Result: New England Shooting Dog Futurity
Location: East Windsor, Connecticut
Post Date: Apr 30, 2021
Submitted By: Margaret C. Drew
When the New England Futurity was first proposed as a regional Futurity in the 1930s, the proposal was not well received, or as historian Truman Crowles stated, "the idea did not spread like wildfire."
Herbert G. "Pop" Silver headed a group first proposing a regional Futurity; however, although the need for more breeders was agreed upon, defining eligibility and other rules proved to be a challenge. It was necessary for the first year to side-step Futurity rules, so that the first Futurity was that in name only, with seventeen entries running in April 1937. Breeders and other dog people acknowledged that a regional Futurity was necessary to promote bird dogs so a regional set of guidelines was established and 21 dogs were entered.
These rules and whelping dates were adhered to until 1939 when a June whelping date helped to change the venue to run in October beginning in 1941. This whelping provision more aligned the New England Futurity to the National Futurities. The Futurity nominations and entries remained a regional entry base for several years, expanding in the late 1970s. In the 1980s a few litters were nominated from outside New England and entries increased as well. In the early 1990s litters and entries declined once again, luckily followed by a surge to 50 to 60 entries from 35 litters in the late 1990s and early 2000. Today Futurities across the country are not as well supported as one would expect. It is a breeder's showcase, but often breeders are not nominating their litters. It seems to me that $40 would be a fair investment to show off your breeding.
This 85th running of the New England Futurity had 24 litters nominated, therefore the 30 entries was very good considering COVID-19 restrictions and a return to the spring for running.
Miller's Upgraded Version and Stoney Run's Buddy were the top two sires for this Futurity; however, it is fair to note that the setter Black Top litter had four entries from one litter with Miller's Upgraded Version having five entries. Litters bred in 2020 and nominated now avoid the late fee penalty. Contact Margaret Drew at (910) 206-0079 to complete that nomination.
The clubhouse now displays a wall of Life Patron plaques, taxidermy of upland game, various regional historic plaques and engraved retired trophies. In an adjacent room is a large pictoral history showing the building of the present clubhouse. In a second framed plaque there are historic photos from early trials with identified patrons, dogs and which trial is portrayed. This is an interesting historic exhibit. Many of the photos are compliments of the historic memorabilia of late Truman Crowles.
The grounds at Flaherty were in excellent condition. The Flaherty Committee has courses well marked with landmarks, have improved the courses with culverts and crushed fill making the course safe allowing handlers and spectators to concentrate on the dogs. I will reference their markers during the brace report.
Two years ago, in front of the clubhouse, window boxes with flowers were added, the clubhouse got new windows and storm doors with glass, a viewing bench near the Truman Crowles' memorabilia area, as well as a solar lighted American flag pole. A bench overlooks Ryan's Meadow on the hillside where Truman's ashes were scattered several years back.
The Flaherty Grounds Committee has made major improvements to the area and it is an excellent field trial area. As noted in the past the area has ample parking, running water, bathroom facilities, a full kitchen, a pavilion and a modern birdroom.
A single course was used this year, breaking away down the slight hill on the northeast side of the grounds beyond the horse corrals. We then moved forward toward the roadway, where the first quail release area is on the left of the island trees. From there we follow the dirt road and hopefully watch the dogs hunt the woods beside the pond or take the far right wooded edge line to the back island of trees. From there it is a straight shot through the very wide meadow below Fox Hill, cross the main culvert and make our way up to the top of Tobacco Barn Hill and the apple tree area. Another bird spot is here, although often the birds flew across the freshly plowed field and hid in the wooded edge. The course is now at 15-20 as we make our way down toward the new culvert which replaced the wet and muddy crossing, as the dogs usually transverse the right wooded edge, cross at the bottom and head for the semi wooded area below the housing development and below the clubhouse. There was a very large downed old hard wood tree where birds just loved to take cover: sometimes being found and other times leading to unproductives. The 30 minutes finish with dogs hunting the meadow, or usually the edges of it, below the club house and reaching toward the opening first island tree area. If the brace is brisk we travel under the powerlines into the area of Dearborn until time is up.
Birds were delivered and put in the birdhouse by John Olfson and grower Paul Cardinal from Forest Ridge Farm. Planting the daybreak birds went to John Stoligitis, and replenished during the day by ANEFTC Vice-president Richard Bemdenek and Bill Bonetti.
Judges for this 85th renewal were past president Rich Guilano of Greene, R. I., and Alex Smith of Nazarath, Pa. Both have varied bird dog experience and worked together well to reach the slate of winners.
Walk away lunches were available as prepared by Bill Bonetti's fianc Jayne. A handlers' prime beef dinner with seafood appetizers was served on Friday evening through the hard work and expertise of John Stolgitis. The 84th winner Bronco Billy's owners, Bill and Muriel Primm, gave graciously toward the great feast.
There was a gallery wagon with ANEFTC Vice-President Dick Bembenek driving. Dick now lives in Arizona, returning for the spring trials. That's quite some ride. My husband Earl and I find the trip from North Carolina a challenge. Not to mention the trainers who came from Alabama and Georgia.
Without the breeders nominating their litters, owners having their dogs prepared for the futurity and handlers traveling to run in the futurity thee would be no futurities. This year the Futurity was managed by Bill Bonetti and John Stolgitis, with yours truly, Margaret Drew, taking over the litter recording and other necessary paper work. Judges books were provided by Drowning Creek Bird Dogs, Calvin Curnutte in North Carolina. Trainers participating from Alabama, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and some amateurs from Connecticut, Virginia and North Carolina. (I didn't forget the one who flew in, but later drove a rental car home.)
The trial received generous donations from Purina in the way of ad coverage, hats and product.

A special presentation of a Life Time Patron Plaque was presented to Rich Giuliano during the evening. On hand to congratulate Rich was his wife Rose, many area field trial friends, as well as several older field trial friends traveling to congratulate Rich. I couldn't begin to paraphrase his plaque, so here it is as written by Janice Gregory:
"Rhode Island's Richard Giuliano has been a lifelong trainer, handler and judge of more field trial dogs than can possibly be counted. Starting in the sport as a young man, his breed of choice was and continues to be, the English Pointer. In fact, it was Richard who was responsible for breeding and raising one of the sport's most recognized Hall of Fame pointers, Ch. Guard Rail, whose progeny have populated field trial record books for decades. Richard was a founding member of Ocean State Bird Dog Club and Arcadia Field Trial Club. He worked tirelessly with the State of Rhode Island to procure outstanding field trial grounds at Arcadia Management Area, where both walking and horseback trials can easily be accommodated. He also served for many years as president of the Association of New England Field Trial Clubs and Region 1, providing the steady hand and calm demeanor that guided both groups. Richard Giuliano's dedication to the sport is legendary throughout New England - from breeding, to trialing, to helping, to advising -- and for all of that, we in the field trial community are most thankful, and agree that we are much better for having known him."
The four winners came from 24 litters with 30 Derbies actually entered in this 85th renewal. Two pointer males, littermates Hard Truth and Absolute Dominator, with Doug Ray as handler, were named first and second, respectively. Miller's Southern Gossip, pointer female, earned third and Answered Prayers, pointer male, placed fourth.

The first and third place dogs were bracemates in the fifth brace. The winner, Hard Truth, was bred by Jamie Daniels of Bronwood, Ga., and is owned by Dr. Bob Canada of New Palestine, Ind. The white and orange pointer male swung independently in a wide hunting pattern displaying attractive style in run and on point. He had an unproductive to the side, then popping out in the front. He had a nice find below the clubhouse and found birds near his unproductive area before marching to the end of Dearborn where he and his bracemate scored a divided find.
Second was Absolute Dominator, white and orange pointer male owned by Johnny and Joyce Taylor of Paron, Ark., also with Doug Ray. He also was bred by Jamie Daniels.

Drawn for brace thirteen, he ran as a bye due to an injury to Backwoods Wild Fire Blaze, his drawn bracemate. As the gallery made their way down the breakaway and toward the first island tree stand we watched Absolute Dominator circle and then stop to await handler for flush. He required very little assistance from handler as he covered the course attractively. We found him standing well to the front at the top of Tobacco Barn Hill with all in order. He scored mature finds near the blown down tree below the clubhouse, as well as finishing with a find at the first island tree stand.
Third was Miller's Southern Gossip, bred by Scott Turner of Ninety Six, S. C., and is owned by Muriel and Bill Primm of Creamridge, N. J. Muriel was present and riding to observe her performance.
Southern Gossip was forward and pointed out near the back island tree stand, where he stood when handler rode to him. As noted above with the winner, she had a divided find with bracemate at Tobacco Hill and at the end of Dearborn. She had a find at the large blown down tree below the clubhouse and one at the first island crossing before Deerborn.
Fourth place went to Answered Prayers, bred by Carl Lefler of Concord, N. C., and is owned by the team of Allen Linder, Cassie Hollander and Madison McDonald. The white and liver pointer male was fast forward and seen searching the first island tree stand thoroughly before moving on. He required very little scouting, scoring positive finds under the trees at Tobacco Barn Hill and at the first island stand at 25 before heading toward Deerborn for his finish.
The 85th running began promptly at 8 a.m. with two speedy and eager Derbies, Hatteras Rip Tide and Miller's Sweet Talking Candy. This pair required a lot of scouting and handler assistance in their very brisk tour of the course. Rip Tide was spotted beyond the pond area at 9, scoring finds at 9 and 11. At 14 he pointed, relocated and then moved on without bird contact. At 18 and 23 he had quail finds. As we rode toward the large downed tree below the clubhouse we found Rip Tide standing with bracemate Sweet Talking Candy backing. A relocation indicated running quail. Sweet Talking Candy had a find at 9 and a nonproductive at 11. Both dogs finished far to the front.
Towncreek Hard Away and Miller's Upgraded The Ante were away at a fast pace, with Mike Martino taking the retrevial device at 14. Upgrading The Ante had a point beyond the pond at 7 before taking an independent off course tour toward Fox Hill. She was brought to the front by a scout having a stop to flush at 21. She also settled in for a good find at the first island tree stand before finishing with a third find at Dearborn.
No. 3 had Miller's Strolling for Gold and C S Romeo. Strolling for Gold had a point at 8 with Romeo backing. She continued with a point at Tobacco Barn Hill before stretching far to the front. She required some scouting with a cast toward the trailers before making her way to the first island tree stand for a third point. Romeo had an acceptable race going; however, at 15 he was leashed by handler following an unproductive.
Stitch and Sunbelt's Repete were hunting independently with a divided find at 6 by the back Island Tree stand. Stitch went with the birds at flush and was leashed. Sunbelt's Repete was taken on; however, he did not finish his thirty minutes.
Brace No. 5 had the first and third place winners.
No. 6 brought Chasehill Little Lily and Miller's Million Dollar Penny. Lily ran with a snappy gait while hunting the right spots scoring one good find, followed by an early pick up beyond the apple trees. Penny was picked up early for a bird infraction.
Eliminator and Great River Yellowstone were off the line with determination before splitting under the powerline crossing. Great River Yellowstone had a find at 5, taking one step at shot. He continue forward, casting wide and stopping for quail at Tobacco Barn Hill for a well mannered find. He pointed again at the first Island tree area, requiring a relocation before birds were flown. Eliminator was picked up at 14, although I was separated and do not know the reason.
Casino Cassie and B K Red Solocup. Cassie's race was wide and lateral from the breakaway, choosing to ignore his handler. He did not complete his thirty minutes. Solo Cup had a nice location at 5 at the first Island tree stand, stood on a pile of feathers beyond the main culvert before a third solid find at Tobacco Barn Hill. Making his way forward as a bye dog he checked the edges of the long field and then the edges of the woods before the brook. Below the clubhouse he pointed and self-relocated, stopping again for a pile of feathers before handler spoke with judges and ended his thirty minutes.
No. 9 found Answered Prayers, which placed in fourth, with Naname Emma. They were off the line with determination, turning to the right at the end of the opening where in some years the course went through the pine area before Dearborn. Answered Prayers crossed to the first Island stand, while Emma made her way toward the center of the course. Emma scored a good find in the woods near the pond; however, when she returned to the area she was leashed. (Answered Prayers covered with winners.)
Hatteras Storm Surge and Mohawk Mill Bad Boy. Storm Surge pointed at the first Island stand, moved on, although not listening well to handler as he made his way to the top of Tobacco Barn Hill where his bracemate caught up for a back. Bad Boy, with Winall, had covered much of the area toward Dearborn on his opening cast; however, handler and scout had turned him around so that he could finish his thirty minutes with a back and two finds.
Thunder Bolt Storm and Cape Point Lucky Strike. Owners Tom Jackson (Thunder Bolt Storm) and Bill Bonetti (Cape Point Lucky Strike) were mounted to watch each of their respective Derbies. Storm had a back about 11 minutes and a good find at the end of the Deerborn hairpin turn. Lucky Strike had a point at 11 and a back at Deerborn. Both races were average and a bit erratic at times while their bird work good.
No. 12 was Blue Bar Pretty Boy and Benchmark. Both dogs circled the first island stand and moved on past the pond. Pretty Boy pointed and lost much intensity during long flushing attempt. Although there was a caller in the tree, no quail were flown, an unproductive here. Benchmark had quail flown in the back Island tree stand; however, after some activity near the big blown down tree below the clubhouse he was leashed.
In No. 13, Backwoods Wild Fire Blaze was withdrawn due to an injury and Absolute Dominator covered with the winners.
Hatteras Sand Storm and Railway Barnie. Sand Storm thought handler should come with him, therefore he was rounded up and in the harness early. Railway Barnie had a find in the first Island stand, although took a few Derby steps. He scored additional solid finds in the back island tree area and on running quail in the Tobacco Barn woods. While making his way down the right hand edge of the open hillside toward the club house he disappeared into the woods. Both judges and handler had to dismount and enter the thick cover to search for birds without success.
Brace No. 15 -- Rester's Speculation and Just Win Chester -- concluded the Futurity. These two were snappy on the ground and often hunting in tandem. Speculation had a nice find in the woodline beyond the pond and continued hunting. His thirty minutes ended when he took a tour into the woods below the clubhouse toward the housing development. Chester stood for quail to be flushed in the back island tree stand before disappearing toward woodcock alley and into the center of the course near Fox Hill. Scout and handler did gather him up so that he finished with a find as the course passes the first Island tree stand at 25.
East Windsor, Conn., April 30 -- One Course
Judges: Richard Giuliano and Alex Smith
24 Pointers and 6 Setters
Hatteras Rip Tide, SM, by Black Top--Jo Veeta. Doug Hinton, breeder; Jett Ferebee, owner; Doug Ray, handler. With
Miller's Sweet Talking Candy, PF, by Miller's Upgraded Version--Erin's Cedar. Scott Turner, breeder; Joe McHugh, owner; Mike Tracy, handler.
Towncreek Hardaway Red, PM, by Hillhavyn's Drug Runner--Hillhavyn's Runaway Jill. Mike Martino, breeder, owner and handler. With
Miller's Upgrading The Ante, PF, by Miller's Upgraded Version--Erin's Little Rose. Scott Turner, breeder; Allen Linder, owner; George Tracy, handler.
Miller's Strolling For Gold, PF, by Miller's Upgraded Version--Erin's Little Rose. Scott Turner, breeder; Allen Linder, owner; George Tracy, handler. With
C S Romeo, PM, by Dunn's Tried'n True--Rester's Redial. Cecil Rester, breeder; Tony Gibson, owner; Bo Brewer, handler.
Stitch, PM, by Miller's Heat Seeker--Lovern's Red Lace. Dennis Hood, breeder; Muriel & Bill Primm, owners; George Tracy, handler. With
Sunbelt's Repete, PM, by Hillhavyn's Drug Runner--Hillhavyn's Runaway Jill. Michael Martino, breeder; Don Price, owner; Mike Martino, handler.
Hard Truth. With
Miller's Southern Gossip.
Chasehill Little Lily, PF, by Chasehill Little Thudd--Chasehill Baby Beannie. John Stolgitis, breeder; Harley McClung, owner; John Stolgitis, handler. With
Miller's Million Dollar Penny, PF, by Miller's Upgraded Version--Erin's Cedar. Scott Turner, breeder; Muriel & Bill Primm, owners; Mike Tracy, handler.
Eliminator, PM, by Moon Cheyenne Jack--Dance River Pearl. Ron Williams, breeder; Sal Morelli, owner; Mike Tracy, handler. With
Great River Yellowstone, PM, by Fastforward's B K Gunner--Wiggins Miss Stella. Sam Handous, breeder; Sergio Velez, owner; Brian Sanchez, handler.
Casino Cassie, SF, by Awsum in Motion--Cape Point Millbilly. Bill Bonetti, breeder; John Dymond, owner; Mike Tracy, handler. With
B K Red Solocup, PM, by B K Pablo Escobar--B K Miss Millie. Rod Deighton, breeder; Dave O'Brien, owner and handler.
Answered Prayers. With
Naname Emma, PF, by Stoney Run's Buddy--Legendary. J. D. Goodwin, breeder; Earl Drew, owner and handler.
Hatteras Storm Surge, SM, by Black Top--Jovetta. Doug Hinton, breeder; Jett Ferebee, owner; Doug Ray, handler. With
Mohawk Mill Bad Boy, PM, by Stoney Run's Buddy--Miller's Fancy Lady. Donald Terrell, breeder; Gary Winall, owner and handler.
Thunder Bolt's Storm, PF, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt--Lady Underall. Dr. Tom Jackson, breeder and owner; Mike Tracy, handler. With
Cape Point Lucky Stike, SM, by Awsum in Motion--Cape Point Millbilly. Bill Bonetti, breeder and owner; Doug Ray, handler.
Bluebar Prettyboy, PM, by Miller's Heat Seeker--Lovern's Red Lace. Dennis Hood, breeder and owner; Mike Tracy, handler. With
Benchmark, SM, by Black Top--Jo Veeta. Doug Hinton, breeder and owner; Doug Ray, handler.
Backwoods Wild Fire Blaze, PM, by Erin's Wild Justice--Hollywood Hot'n'Tot. Chad Wheeler, breeder; Justin Mason, owner; Mike Martino, handler [Withdrawn]. With
Absolute Dominator.
Hatteras Sand Storm, SM, by Black Top--Jo Veeta. Doug Hinton, breeder; Jett Ferebee, owner; Doug Ray, handler. With
Railway Barnie, PM, by Glassilaun War Paint--Railway Jill. Gene Casale, owner, breeder and handler.
Rester's Speculation, PM, by Whippoorwill Justified--Rester's White Witch. Ronnie F. Spears, breeder; Cecil Rester, owner; Bo Brewer, handler. With
Just Win Chester, PM, by Sugarknoll War Paint--Sizzlin Julie. Jim Emerson, breeder; Charles Brunner, owner; Mike Tracy, handler.
1st--HARD TRUTH, 1685784, pointer male, by Erin's Redrum--Pearl Again. Dr. Bob Canada, owner; Doug Ray, handler.
2d--ABSOLUTE DOMINATOR, 1686566, pointer male, by Erin's Redrum--Pearl Again. Johnny & Joyce Taylor, owners; Doug Ray, handler.
3d--MILLER'S SOUTHERN GOSSIP, 1690150, pointer female, by Miller's Upgraded Version--Erin's Little Rose. Allen Linder, owner; Geroge Tracy, handler.
4th--ANSWERED PRAYERS, 1689233, pointer male, by Broken Halo--Rocky River Snowbird. Allen Linder, Madison McDonald & Casey Hollander, owners; Mike Tracy, handler.