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Result: NGSPA Hungarian Partridge Championships

Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming

Post Date: Oct 31, 2019

Submitted By: Keith Richardson


Amateur Shooting Dog Championship Winners. From left front: Hi N's Hasty Matilda with Brandon Blum and B M B's Samsquanch with Ray Larrondo. Standing: Keith Richardson, April Raber, Hank Lewis, Judge Rich Burgi, Jim Morehouse and Judge Mark Wasserman.
CHEYENNE, WYO. -- The 17th running of the "Hun" Championships was a tremendous success. The added Handler of the Year points for a "Species" trial is a big attraction, plus our "broke" stakes are dual sanctioned by both the Field Dog Stud Book and the AKC (awarding four placements). Due to space considerations, only the running of the placing dogs is reported.

Most of the competitors also attended the NGSPA Region 8 held the previous seven days. Two weeks of competitive, enjoyable trials at one location. Yet the two courses were remarkably different, each with its own challenges. At the close of each day we shared a fun, relaxing time in the bunkhouse, enjoying great food and beverages, and companionship.

Lynne Cook, head chef, prepared all meals from scratch. During the two weeks of trials, Rod Randolph of Boise, Ida., prepared barbecued ribs, prime rib, smoked brisket, and smoked pork loin. Plus he lent an experienced hand in the kitchen along with Dianne Crabbs and Marya Kerchner. Arguably the best food at any trial in the country.

Special rare wines from Keith's cellar were opened, served and explained by our one and only field trial sommelier, David Quinn from Maine. He arrived in time for the big party during Region 8, and stayed through to the very end. David carefully planned wine tasting themes from various parts of the world: France, Italy and Napa, Cal. He explained the fine points of wine enjoyment to the many interested people.

Other facilities included showers, laundry and electrical hookups. Round pens and enclosures for most horses, plus ample areas for stake-outs of dogs and horses. Judges enjoyed first-class accommodations in either the guest house or the bunkhouse. Many first time guests said they'd be back next year.

"Gateway to Eureka" is what the Region 8 and the Hun Championships are nicknamed. These two back-to-back trials provide tremendous "on-the-job-training" due to the large number of challenging multiple bird finds. Running coveys, large explosive covey flushes, and concentrations of "old" scent will teach the dogs things that cannot be learned in training setups. A huge benefit for any dog traveling on to the GSPCA Nationals.

This is the only trial in the NGSPA (and the entire country as far as we know) that uses pen raised Hungarian Partridges. The birds were young, strong, great flyers and remarkably like wild Huns. Huge covey rises, with birds exploding in all directions, tested the steadiness of every dog. A dog making it clean through the Hun Habitat continues up Derby Draw to the rim rock of Derby Bench where mixed coveys of jumpy chukar and Huns lurk. The immense pressure of many difficult, multi-bird contacts places the Hun Championship at a level of difficulty arguably exceeding that of the wild bird trials. Dogs that survived the "bird gauntlet" were able to demonstrate their endurance through a mile of undulating prairie with a steep draw on one side and a drop to the habitat on the other.

We were pleased to have several pros in attendance and happy to welcome a number of amateurs from outside of the region: Brandon Blum (California), Dean and Diane Crabbs (Oregon), Ray and Tami Larrondo (Idaho), Joe and Chad Inderman and family, Hank Lewis (Ohio), Rick Heller (Wisconsin), Larry Metter (California), Robbie Thompson, and three of Dan's customers who came to watch their dogs including an old friend, Roy Yamamoto, plus our new friends, Chris and Pam Hermann, all from California.

Our "local" amateurs from Colorado included Mike Patrick, Alan Davison, and Keith Richardson.

Terry Zygalinski (California) provided a nice group of horses for judges and guests and he ran a couple of dogs.

We had a slate of excellent judges and our thanks go out to each of them. Our first two stakes -- Open All-Age and Amateur Shooting Dog -- were judged by Rich Burgi of Sandy, Utah, and Mark Wasserman of Wichita, Kan. The Derby Classic was judged by Rich Burgi and Mike Patrick of Berthoud, Colo. The Open Shooting Dog and Amateur All-Age were judged by Greg Sand of Hill City, Kan., and Chris Bryant of Centennial, Colo.

The challenging course gave the judges an opportunity to evaluate a dog's "total package". The cast-off crosses a half mile of rolling short grass prairie before entering the Hun Habitat, which is a three-mile flowing line of dense willow-lined creek, bordered by large mown fields and stands of tall grass and shrubs. The course then heads up the steep Derby Draw. Many dogs take the road up the middle, but it is exciting when they take either the left side up Chukar Hill, or the right side with a steep escarpment strewn with large rocks and thick brush. A right turn at the top takes the dogs along Derby Bench, a flat bluff with a steep rim and many pockets holding birds. The course continues along the bad lands with deep drop offs and steep draws. This demanding course finishes (time permitting) through the high gate onto the rolling prairie.

Both trials are dual sanctioned, and offer Grand Limited Stakes. Plus we are the only NGSPA Championships offering retrieving stakes. This is a tremendous benefit and a rare opportunity for those competitors who run their dogs in both the NGSPA and GSPCA.

We are grateful for our sponsors.

Purina provided financial support and a pallet of Pro Plan for the winning dogs.

We also welcome the sponsorship of SportDog with their gifts of excellent training collars. We enjoyed the personal visit of Jim Morehouse, representing SportDog and Purina. He brought along some sample devices for us to "play with", and we heard some testimonials of satisfied customers. Beautiful Hungarian Partridge mounts and generous cash prizes and gift cards went to the champions.

A special thanks to the organizational abilities and hard work of Bobbi Richardson without who these trials would not be successful. A big thanks also to all of the other folks who helped: Joe and Josh Frauendienst, Gary and Chris Kercher. All participants were grateful to the dog wagon team: Kaitlyn Guakel and Penny Robertson who booted all dogs with the latest and greatest version of "running shoes" from Ruff-Wear to protect them from cactus. Justin, Brittiny, and Larry were also a huge help for the many behind the scene tasks. Dean Crabbs, Ray Larrondo and Ziggy provided expert gunning.

Open All-Age Championship Judges Rich Burgi and Mark Wasserman presided for the 20 starters.

B M B's Free Ride (Louie), owned by Brandon and Jennifer Blum of Acton, Cal., was named champion. Louie ran in brace No. 10. He fired off line and quickly dropped into the Habitat where he sped to the distant front. He worked the cover until reaching the end of the habitat where he had his first find in the far corner. He ran up Derby Draw taking the brush and rock covered hill to the right like a chukar dog. After cresting the top he turned right and hunted Derby Bench finding a large covey. He handled his birds with excellent style. He went through the upper gate and finished back in the Habitat. He had a consistent all-age race with a big finish to the front.

Chicoree's Country Fan (Fanny/Dan DiMambro), owned by Fred Ryan of Lima, Ohio, was named runner-up. Fanny was down in brace No. 4. She had a nice cast off and ended up in the habitat ahead of the handler, hunting the edges as she passed through the Ferguson Gate and entered the back half of the habitat. She ran the middle course to the end where she was collected and sent up Derby Draw. She managed to get to the top of Chukar Hill on the left side unseen, where she was eventually found on point after some time had passed. Birds were walking all around her, but she remained rigidly on point with nice style. All manners were in order. She finished strongly with a forward race that took her through the upper gate and to the habitat where she was seen at time.

Llano's Hot Tamale (Molly), handled by Josh Nieman, earned third. Owned by Chad and Joe Inderman of Shallowater, Tex., Molly ran in brace No. 7. Molly had a strong forward race with a nice "handle". She hunted through the full length of the habitat far to the front. She was watered and sent up Derby Draw where she disappeared over the top and the direction of her move from that point was unseen. She had not been seen for about 10 minutes, and was eventually found standing at 35, a beautiful limb find exhibiting fine style and manners. She had an unproductive on Derby Bench and a strong finish through the upper gate and prairie beyond. She demonstrated all-age range but judges felt she was not as powerful as the first two dogs.

Cheyenne, Wyo., September 26 -- One Course

Judges: Rich Burgi and Mark Wasserman


Winner--B M B'S FREE RIDE, 1660979, male, by Kimber Tactical--Time To Pay The Piper. Brandon & Jennifer Blum, owners; Jennifer Blum, handler.

Runner-Up--CHICOREE'S COUNTRY FAN, 1652749, female, by B D K's Play Something Country--Chicoree's What A Hoodlum. Fred Ryan, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.


Open All-Age Championship Winners. From left front: B M B's Free Ride with Brandon Blum and Chicoree's Country Fan with Hank Lewis. Standing: Keith Richardson, Jennifer Blum, Judge Rich Burgi, Dan DiMambro and Judge Mark Wasserman.

Amateur Shooting Dog Championship

The 20 starters were judged by Rich Burgi and Mark Wasserman.

Hi N's Hasty Matilda (Matte), for owner-handler Hank Lewis, was named champion. Matte ran in brace No. 8. Her first half through the Habitat was nicely done. She hunted nicely through the objectives handling well with a strong forward race. She had two finds in the habitat at 20 and 28 on single Huns. Matte was cast off up Derby Draw and hunted the right side flowing nicely through the rocks and shrubs until cresting the top and turning left. She was spotted taking the rim around to Chukar Hill where she was found standing at 39 with an impressive limb find. She coursed around the rim back to Derby Hill where she had her fourth find at 42. It was on an explosive covey of over 40 birds with about 15 left on the ground running in all directions. A very difficult find handled perfectly with outstanding style and manners. Matte had a strong finish and throughout her run she had a big ground race, handled kindly, required very little scouting and exhibited pristine style.

B M B's Samsquanch, owned by Jennifer and Brandon Blum, and handled by Brandon, was named runner-up. "Sam" ran in brace No. 10. He had a nice forward run through the Habitat and once through the double gate he made a power move up Suicide Hill and was standing high on the hill. It was a huge covey and very difficult to handle, but his manners were impeccable. He was returned to the Habitat course where he had a find at 24. He had a strong run up Derby Draw and took the left side with a find on Chukar Hill. He had a huge finish. Sam required more scouting and had less "handle" than the champion.

Hi N's Bodacious, owned and handled by Hank Lewis, earned third. "Bo" ran in brace No. 7. He had a good race at cast off and through the habitat. Bo had an unproductive at 17, and a find at the very end of the habitat. He was sent up Derby Draw and made a nice move that took him to Derby Bench where he had his second find. Bo had a good ground pattern, good range and a nice race and finish.

Aunt Troji's Dirty Nike, owned and handled by Larry Metter of Valencia, Cal., earned fourth. Nike competed in brace No. 4. It was Larry's first time handling Nike in Cheyenne, and he adapted to the challenges quickly. Nike had two finds in the habitat before taking on Derby Draw, where he had an unproductive on Derby Bench. Nike's application was good, and he had a solid shooting dog range, but the expanse of the country demanded more range as demonstrated by the top three dogs.


Winner--HI N'S HASTY MATILDA, 1657658, female, by Hi N's Feed Jake--Hi N's Southern Cross. Hank Lewis, owner and handler.

Runner-Up--B M B'S SAMSQUANCH, 1669573, male, by Trueblu's B D K Ace Inthe Hole--Time To Pay The Piper. Brandon & Jennifer Blum, owners; Brandon Blum, handler.

Open Shooting Dog Championship

Judges Greg Sand and Chris Bryant evaluated 22 starters. They said this was an outstanding stake with all four placing dogs rendering huge shooting dog races, requiring them to separate the dogs by secondary distinctions.

Riden High Rudy (DiMambro) was named champion. Rudy and "Spike" (the runner-up, see below) ran in brace No. 9 against a 40 mph plus head wind. Neither dog appeared to be affected by the wind, although people certainly were. Both dogs had strong cast offs, disappearing into the habitat, and at 14 were found on point after the Ferguson Gate. A divided find was declared, and both dogs had stylish points and perfect manners. Rudy had two more finds in the second half of the habitat at 23 and 27. He was sent up Derby Draw and worked the right side quickly disappearing over the top. It took time for handler and judges to work their way up the draw, where they found Rudy on the crest of Derby Bench silhouetted against the sky with an impressive find on a huge covey of chukar. There was no letdown as birds exploded off the hill during the flush. Sent on, Rudy worked the right side of the course, arriving at the upper gate with 10 minutes to go. He showed a strong finish. Rudy's race was impressive, big and to the front, and he handled nicely with some scouting.

P W Evolution's Recreation (Spike), handled by Rich Robertson, was named runner-up. Spike was braced with the champion in brace No. 9. They shared a divided find at 14. Spike's next find was at 25 near the end of the habitat and it took handler some time to flush the birds which had run deep into the cover. Spike showed no letdown during the extended flush and had perfect manners.

After this find, both dogs were taken to the water trough, and cast off up Derby Draw. Spike took the left side up Chukar Hill. As he was coming around, handler spotted the pointing situation which he avoided by casting Spike into the country to the left of Derby Bench where he rimmed the extreme perimeter of the course, meeting Rudy at the upper gate with 10 minutes to go. Spike had a huge forward finish. Judges stated they would have liked to see him hunt Derby Bench where his bracemate had a find.

Hi N's Hasty Matilda (DiMambro) was placed third. "Matte" ran in brace No. 7. She had a strong start and run through the habitat where she had her first find at 20 with perfect manners and impressive style, but after release she made a huge cast through the end of the habitat and over the Ferguson Hill where she remained out of sight for nearly ten minutes. She finally regained the front and crested Derby Draw where she was lost to sight on Derby Bench. She was found on point over halfway down the steep escarpment where a huge covey of explosive chukar was flushed. Matte had a big finish to the front. Her extended absence cost her a higher placement.

Ehrlichers Dusty Rubicon of P W (Jeep/Robertson) was placed fourth. Jeep was braced with the third place dog in brace No. 7. Jeep had two stylish and mannerly finds in the habitat and a third find on Derby Bench at 34 where the judges felt he had "happy feet". While not enough to have him picked up, it was a detraction that the other three dogs did not have. Throughout his run from cast off to finish Jeep displayed a huge shooting dog race with no letdown of power.

Judges: Chris Bryant and Greg Sand


Winner--RIDEN HIGH RUDY, 1662002, male, by Tonelli's Ski High--Palin's Gossip Girl. Ray Nelson, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.

Runner-Up--P W EVOLUTION'S RECREATION, 1666903, male, by Evolution's Primo Creation--P W Derailed. Keith & Bobbi Richardson, owners; Rich Robertson, handler.


Open Shooting Dog Championship Winners. From left front: Riden High Rudy with April Raber and P W Evolution's Recreation with Rich Robertson. Standing: Judge Chris Bryant, Mike Patrick, Dan DiMambro, Judge Greg Sand, David Quinn and Keith Richardson.

Amateur All-Age Championship

Greg Sand and Chris Bryant remained in the judicial saddles.

B M B's Free Ride (Louie), owned by Brandon and Jennifer Blum and handled by Mike Patrick, was named champion. Louie ran in brace No. 2. He had a strong cast off and big forward run through the habitat where he had two finds at 15 and 18, displaying intensity of point and good manners. He was watered and sent off up Derby Draw where he made a big move up the draw and rimmed the top of Chukar Hill and around the rim to Derby Bench where he had his third find at 40 on a large covey of chukar. He hunted the rim and after passing through the upper gate he was gone for awhile, but was found by scout in the habitat after time.

The runner-up title was withheld.

P W Extraordinaire (Airee), handled by Keith Richardson, earned third. Airee ran in the first brace. She had a big cast off, but started running into birds right away. She had six finds and a stop to flush, the most of any all-age brace during either Championship. She went hunting and had a big shooting dog race for much of the hour.

Special mention was made of Prairie Wind Joke's on Us (Bart), handled by Keith Richardson. The judges said Bart was in first place until the callback.

During the callback, the gunner lost the bird in the sun and shot. The handler released the dog but the bird landed and was still alert. Bart tried to grab it and it flew 50 yards. Bart chased it down and finally caught it and was retrieving it when a rabbit shot out in front of him and he chased the rabbit dropping the bird along the way. The retrieve was not completed and Bart fairly lost his bid for champion.


Winner--B M B'S FREE RIDE, 1660979, male, by Kimber Tactical--Time to Pay The Piper. Brandon & Jennifer Blum, owners; Mike Patrick, handler.


Amateur All-Age Championship Winner B M B's Free Ride is posed by Brandon Blum, joined by, from left: Judge Chris Bryant, Mike Patrick, Judge Greg Sand and Keith Richardson.

Open Derby

By Mike Patrick

Rich Burgi and Mike Patrick judged 14 starters in the Derby, commenting that it was a very good stake.

Most of the young dogs ran a very mature race with no "running after crazy young dogs" as time expired. Every dog was in control as time expired, and it made for an enjoyable stake to judge. The course was in The Habitat. It was a three-mile section of creek lined with willows and dense cover, with open cut grass and plenty of objectives holding birds between the willow line and the fenceline. This course does not have cactus and there is no need to boot the dogs. It is an out and back course with many opportunities to find Huns. There is good visibility of the dogs.

The winner, Wingfield's Lancer, is owned by Donald Coller of Madison, Ga., and handled by Dan DiMambro. Lancer ran in brace No. 1. He ran a forward race with some big moves in the middle section of the habitat. This young dog cut through a strong head wind nicely. Lancer handled kindly for his handler. He had a monster covey of Huns at 28 with 25-30 birds if not more. Lancer certainly has a bright future as a big running hour dog that makes sure he is going with his handler. This young dog has all the tools.

Nitro Dunn Sky Riden (DiMambro) earned second, down in brace No. 4. He ran a smooth forward race, big in the middle. He hunted well with broke finds. Nitro handled well, very nice style on this young dog. He will be a dog to contend with in the future.

Troji's Wild Thing (DiMambro) placed third. Down in brace No. 3, he had a big race all the while cutting a big head wind. Wild had one broke find and handled well. Wild has all the tools to be a contending dog in the future. Good bird dog that hunted the habitat well.

Heartly (DiMambro) earned fourth, down in the last brace with bitches in season. Heartly started off a bit slow with a very strong head wind. She was able to pick up the pace in the middle with multiple finds. Heartly has very nice style and handled very well. Another young dog that has a bright future.

Judges: Rich Burgi and Mike Patrick


1st--WINGFIELD'S LANCER, 1684157, male, by Wingfield's Jim Dan D--Wingfield's Koonas Chloe. Donald Coller, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.

2d--NITRO DUNN SKY RIDEN, unreg., male, by Riden High Rudy--Sky Trojan Arrow. Ryan Cabrera, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.

3d--TROJI'S WILD THING, unreg., female, by Riden High Rudy--Sky Trojan Arrow. Larry Metter, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.


Open Derby Winners. From left front: Wingfield's Lancer with April Raber, Nitro Dunn Sky Riden with Dan DiMambro and Troji's Wild Thing with Larry Metters. Standing: Jim Morehouse, Judge Rich Burgi and Judge Mike Patrick.