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Result: Kentucky Open All-Age Championship

Location: Richmond, Kentucky

Post Date: Mar 22, 2021

Submitted By: Vernon Vance

Twenty top all-age contenders were drawn and run under the judicial leadership of two respected gentlemen, Ronnie Rogers of New Market, Tenn., and Bill Vest from Ezel, Ky., who awarded six-year-old pointer male Quickmarkman's Dan as the 2021 Kentucky Open All-Age Champion.

Quickmarksman's Dan is owned by Chris Rarich and Ashley Wooddell of Kingston, N. Y., and is handled by veteran trainer Mike Hester. Dan scored four perfect, stand-up finds on quail and one great back. His bracemate Tennessee Game Kate, owner/handler Mike Crouse, had one find and a back on the No.. 2 "Mail Box Course." Both dogs ran a forward all-age race on the wooded course. Dan's commanding finish was a major factor in his overall winning performance.

Kentucky Open All-Age Champion. From left to right: Judge Bill Vest, Mike Hester, Robert Whill holding Ch. Quickmarkman's Dan, Judge Ronnie Rogers and Vernon Vance Quickmarksman's Dan, Winner of the Kentucky Open All-Age Championship

Runner-up champion was Miller's Speed Dial, pointer male coming six (May 14), owned by Gary Lester of Gracey, Ky., and handled by Matt Pendergest from Lexington, Ky. Gary was held up at a trial in Missouri. Matt agreed to run Speed Dial and he also ran his charge Pendy's Good Grace in the eighth race on Tuesday.

Matt ran Speed Dial in the last "10th" brace on Tuesday, with Mike Hester's pointer male Sugar Trouble. Sugar ran a good race with no observed bird work.

Speed Dial had his running shoes on this day as he was cleaning the open fields on the No.1 course after the lunch break. Matt surely knows this course and usually knows where most charges will go and show; however, Dial had been there and found birds or moved on ahead in most of the locations. Dial dug-up two great finds with lofty manners with one unproductive. His overall race was an owner's dream and handler's raw experience. I know that young Matt had fun, always having a smile for the judges and his friends.

Miller's Speed Dial, Runner-Up in the Kentucky Open All-Age Championship

Several other contenders demonstrated championship attributes, with the winners excelling at this trial. I and the judges have noted a few, in no particular order.

Game Wardon with Dr. Fred Corder, Dakota Phantom Sky, Mike Hester; Crouse's Equalizer with Mike Crouse; Willow's Silver River with Phil Stevenson and Pendy's Good Grace, Matt Pendergest.

Bob Napier and I are the only two members left in the Central Kentucky Quail Club as the others are gone on to the "Happy Hunting Ground." Bob is president and I am secretary-treasurer and field trial chairman. Bob does most of the horseback duties and I handle the dog wagon, books, etc.

We sure thank Purina and Greg Blair who help by providing dog food for the winners, hats and jackets for the judges and a handler/guest dinner. Also thanks to John Rex Gates and Garmin for providing a new 550 Garmin tracking and training unit for the champion.

This year the clubhouse was closed to all but two persons at a time (COVID 19 and the governor), but we enjoyed a great fried chicken dinner, tailgate style.

We had to cancel last year's 2020 Championship because of the COVID-19 virus.

Many thanks to Bill Brown and his friend with the ATV Side by Side for releasing the quail. A really great job as we had a lot of good bird work on all courses.

Berea, Ky., March 22

Judges: Ronnie Rogers and Bill Vest


[One-Hour Heats] -- 19 Pointers and 1 Setter

Winner--QUICKMARKSMAN'S DAN, 1664443, pointer male, by Quickmarksman's Tony--Witt's Snow Angel. Chris Rarich & Ashley Wooddell, owners; Mike Hester, handler.

Runner-Up--MILLER'S SPEED DIAL, 1666636, pointer male, by Miller's Dialing In--Old Road Lou. Gary Lester, owner; Matt Pendergest, handler.

OPEN DERBY -- 6 Pointers and 1 Setters

1st--COMO THUNDER, 1687714, pointer male, by Skyfall--Cath Me Dot. B. K. & Rachel Blackwell, Doug Arthur & David Russell, owners; David Russell, handler.

2d--LONE TREE DOC, 1692835, pointer male, by Broken Halo--Rocky River Snow Bird. Mitch Solt, owner; Phil Stevenson, handler.

3d--BOZEANN'S REX, 1686943, setter male, by Bozeann's Roscoe--Bozeann's Daisy. Ben Dillard, owner; Mike Hester, handler.

Open Derby Winners. Left to right: Como Thunder with David Russell, Judge Bill Vest, Lone Tree Doc with Robert Whill, Bozeann's Rex with Mike Hester, and Judge Ronnie Rogers