Result: Atlantic Coast Open Shooting Dog Championship
Location: Hoffman, North Carolina
Post Date: Mar 29, 2019
Submitted By: Carolyn Quinn

Championship Winners. From left: Zorra with John Outlaw and Urban Fantasy with Jerry Raynor. The respective handlers are standing behind, Shawn Kinkelaar (at far left) and Matt Basilone (far right), joined by the judges, officials and well wihsers.
HOFFMAN, N. C. -- By 2:00 on Monday afternoon, the afternoon dogs were loaded on the wagon, riders mounted and Chelsea's Thunder Bolt, pointer male handled by Kinkelaar, and Lily Oncee, setter female handled by Littlejohn, were released from the start of course No. 4, directly behind the clubhouse/barn area. The 2019 Atlantic Coast Open Shooting Dog Championship was in motion.
Thunder Bolt put down a nice forward race, looping from the right and left, moving forward in an effort to find birds; however, his results were unproductive. Littlejohn requested the retrieval unit at 40. With the afternoon winds blowing at 20 mph, the running retained the chill of the January day.
By 3:15 p. m., the trial was moving from course No. 4 into No. 5 in the bowling alley area. Pands Lady Jane, in season pointer female handled by Browder, was paired with R J's Deicer, pointer female handled by Kinkelaar. Lady had two finds, one divided, and although she showed a medium race, she came up short of what the judges were looking for. Deicer's style was good. This brace would be the final one of the day. Tuesday's forecast was sunny, with temperatures in the low 20s.
On Tuesday morning, January 22, Jayhawk's Thunder, pointer male handled by Basilone, and Sandwood Creek, pointer female handled by Jerry Raynor, were on the line on course No. 1 at 8:00 a. m. The temperature was 20 . Sandwood Creek put down a nice race. No finds were noted by either dog.
Course No. 2, temperature 25 . Ridge Creek Kate, setter female handled by Kinkelaar, and Merritt's Hope, also a setter female, handled by Curnutte, were off at 9:16. With the wind chill factor of 20 , the dogs were off with good strides. Ridge Creek Kate had one find but was picked up when she moved for birds. Merritt's Hope had two finds, one unproductive. This was a short brace.
Course No. 3. Backcountry Tornado, pointer female handled by owner Catanzarite, and Steel City Alabama, pointer male handled by Basilone. Tornado was picked up as she was out of the judges' sight past the allotted time frame.
Course No. 4 was started behind the clubhouse at 1:13 p. m. with the temperatures reaching 38 . Big Time Boy, pointer male, was braced with American Pharoah, pointer male, during the sixth brace of the event. Boy (Browder) had two unproductives, as well as Pharoah, which were picked up.
Course No. 5 began at 2:05, with the afternoon temperature finally in the 40s. Brace No. 7 was Southern Touch, pointer female handled by Kinkelaar, paired with Hirollins Talkin Smack, pointer male that also was a Derby entry, handled by Tobiassen. Southern Touch had one find. Smack had a nice forward race.
By the time the 5th brace was started the group was out to the bear trap and moving into the bowling alley area. Glassilaun War Paint, pointer male handled by Tobiassen, and Hoos English Ivy, setter male handled by Basilone, had nice forward races, with occasional loops back, but no bird work.
The galley consisted of eight riders for the conclusion of the Tuesday braces.
Wednesday morning, another cold day at the Hoffman grounds, began at 8:03 a. m. with the temperature of 34 . Deerfield Game, pointer male handled by Basilone, and Caladen's Davinci, pointer male handled by Raynor, were off with a great start. Both dogs were pushing forward but neither dog was able to find birds before they were picked up.
With only three more braces and the current brace ending prematurely, the judges decided that the Championship would continue and forego stopping for lunch.
The tenth brace began at 9 a. m. with Merritt's Bear, setter male handled by Curnutte, and Zorra, pointer female handled by Kinkelaar. This brace resulted in a long race, with casting in the right places. Zorra had good style with one find. Bird work was topnotch.
Brace No. 11. Southern Star, pointer female handled by Kinkelaar, was braced with Bittersweet War Cry, pointer male handled by Tobiassen. Both dogs were picked up.
The final brace of the event was started at the end of course No. 2 from the soldier camp area. Since no lunch was to be served, the gallery spent a few extra minutes in conversation and enjoying coffee and cookies.
Urban Fantasy, pointer male handled by Basilone, put down a medium race with one find. and In Swami's Shadow, pointer female handled by Kinkelaar. had an unproductive but provided a nice race. This brace finished at the end of the Curry field at 11:20 a. m.
Everyone returned to the clubhouse to learn the winners of the 2019 Atlantic Coast Open Shooting Dog Championship. The championship title was awarded to Zorra, pointer female; runner-up was awarded to Urban Fantasy, pointer male handled by Basilone.
Congratulations were expressed to those participating, as well as Larry the dog wagon driver and both judges.
A barbecue dinner was given on Tuesday night and lunch was provided in the usual southern manner with southern comfort foods.
Hoffman, N. C., January 21
Judges: Randy Bradshaw and Larry Cox
[One-Hour Heats] -- 18 Pointers and 6 Setters
Winner--ZORRA, 1655814, pointer female, by Elhew Sinbad--Shotgun Kitty Hawk. Ron Prewitt, owner; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler.
Runner-Up--URBAN FANTASY, 1656623, pointer male, by Erin's Stone Cutter--A Whiskey Lullaby. Troy Terlizzi, owner; Matt Basilone, handler.
M. C. Sanderson Memorial Open Derby
Monday, January 21, proved to be the coldest day of January with temperatures in the teens for the beginning of the Atlantic Coast Trials. This event was held at the Robert Gordon Field Trial grounds in Hoffman, N. C.
Judges Randy Bradshaw and Larry Cox, along with longtime field trial organizer Bill Faust were on the line ready at course No. 1 at 8:00 a. m. Bill provided a few words of history, blessed the day's events and turned the program over to the judges.
Off the line at 8:10 were Hirollins Talkin Smack, pointer male handled by Tobiassen. Smack rendered a medium race with the first find of the trial shortly into this 30-minute brace. Smack was braced with Dan, also a pointer male, handled by Browder.
Hyhope Clipper, pointer male handled by Basilone, and Giddy Up Girl, pointer female handled by Calvin Curnutte, were off to a fine start by 8:53. The temperatures was now 23 with a slight breeze blowing. Giddy Up Girl showed a nice forward race.
Brace No. 3 started at 9:32 on course No. 2 -- pointer male Just Deerfield, handled by Basilone, and Bittersweet War Cry, handled by Tobiassen. Bittersweet rendered a nice race, with the tendency to yo-yo throughout the course. Deerfield required a bit more handling. By 9:48 the Derbies were passing the hitching post, with riders looking forward to hot coffee and an assortment of cookies provided by Larry McDonald, the trusted dog wagon driver. Special thanks to Larry. He is spot on with the wagon, dogs and goodies. By now the temperature had finally reached 25 .
The fourth brace began at the soldier camp. Rocking Rebel Cil, pointer female handled by John Outlaw, and Shagtime Zee, setter female handled by Curnutte. Both dogs found and backed each other on one occasion.
Smoke N Mirrors, pointer male handled by Basilone, and Browntown Man, setter male handled by Jerry Raynor, were next. By this time the Derbies were located at the back side of the field beyond the soldier camp. Smoke N Mirrors provided a tight race. Browntown was picked up.
With respect to the soldier camp, we were heavily occupied with soldiers and strategic planning from the soldiers from Fort Bragg during this event.
Next up was Cash, pointer male handled by Sammy Giddens, paired with Erin's Battle Cry, pointer male handled by Jerry Raynor. Both dogs looked good on the ground. Battle Cry advanced with a good forward race.
With only one brace left in the Derby, the judges decided to complete the stake before lunch. This would give an extra few minutes of noon break, lunch and to find out who the winners were.
The final brace of the Derby was Cairds War Train, pointer male handled by Curnutte, and Alley Cat, setter female handled by Giddens.
The M. C. Sanderson Memorial Open Derby was completed by 12:38. As riders were happy with the morning's events, they were looking forward to a few minutes out of the saddle for a good hot meal and a warm clubhouse. Hot chicken and rice soup, an assortment of sandwiches, fruit salad and homemade coconut cake were welcomed by those in attendance.
OPEN DERBY -- 12 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st--HIROLLINS TALKIN SMACK, 1678552, pointer male, by Fastforward's B K Gunner--Wiggins Miss Stella. Warren Parrott, owner; Toby Tobiassen, handler.
2d--GIDDY UP GIRL, 1676918, pointer female, by Wiggins War Trace--Wiggins Snow Princess. Todd Williams, owner; Jerry Raynor, handler.
3d--ERIN'S BATTLE CRY, 1675085, pointer male, by Erin's Redrum--Three Stripe's Jewel. Dennis & Hope Beauford, owners; Jerry Raynor, handler.

Open Derby Winners. In foreground, from left: Hirollins Talkin Smack with Toby Tobiassen, Giddy Up Girl with Calvin Curnutte and Erin's Battle Cry with Jerry Raynor. Joined by the judges, trial offiials and participants.