Result: North Dakota Pointing Dog Club
Location: Hankinson, North Dakota
Post Date: May 7, 2021
Submitted By: Lance Schultz

The North Dakota Pointing Dog Club held its Spring Field Trial May 7-9 on the Dakota Prairie National Grasslands' Hankinson Hills, near Hankinson, N. D.
We would like to recognize our sponsors of our event. Purina provided bags of food for all placements and Gun Dog House Door, Inc. provided all of the lunches and Friday's dinner of a taco bar on the grounds.
This is the fifth year the NDPDC has held their spring trial on these grounds. It is characterized by sandy soils, originally deposited as the delta of an ancient river as it emptied into glacial Lake Agassiz. Since that time, wind and rain have shaped the topography into a unique landscape ranging from flat deltaic plains to choppy sand dunes, sprinkled and often masked with oak, poplar, cottonwood and many ferns. If you would like to run your dog on grounds that offer a mix of prairie, sand dunes, and groves of many tree species.
Trials are not possible without the club volunteers, judges and sponsors. Thus we would like to acknowledge them: Bjorn Peterson, Brian Gingrich, Cindy Findley, Greg Dixon, Lance Schulz, Dr. Laura Miller, Mark Pfeifer, Marcie Schulz, and Robert Tomczak.
We started bright and early Friday morning and finished the Open Shooting Dog and started Open Derby. That evening we enjoyed tacos in a bag on the grounds. Dinner was sponsored by Gun Dog House Door, Inc, whose motto is "At Last ... Better Dog Doors!
We broke away at 7:30 a.m. Saturday morning completing a few braces of the Open Derby and then started the Open Restricted Shooting Dog money stake. Bangert's Red Baron, callname Red, was declared first place, earning his handler, Brian Gingrich a nice cash prize. We finished the day with a few braces to go but wanted to ensure we left enough time for participants to do chores, clean up, and meet in Hankinson at Doc's Pub and Eatery which has become a local favorite of all who attend the trial. Why? you might ask. It's a bar/grill in the basement of a church!
Sunday started at 7:30 a.m. wrapping up the Restricted Shooting Dog and Amateur Shooting Dog and Derby by late afternoon .
Congratulations to all participants and place winners. We look forward to seeing everyone at our next trial!
Hankinson, N. D., May 7 -- One Course
Judges: Cynthia Findley and Lance Schulz
1st--WHITEHORN'S BLACK RIDGE, unreg., Gordon setter female, by Chukarhill Buck Nekked--Par's Light My Fire. Janet Grunbok & Chris Bury, owners; Trena Cardwell, handler.
2d--RUDY OF HAWTHORNE RIDGE, 1672081, Vizsla male, by Shiloh's Matrix--Shiloh's Sss. Dave Wanserski, owner; Robert Tomczak, handler.
3d--C K TOUCHDOWN SASSY, 1678000, Vizsla female, by Touchdown Kid--C K Guy's Dee Dee. Jim Gingrich, owner; Brian Gingrich, handler.
Judges: Laura Miller and Bjorn Peterson
OPEN DERBY -- 20 Entries
1st--RAISING CAIN, 1695003, pointer male, by True Confidence--Southern Songbird. Ian MacTavish, owner and handler.
2d--BURR OAK'S CEBA, unreg., Vizsla female, by C K Touchdown Guy--C K Touchdown Sassy. Jim Gingrich, owner; Brian Gingrich, handler.
3d--COME BACK DELTA DAWN, 1694423, Irish setter female, by Hercules--Hatcreek Misty Blue. Kelli Aitken, owner and handler.
Judges: Bjorn Peterson and Lance Schulz
1st--BANGERT'S RED BARON, 1659495, Vizsla male, by C K Touchdown Guy--Heidi Go Seek Jones. Patricia Bangert, owner; Brian Gingrich, handler.
2d--BURR OAK'S BORN AGAIN, 1676176, Vizsla male, by Bangert's Red Baron--Burr Oak's Reve. Jim Gingrich, onwer; Brian Gingrich, handler.
3d--M V R MACFARLANE TOUGH HOMBRE, 1648040, Gordon setter male, by Milomix Earl--Black Brook Bonnie MacFarlane. Lynne Barnett, owner; Trena Cardwell, handler.
Judges: Brian Gingrich and Robert Tomczak
1st--MILLSTAR'S SALTIRE, 1671543, Vizsla male, by Lundy's Red Bull--C K Millstar's Wee Dram. Dr. Laura Miller, owner and handler.
2d--COLD CREEK HANK, 1678604, setter male, by Cold Creek Kevinator--Cold Creek Black Magic. Ian Mactavish, owner and handler.
3d--M V R MACFARLANE TOUGH HOMBRE, 1648040, Gordon setter male, by Milomix Earl--Black Brook Bonnie MacFarlane. Lynne Barnett, owner; Kelli Aitken, handler.