Result: Western Iowa Pointing Dog Club
Location: Raymond, Nebraska
Post Date: Dec 11, 2019
Submitted By: James Douglass

Open Shooting Dog Winners. From front left: Ringafire's Kentucky Blend, owned and handled by David Taylor, Devine Design, owned and handled by Matt and Bobbie Jo Conrad. Behind: Scott Roker and Jim Douglass.
RAYMOND, NEB. -- We would like to thank all who came and supported our October 10-11 fall field trial. We deeply appreciate all the support we had and sincerely hope to see you again! We would like to also thank our sponsor, Purina, for their continued support of our local club.
Purina has been outstanding in their ever-present support of providing dog food and samples.
I also thank the many people behind the scenes, both prior to and during the trial. A big thank you for the generous help with judging, planting birds, dog wagon, awards, and doing whatever else needed to be done.
Our personal thanks to our judges Rob Downen, Garvin Collins, Dale Renick, Ned Myer, Steve Auxier and Scott Roker for their tireless effort and many hours in the saddle. My special thanks to Rita Douglass for running the Kawasaki Mule Dog Wagon and Dale Renick, our outstanding bird planter.
Breakfast and lunch were provided by Rita Douglass and the corn bread muffins were a big hit! Again, my thanks to everyone involved. The trial ran smoothly with plenty of time for socialization and camaraderie, making it a very enjoyable weekend. We hope to welcome you back the first weekend in March for years to come.
This was the third year in a row that we were able to secure an October date at the Branched Oak Field Trial grounds. With the support of the Nebraska Field Trial Association, we have been able to secure this weekend as a permanent trial date for the Western Iowa Bird Dog Club. With this permanent date, we as a club intend to provide a high-quality venue for everyone who wants to participate in an October field trial, regardless of the breed of pointing dog owned, for years to come.
Early October can be an interesting time in Nebraska because you can catch a wide variety of weather patterns and conditions. In the past years we have enjoyed beautiful fall weather conditions, with sunny skies and 45 to 60 temperatures.
With this great weather, participants not only enjoyed the opportunity to watch high quality dogs perform, but also had a chance to enjoy some truly beautiful scenery as they rode the 900 plus acres of the Chet McClain Field Trial Grounds at Branched Oak Lake northwest of Lincoln, Neb.
This year was perfect with clear skies and 60 temperatures.
For the first time we tried a new approach to our trial. This approach was to run the trial on Thursday and Friday as opposed to a Saturday/Sunday format. This approach was at the request of several participants who were interested in running both our trial and also having the opportunity to run a weekend trial at another location.
Our trial drew dogs from almost all of the pointing breeds and participants from most of the Midwest States.
An ample amount of birds was released throughout the event; these birds plus excellent scenting conditions insured that the dogs didn't have any trouble finding birds.
For the first time, we were able to secure birds from Matt and Bobbie Jo Conrad. He has just recently started a quail business and we can attest to the fact that his birds were superb.
Raymond, Neb., October 11 -- One Course
Judges: Steve Auxier and Matt Conrad
OPEN PUPPY -- 5 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--HIGHLANDER'S ZIPLINE, 1685982, pointer male, by Erin's Redrum--Erin's Hard Frost. James W. Douglass, owner and handler.
2d--A FANCY REBEL, 1686915, pointer female, by S F Bandwagon--Extra Fancy. E. J. Myers, owner and handler.
3d--REBELLIOUS LILLY, 1686932, pointer female, by S F Bandwagon--Extra Fancy. E. J. Myers, owner and handler.
Judges: E. J. Myers and Dale Renick
OPEN DERBY -- 6 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--HIGHLANDER'S ZIPLINE, 1685982, pointer male, by Erin's Redrum--Erin's Hard Frost. James W. Douglass, owner and handler.
2d--INTENSIVE BAAD ADDICTION, 1679063, pointer female, by S F Bandwagon--S F Rushhour. Steve Auxier, owner and handler.
3d--INTENSIVE ROCKET QUEEN, 1679065, pointer female, by S F Bandwagon--S F Rushhour. Steve Auxier, owner and handler.
Judges: Steve Auxier and Rob Downen
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 6 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--RINGAFIRE'S KENTUCKY BLEND, 1672120, pointer male, by Pete's Greystone Bud--Sinbad's Rebel Rail. David Taylor, owner and handler.
2d--DEVINE DESIGN, 1658666, pointer female, by Phantom's Shooter--Phantom's Joy. Matt & Bobbie J. Conrad, owners; Matt Conrad, handler.
Judges: Dale Renick and Scott Roker
OPEN ALL-AGE -- 5 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--BAD BOY BUDDY, 1661144, setter male, by Erin's Hidden Shamrock--Dick's Tricky Jill. Robert & Cheryl Downen, owners; Rob Downen, handler.
2d--LAMPPOST DOTTIE, 1668807, pointer female, by Lamppost Case I H--Lamppost Black Rage. Garvin Collins, owner and handler.