 28
Judges: Eddie Berendzen and Nathan Berendzen
MARVIN MCDOWELL DERBY CLASSIC -- 7 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--S S S LIGHTNING, 1684478, pointer female, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt--S S S Jill. R. A. Snipes, Jr., owner; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler.
2d--FAST MONEY, 1681232, pointer female, by Stash The Cash--Lester's Speed Queen. C. W. & Patty Moore, owners; Justin Crook, handler
3d--SUGAR PLUM, pointer female, reg. applied for. Dr. Gene Spiotta, owner; Eddy Taylor, handler.

Open Derby Winners. Front (l-r): Sugar Plum with Eddy Taylor, Fast Money with Justin Crook and S S S Lightning with Virgil Moore and Shawn Kinkelaar. Behind: Judge Eddie Berendzen, C. W. "Bud" Moore and Judge Nathan Berendzen.
Monday afternoon the first brace was turned loose -- Ninnescah Ranger (Gearhart) and Chelsea's Thunder Bolt (Kinkelaar). Ranger had two unproductives and was up at 40. Thunder Bolt had a find at 20 and finished the hour.
Hale's Southern Touch (Kinkelaar) and Mike (Eddy Smith) were up early.
Topp's Hackberry's Cesar Ice (Gearhart) and Big Hurt (Taylor) did not finish the hour. Flint Ridge Jake (Crook) was up early with two unproductives. Jacked Up Jasper (Moore) had a find at 20 and finished the hour.
Tuesday morning was cloudy and 45 . Two Fingers Neat (Moore) and R J (Smith) were down at 8:30 a. m. Two Fingers had an unproductive at 45 and finished with a nice race. R J had two unproductives and was up at 30.
Purpleline Casper (Stretz) had a nice race and a find at 55. Deicer (Kinkelaar) was credited with a good race but was up at 45.
Silver W Jill Z (Kinkelaar) and Western's Outta Sight (Gearhart) carded a divided find at 20. Jill had another find at 40 and finished with a shooting dog race. Outta Sight had an adequate race.
As we started the afternoon brace with Calen Martin Excaliber (Stretz) and Hale's Kickstarter (Taylor) it started to rain. Excaliber was picked up early. Kickstarter had two finds at 15 and at 35. The cold rain and wind seemed to take its toll on Kickstarter as he shortened, but finished the hour.
The ninth brace saw the rain continuing for Haile's High Flyer (Taylor) and Double Ransom (Stretz). High Flyer was up early. Ransom had a find at 35 but didn't finish the hour. Grand River Bess (Stretz) and Shag Time Scout (Kinkelaar) ran in the rain. Both were picked up at 45. In No. 10.
Wednesday was a complete washout with cold wind, 35 and rain. Not fit for man or beast.
Thursday was a better day; it was cold but no rain.
The eleventh brace was down at 8:15. Super Natural (C. Moore) had an unproductive. Pure Gossip was not pleasing Stretz. Both were up early. Anchor Dawn Sunny Mike (Gearhart) and Spiotta Ice Breaker (Taylor) were both picked up early in No. 12.
Ninnescah Cooper (Gearhart) and L F Dyno Mike (Moore) had a divided find at 20. Mike added two more finds at 29 and 57. Mike had a good shooting dog race to win the runner-up spot. Cooper finished with no more birds.
Objective (Crook) was scratched. In Swami's Shadow (Kinkelaar) had the course to herself. She had finds at 24, 46 and 59 with a real nice up front race to garner the championship win. White Knight Proof (Stretz) and Tug of War (Kinkelaar) were both picked up at 40.
Friday morning it was 35 and sunny.
Jayhawk Jailbreak (Moore) and Touch's Big Whiskey (Stretz) were both up early. Hackberry Ice Chip (Gearhart) was up at 30. Ridge Creek Kate (Kinkelaar) was up at 35.
Zorro (Kinkelaar) and Hackberry Danica (Gearhart) were loosed at 8:45 for the eighteenth brace Friday morning. Both dogs were gone at 35, and both handlers asked for retrieval devices.
Upfront's Southern Star (Kinkelaar) and World Class Chief (Moore) were putting down good races but were up at 45. G R Gun Smoke (Kinkelaar) was picked up at 55. Real Truth (Stretz) was lost at 30.
Boumeester's Bar None (Stretz) had a good race going but was up early. Storm Warning (Kinkelaar) was also up early. Princes Di (Kinkelaar) and Topp's First Junior (Gearhart) were an abbreviated brace when both dogs were picked up early.
[One-Hour Heats] -- 41 Pointers and 3 Setters
Winner--IN SWAMI'S SHADOW, 1647249, pointer female, by In The Shadow--Swami's Sequel. Bill & Mary Sand, owners; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler.
Runner-Up--L F DYNO MIKE, 1647559, pointer male, by Miller's Happy Jack--Muddy Water Kate. Brad Bates, owner; Virgil Moore, handler.