Result: Greater St. Louis Brittany Club
Location: Grovespring, Missouri
Post Date: Nov 11, 2019
Submitted By: Burton Wice

Open All-Age Winners. In foreground, from left: Tommy Thomas with Hehi's Slim Chipley, Bob Travis with J W B Arctic Cat and Tom Tracy, Jr. with Kashmir. Standing: Bob Burchett, Judges Jay Lewis and Howard Burbach, and Dave Capstick.
GROVESPRING, MO. -- Our fall horseback field trial started with the Open All-Age on Wednesday, October 9, at the Sportsmen's Association Field Trial Grounds in Grovespring, Mo.
These private grounds are groomed and maintained solely for field trials. More than 1,500 quail were pre-released in September and the courses were also supplemented with quail each day.
With the exception of severe thunderstorms on Thursday afternoon, the weather cooperated with hints of fall in the air.
All stakes, except the Open Puppy, were run on the continuous three one-hour courses which gave dogs the opportunity to run on fresh grounds.
Although most dogs had bird contact, heavy green cover made the scenting conditions difficult on the dogs.
Many people and sponsors helped make this event possible. Jerry McGee, Mitch Sims, Bob Travis and Donna Janulis helped with the dog wagon. Ed Janulis, Joe Williams, Tommy Tracy, Jr. and Dave Capstick planted birds on the three courses.
Burton Wice, Donna Janulis, Kathy Gulembo and Mitch Sims prepared dinners for participants and guests. Meals were well received even though they were hard to eat due to a severe shortage of forks. Sharon Wice, field trial chairperson, prepared hard boiled eggs for morning coffee breaks at the dog wagon between braces. The participants were not happy that we ran out of eggs before the trial was over.
Purina donated small pouches of Pro Plan Sport dog food for the entrants as well as large bags for the winners of the one-hour Open All-Age Stake.
In addition to all of the attendees, these folks helped make this year's fall horseback field trial a huge success.
Grovespring, Mo., October 9
Judges: Howard Burbach and Jay Lewis
OPEN ALL-AGE [One-Hour Heats] -- 36 Brittanys
1st--HEHI'S SLIM CHIPLEY, 1671528, male, by Biebel's Huckleberry Huck--Rebel Jac's Kentucky Flyer. Matt Healey, owner; Bob Burchett, handler.
2d--J W B ARCTIC CAT, 1671900, female, by Maxwell's Outer Limits--Chancey's Frozen Asset. Jack & Crystal Alexander, owners; Tom Tracy, Jr., handler.
3d--KASHMIR, 1659332, male, by Cedar Valley Flyby--Super Natural. Dr. Robert Rankin, owner; Tom Tracy, Jr., handler.
Judges: Ed Janulis and Joe Williams
1st--SOVEREIGN'S CHASING LEGENDS, 1683100, male, by Alar's The Rocketeer--Kiss My Chips. Dawn & Joe Droel, owners; Dawn Droel, handler.
2d--TURNING POINTS LANDSLIDE, 1641602, male, by Ricochet Maggie's Jac--Emerson. Julie Nelson, owner and handler.
Judges: Kathy Gulembo and Ron Gulembo
OPEN DERBY -- 17 Brittanys
1st--GANGSTER'S SECRET WEAPON, 1685644, male, by Gun Creek Gangster--Gun Creek Whizki. Ed & Donna Janulis, owners; Chad Holman, handler.
2d--SOVEREIGN'S NOT JUSTABIRDDOG, unreg., male, by Sovereign's Cut To The Chase--Sovereign's Legendary Chocolat. Dawn & Joe Droel, owners; Bob Burchett, handler.
3d--ROUSTABOUT'S YAHN, unreg., male, by Maxwell's Prickly Pete--Dakota Sage. Paul Rosevear, owner; Tommy Tracy, Jr., handler.
Judges: Bob Travis and Clifford Weaver
AMATEUR ALL-AGE -- 14 Brittanys
1st--GUN CREEK GANGSTER, 1661629, male, by Odyssey's Ace of Hearts--Dixie Bradons Joy. Ed & Donna Janulis, owners; Ed Janulis, handler.
2d--CAMPBELL'S RAZZ MA TAZZ, 1618236, male, by Terra's Cabo Wabo--Breton's Truckee River Gold. Franklin Campbell, owner and handler.
3d--BRENDI BROOKS COWBOY UP, 1667890, male, by Brendi Brooks Broadway Joe--Brendi Brooks Cowgirl Up. Ray & Mary Jo Trimble, owners; Ray Trimble, handler.
Judges: Dave Capstick and Mike Poehler
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 26 Brittanys
1st--SOVEREIGN'S AMERICAN MUSCLE, unreg., male, by Sovereign's Fast and Furious--Sovereign's Legendary Chocolat. Dawn & Joe Droel, owners; Bob Burchett, handler.
2d--ROUSTABOUT ALL IN, 1684343, male, by Maxwell's Outer Limits--Cedar Valley Lily. Bo Ackerman, owner; Tommy Tracy, Jr., handler.
3d--ATOS, 1685378, male, by Gatsby Du Mas D'Eyraud--Lara Del Cecchetto John Hutwagner, owner; Bob Burchett, handler.
Judges: Dave Capstick and Bob Travis
OPEN PUPPY -- 8 Brittanys
1st--T N T'S SOMONANK SIOUX, unreg., female, by Whiskey's Little Tip--T N T's Queen of Comedy. Linda & Tommy Thomas, owners; Tommy Thomas, handler.
2d--CROSS CREEK'S LIGHT EM UP, unreg., male, by Hope's Chief of Crosscreek--Wild Mtn's Midnight Rendevouz. Wayne & Barbara Pepin, owners; Bob Burchett, handler.
3d--SOVEREIGN'S NOT JUSTABIRDDOG, unreg., male, by Sovereign's Cut To The Chase--Sovereign's Legendary Chocolat. Dawn & Joe Droel, owners; Dawn Droel, handler.