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Result: National German Pointing Dog Championships

Location: Pickneyville, Illinois

Post Date: May 29, 2019

Submitted By: Diane Rakers


Open Shooting Dog Championship Winners. From left: Rich Heller, Dan DiMambro with Riden High Rudy, Judge Tom Oswald, April Raber with Evergreen's Jed, Judge Chris Young and Tom Davis.
PINCKNEYVILLE, ILL. -- The National German Pointing Dog Association (NGPDA) Championships were held at Pyramid State Park, Demark Unit, in Southern Illinois. It was the 64th year for these Championships -- the 64th National Championship, 51st National Shooting Dog Championship, 51st National Derby and the 40th National Amateur Shooting Dog Championship.

In 2020, we will start the All Breed on or around March 2. This is a little bit later than normal, so mark your calendars.

The park has three courses on the Demark unit. Course No. 1 was not used due to the crossing not being safe. Southern Illinois showed she was not quite ready for spring. We had some rainy, windy, chilly weather for this trial. Thank you to Jack Marchese for donating the Saturday lunch and Bob Salamone and Mike Kindler for helping to prepare it. We also want to thank Dan DiMambro and April Raber for donating a couple of suppers. Thanks to Diane for taking care of all the lunches and organization. Once again the amateur dinner was sponsored by Purina. It was a fun night and everyone enjoyed themselves. Thank you to Rick Heller and Diane Rakers for organizing the raffle auction.

We continue to make improvements on the new building and grounds. This year we enjoyed electricity throughout the parking lot. Donations are tax deductible and will be used to improve the Denmark site at Pyramid State Park. For more information on making a donation you can email Diane at We have always had premium trialing grounds here in Southern Illinois. Now we have a facility that will only improve on what we can provide for the future.

This trial would not be possible without our sponsors. We would like to extend our gratitude to Purina, SportDog and Mud River. Also a shout out to our Purina representative Terry Trzcinski and SportDog representative Jim Morehouse who attended and have shown a great commitment to our sport. Thanks to Mud River for your donations and discounts. Without their help our dog trial would not be the same. Please support these companies.

A big thank you to the bird planters, Dan DiMambro, Peter Coppens, Chris Young and Rick Heller. Also thanks to Tom Davis, Peter Coppens, Tom Oswald and everyone for taking turns with the dog wagon and horse wagon. Everything runs great when the dogs/horses are at the line and ready to go on time. A national event doesn't work unless you have a lot of volunteer help from everyone. We appreciate the pros, amateurs, and all who attended the trial this year. Lastly, thank you to Diane Rakers, Dan DiMambro and Chris Young on a combined effort to get this write-up completed.

National OPEN Shooting Dog Championship Winners

We started the National Open Shooting Dog on Sunday, March 10. In the judging saddles were Chris Young of Rochester, Pa., and Tom Oswald of Winnsboro, S. C. Both men have years of loving, running and training bird dogs. We thank both of them for their time and capable judging abilities. Rick Heller and Peter Coppens served as stake managers. Thank you all for your time and dedication. We had 21 dogs.

This 2019 National Shooting Championship was won by Riden High Rudy, male owned by Ray Nelson of Rio Linda, Cal., and handled by Dan DiMambro, which drew the 5th brace. Rudy had his first find at 5 with his bracemate Reggie backing. A good cast through the pasture bottom, he disappeared and was found standing at 17 with excellent manners. Rudy went on to card three more excellent finds in the hour with high style and manners on all his birds. He finished the hour in the same fashion he started, very strong and consistent. A good finish was the icing on the excellent performance.

Competing in the second brace was runner-up Evergreen's Jed, owned by Lance Olsen of Sherwood, Wis., and handled by Dan DiMambro. This young male pushed the winner's spot with a very consistent shooting dog race. Jed had four very nice finds at 17, 38, 46 and 51 and showed impeccable manners and intensity on all of his finds. He ran with excellent purpose, style on his birds and handled easily to the front for the hour.


Windy City's Last Laugh, owned by Bill Larson and handled by Barber, and Hi N's Matilda, owned by Hank Lewis and handled by DiMambro. Both dogs were off to fast starts with "Matte" carding a find at 4 which she handled with style and proper manners. She went on to card a second find at 34 with everything in order. However, after this flush she became hard handle, but finished the hour with another divided find and a back. Last Laugh ran a moderate and inconsistent forward race and carded two divided finds at 42 and 54 with all manners in order and had a third find at 59.

Hi N's Ellie (Derrick Ream/Barber) was braced with runner-up Evergreen's Jed (Olsen/DiMambro) whose effort was previously covered. Jed and Ellie quickly parted ways at the breakaway. Ellie carded her first find at 8 with everything in order. She was well gaited and a pleasure to watch on the ground;

however, her application was erratic, but carded another find at 45. After a lengthy flushing attempt the handler relocated and as Ellie attempted to pin the running birds they took flight and so did Ellie.

She's Miles of Sass (Dr. Patti Meldi/Barber) and Chicoree's Sparkle In Her Eye (Dr. Fred Ryan/DiMambro). From the breakaway you knew this was going to be a race. The dogs were quickly over the hillside and out of sight. The scouts found both dogs standing at 15, everything in order. Sass went on to card her second find at 35 with everything in order. Sparkle In Her Eye was found standing shortly after at 37. We had another divided find at 42 with everything in order. Both went on to finish out their time.

Jax's Tornado Allie (Adam Burch/ Barber) and Rumel's Augie Doggie (Carl and Melody Checklick and Rocklyn Turano/DiMambro) were away after the morning break and put down extreme ground races. Handlers elected to use their retrieval units.

Greyrock's Mile Marker (Tubergen/ Barber) and Chicoree's Sparkling Ruby (Ryan/DiMambro) were cast off in the orchard and this is the last time Mile Marker was seen. Handler elected to pull the retrieval device. Ruby went on to have three finds at 5, 8 and 28. Ruby was running a nice race and showed intensity on her birds; however, handler requested the retrieval unit at 45.

Highstanding Cuttin Edge (Anthony and Dayna Rusciano/DiMambro) and Outbak's Rough Cut (Burch/Barber) were up first on the second day. Cuttin Edge carded stylish and mannerly finds at 5 and 45; however, his race was inconsistent and sticky at times. Rough Cut was a handful at the breakaway making some nice moves in several different directions. Rough Cut carded finds at 29 and 40 with everything in order. Both finished the hour.

The next braces were bye dogs, all handled by DiMambro.

Franchi's Son of a Gun (Jacob Schultz/DiMambro) dealt with the wind which started to pick up at this time. Son of a Gun carded two finds at 15 and 38; however, with each find the dog became a little more difficult to handle. The retrieval device was pulled at 45.

Rock River's U Can't Handle It (Rick Heller/DiMambro) carded two really quick finds right off of the breakaway at 1 and 3 with excellent style and manners. He made several all-age moves and continued to stretch the limitations of the course, but was found standing at 45. U Can't Handle It finished the hour with plenty of fuel in his tank but was in the wrong stake this day.

Fieldmaster's Koba Van Evolution (Donald Allison/DiMambro) was hunting through the woods and reaching into the edge of the field grasses with determined gait when a small covey of birds lifted at 15 and he chased.

Hidden Valley's Indian Scout (Donald Schmidt and Mary Elaine Loyko/DiMambro). The second brace of the afternoon, away by the old Quonset hut, was brief. When the dog was released an unseen covey of quail was apparently out sunning themselves, so "Rommel's" time on the ground was shortlived.

Rocklane's Mister Sparky (David Morgan/DiMambro) left from the old Quonset hut. Sparky was running a good medium range race for the first 20 minutes; however, he started getting hung up in some of the thicker cover and handler picked up and 45.

Hi N's Bodacious (Lewis/DiMambro) was running a powerful forward race and carded a find at 13 with excellent style and manners. "Bo" was pushing the limits of the course and the retrieval device was requested at 40.

Chicoree's Jake's Bonnie (Ryan/DiMambro) was last seen at breakaway; handler pulled the retrieval unit at 15.

Pinckneyville, Ill., March 30

Judges: Tom Oswald and Chris Young


[One-Hour Heats] -- 21 German Shorthairs

Winner--RIDEN HIGH RUDY, 1662002, male, by Tonelli's Sky High--Palin's Gossip Girl. Ray Nelson, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.

Runner-Up--EVERGREEN'S JED, 1676169, male, by Trublu's B D K Ace Inthe Hole--Chicoree's What A Hoodlum. Lance Olsen, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.


The Open All-Age Championship (12 entries) was judged by Chris Young and Gailen Cooper of Liberty, Mo.

Peter Coppens and Tom Davis were stake managers. Thanks Tom and Peter for showing your dedication to this trial.

The judges did not feel we had any all-age efforts worthy of a championship title this day. The weather and wind for sure were players in this event. Placed first was Chase and Mark Verdoorn's Snowy River's White Out, which was also handled by the Verdoorns.

Judges: Gailen Cooper and Chris Young


12 German Shorthairs

[Title Withheld]

1st--SNOWY RIVER'S WHITE OUT, 1664279, male, by Last Chance Crop Duster--Short Stuff Griewe. Chase & Mark Verdoorn, owners.


The Derby Classic was judged by Gailen Cooper and Mark Verdoorn of Platte City, Mo. Special thanks to Mark for filling in as a judge this year. The judges were attentive to the dogs and helpful to the handlers. Many thanks to them for their time and expertise. Tom Davis and Peter Coppens were the stake managers and we appreciate the work put into this stake.

Wingfield's Remily, owned by Ben Coller and handled by Dan DiMambro, placed first in this very competitive stake. Remily held her lines like a mature dog and carded two finds. She had a lot of punch left at the end and was rewarded with the blue!

Snowy River's Top Gun Maverick, owned and handled by Greg Hellbusch, placed second. Maverick had a strong race with bird work and a nice run.

Von Cap's Zip, owned by John Capolino and handled by Dan DiMambro, was third. Zip ran a forward race and had one dug up find midway through the brace.

Judges: Gailen Cooper and Mark Verdoorn

NGPDA DERBY CLASSIC -- 8 German Shorthairs

1st--WINGFIELD'S REMILY, 1684034, female, by Wingfield's Jim Dan D--

Wingfield's Skye. Ben Coller, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.

2d--SNOWY RIVER'S TOP GUN MAVERICK, 1678766, male, by Snowy River's Full Strut--Cajun's Bad Habit. Greg Hell Busch, owner and handler.

3d--VON CAP'S ZIP, 1675456, male, by Hi N's Bodacious--Hi N's Maggie May. John Capolino, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.


Derby Classic Winners. Front, from left: Chris Young with Von Cap's Zip, Chase Verdoorn with Snowy River's Top Gun Maverick and Dan DiMambro with Wingfield's Remily. Behind: Judge Gailen Cooper, Greg Hellbusch, Judge Mark Verdoorn and Tom Oswald.

This NGPDA event welcomed amateur handlers from several states. We drew 23 dogs for the National Amateur Championship and it was a very competitive stake.

Our judges were Tim Zick of Edgerton, Wis., and Pat Vande Hei of De Pere, Wis. Both men have champion caliber dogs and love this sport. Both were very impressed with the dogs and handlers.

Stake managers were Dan DiMambro and Lori Rezzardi. We can't say enough about the time and commitment these two put into this stake and making this a successful trial.

The winner, Snowy River's Bankin on Boz, came out of brace No. 11 and was handled by owner Chase Verdoorn. Boz had four finds and one unproductive. He was very forward and powerful. The judges noted that Boz was extremely stylish on his game and animated when he moved.

Runner-up Hi N's Bodacious, owned and handled by Hank Lewis of Louisville, Ohio, ran in brace No. 5. "Bo" had a powerful breakaway and carded four stylish finds throughout the hour. From start to finish Bo ran a great forward shooting dog race.

The judges mentioned other notable performances: Snowy River's Cuttin Country, owned by Chase and Mark Verdoorn, ran in brace No. 1 and had five very evenly spaced finds but in the end it was not his day.

Lvs Hammer Down, handled by JJJ, had three finds and a very impressive race. Rock River's You Can't Handle This, callname Dually, owned and handled by Ricky Heller, ran in brace No. 11 and had three finds. Dually was performing at a championship level until he was lost at 40.

Judges: Pat Vande Hei and Tim Zick


22 German Shorthairs and 1 German Drahthaar

Winner--SNOWY RIVER'S BANKIN ON BOZ, 1664277, German Shorthair male, by H's Hedge Rise Ignited--Snowy River's S S Super Sport. Chase & Mark Verdoorn, owners; Chase Verdoorn, handler.

Runner-Up--HI N'S BODACIOUS, 1657655, German Shorthair male, by Hi N's Feed Jake--Hi N's Southern Cross. Hank Lewis, owner and handler.


Amateur Championship Winner. From left: Judge Pat Vande Hei, Tom Davis, Chase Verdoorn with Snowy River's Bankin on Boz, Mark Verdoorn and Judge Tim Zick.