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Result: North Dakota and D. E. Hawthorne Border Classics

Location: Columbus, North Dakota

Post Date: Oct 1, 2021

Submitted By: William S. Smith

COLUMBUS, N.D. -- The 2021 renewal of the 2021 North Dakota and the D. E. Hawthorne Open All-Age Classics were contested on the vast prairies just three miles east of the township.

Touch's Red Rider, Third in the North Dakota Classic

Columbus, founded in 1906, is rare in that it is one of the very few settlements that is not named after Christopher Columbus. It derived its name from an early postman, Columbus Larson. The nearby settlement of Larson is also the beneficiary of the mailman's surname.

Columbus' population was 133, according to the 2010 census. Columbus came alive again during the oil producing years of the former administration. Not much is happening in Columbus these days. The only thriving business is the local bar and pizzeria. However, the citizens of Columbus have continued to have a positive and accommodating spirit. They welcome the field trials each fall and some of the field trial participants have made some lasting friendships over the years. Columbus is a small town with a big city flourishing heart.

In April 1902, Johannes (John) Koppelsloen unloaded his team, wagon, two cows, two sheep, and three geese from an immigrant car at the rail siding at Flaxton, N. D. He'd come from Rothsay, Minn. John, 44, and his mission was to take up a homestead claim of the southeast quarter in Fay Township -- in totally unsettled country.

After buying food supplies in Flaxton to add to the forged nails and planks of white bass wood he had brought with him, he set out on the last twenty miles of his journey. There he found the promised land, 160 acres of gently rolling prairies, covered as today with natural grasses and wildflowers just emerging from six months of snow cover. (The Koppelsloens of Grand View, pg. 2.)

John's wife, Mattilda, joined him two months later along with their four children and the homestead was established. A fifth child was born in the sod house John had built in August. John and Mattilda eventually raised five sons and four daughters on this prairie place they called home. The "big house" was built in 1917 at a cost of $800 and it is the house that still stands today at the field trial headquarters. John and Mattilda celebrated their 50th anniversary in that house. The property remains in the Koppelsloen family.

Permission was granted for trial headquarters to return again to the abandoned Jack Koppelsloen farmstead where horse corrals and camping amenities, electrical hook-ups and water, are available for participants. The shallow well dug by John in 1902 needed a new pump, which arrived days before the trials began and water flowed once again from the well. The well water is very sandy and is used mainly for watering dogs and horses. Kent Horntvedt arranged to provide a water truck with a 3,000 gallon water tank. Because of the large number of dogs, horses, and people using the water, the tank had to be refilled after the first week. Our thanks to Kent for keeping us all hydrated.

Trial Chairman Allen Vincent had an ample supply of prairie grass hay rolls delivered for the horses. Allen works hard to assure that the trial functions smoothly and he always does a good job of coordinating. He was assisted by Dr. Robert Rankin and Mark Haynes throughout the trial. Allen is the "go-to" man when something needs attention.

These grounds are the summer training grounds for Allen Vincent and Larry Huffman. The late Gary Pinalto was the first handler to establish his camp in this area. Gary is also responsible for bringing fields trials to Columbus.

Dennis Jefferies operated two trials on his grounds near Towner, N. D. When Dennis gave up the trials, Gary took over and established the North Dakota Classic at Tioga where it ran as a qualifying trial for the National Championship. Your scribe had the opportunity to judge the event in 1997 at Tioga. Gary then moved the trials to Columbus where the North Dakota Classic and the Hawthorne Border Classic are still contested. The Hawthorne Classic became a National Championship qualifying trial in 2003.

Drought conditions this year forced some of the ranchers to cut and bale hay on some parts of the established three-hour courses causing a few detours from previous years, but these deviations were not a detriment to the quality of the trials. Fourteen different landowners graciously allow training and the running of these trials on their lands. Without their approval these trials, like many others, would not exist.

Prairie chickens were in abundance along with a few Huns, and an occasional pheasant. The profusion of game birds made for some exciting and memorable times during the trials. Marshalling duties were shared by Allen Vincent, Larry Huffman, Dr. Bob Rankin and Dr. Jim Mills.

Both trials are National Championship qualifying events, and also are Purina Dog of the Year and Handler Awards points stakes. The accompanying Derby stakes are All-Age Derby Award and American Derby Invitational point stakes.

Two separate clubs are responsible for the running of these two events. Officers of the North Dakota Classic Club are: Dr. Bob Rankin, president; Dr. Jim Mills, vice-president, and Bonnie Hidalgo, secretary. Directors are: D. E. Hawthorne (posthumous), Gary Pinalto (posthumous), local and owner Kent Horntvedt, Dr. J. D. Huffman, Earl Connolly, Ronnie Spears, Jeff Miller, and Preston Trimble (posthumous). Bonnie and Dennis Hidalgo could not attend this year and their absence was obvious. Bonnie has reported these events for several years. Your scribe was asked to stand in for Bonnie--not an easy assignment.

Officers of the Hawthorne Border Classic Club are: Preston Trimble, president, Jerome Koppelsloen, vice-president, and Bonnie Hidalgo, secretary. Dr. Bob Rankin, Bob Gum, Steve Lightle, and Mark Haynes comprise the directors.

Drawing for all four stakes was held at the Vincent/Huffman camp headquarters at 6:00 p.m. on September 4. A crowd of twenty persons was on hand for the drawing and enjoyed a selection of pizzas as the drawing transpired.

Although Sportsman's Pride was not present physically, their generosity was greatly appreciated by all. Their sponsorship of the ad in the American Field and also for sponsoring the fish fry during the trial was a tremendous benefit for the running of the trial.

Thanks to Allen Vincent, Mark and Gail Haynes, Lori Vincent, and Piper Huffman for their efforts to make this a gala affair. Thanks to Allen Vincent for frying the tasty fish and Mark and Gail Haynes for the delicious hush puppies and to all who contributed to the cuisine.

Our thanks also go to SportDog for donating two training collars. Their sponsorship is very much appreciated and most assuredly not taken for granted. Representative Jim Morehouse represented SportDog and their generosity.

Marion Mills piloted the dog wagon and she was always where she needed to be. She was credited with an A+ for her willingness to perform a very valuable service. She also served as a chauffeur at the completion of the morning and afternoon braces by picking up the judges and their horses and transported them back to headquarters.

Lunches were provided for everyone. The makings were available to create your own signature sandwich from the array of selections on the serving table next to Dr. Rankin's trailer. Dr. Rankin laid out the servings each day. His efforts were very much appreciated. He was a very busy man.

As an added treat, three ladies from Columbus -- Sandy Raines, Debbie Casteel, and Dorene Ronholdt -- volunteered to bring coffee and homemade donuts and cookies to those riding between the first and second braces each morning. Hot coffee and donuts hit the spot on those cool mornings. The ladies generously donated their time, their coffee, and their donuts to a very appreciative group.

Debbie Casteel is the mayor of Columbus; Sandy Raines is the auditor. Dorene is Debbie's mother and she is the baker of the group.

Harold Woodward traveled from Vilonia, Ark., and Jonathan Burch journeyed from Holly Springs, Miss., to adjudicate. Harold has been a mainstay for many years for the trials conducted at the Camp Robinson grounds near Mayflower. He has seen it all during his involvement through the years. Jennifer Burch accompanied her husband for their first visit to the prairies of North Dakota.

Jonathan is very active in amateur and open trials held in north Mississippi. Last March he piloted his dog, Set'em Up Joe, to the runner-up spot in the National Amateur Derby Championship over the historic venue of the Livingston Place (Dixie Plantation) near Greenville, Fla.

Harold and Jonathan were diligent in their duties, giving equal attention to all participants. Their demeanor testified as to their desire to "get it right." They were a compatible, cordial, and co-operative twosome. They judged the Guthrie Memorial Open Derby and the North Dakota Classic. They were willing and quick to answer your scribe's questions and explain their interpretation of the events.


The Dr. Guthrie Derby jumped from 18 dogs last year to 27 this year. Pointers, as usual, dominated the field with 17 males and 8 females. There was also a single setter male and one German shorthaired pointer male.

The temperature was in the mid-50s when they broke away at 8:00 a.m on Monday morning, September 6. The mercury climbed into the mid-80s in the afternoon and the dog wagon was the repository of many coats.

The late Dr. Douglas Guthrie supported field trials for many years. Handlers Gary Pinalto and Allen Vincent were the last to benefit from his generosity. Dr. Guthrie used to wear a coat made from coyote fur at the National Championship each year and was the subject of many conservations.

He owned a farm in Texas and one day turned all of his dogs out. That afternoon all except one had returned to their pens. He got a call from his neighbor telling him he needed to come collect his dog. When he arrived at his neighbor's place, he saw several dead chickens in the yard and his neighbor was standing on the porch with a shotgun nestled in his arms with the dog tied to the porch. His neighbor said, "You either keep this dog at home or I will." When asked what he did, he replied, "I did the only thing I could do. I bought his farm!" Dr Guthrie loved field trials, good horses, and good dogs.

Cecil Rester came north this summer with a promising prospect from a Whippoorwill Justified breeding to Rester's Katie Lee. Rester sustained a broken collar bone when his horse fell with him in a workout just days before the start of the Guthrie Derby. Rester enlisted the help of Luke Eisenhart to run Rester's Cajun Justice. Eisenhart had not worked the dog before, but that was no problem as Eisenhart guided Justice to a first place in the trial.

Justice was not intimidated by the vast prairie and responded to Eisenhart as if that had been the normal all summer. He was credited with a broke find at 10 on a single chicken. He ran a true all-age prairie race in the third brace of the stake.

Second place went to Wynona Nickleback Sugar based on her consistency to run to the front. She was not behind and ran the prairie like she owned it. Sugar ran in the seventh brace. Third place went to Wynona's Speed Dial Rona. She credited with a game contact at 16 and had the best finish of the stake when she was almost out of sight to the front. She ran in the second brace.

Columbus, N. D., September 6

Judges: Jonathan Burch and Harold Woodward


25 Pointers, 1 Setter and 1 German Shorthair

1st--RESTER'S CAJUN JUSTICE, 1691667, pointer male, by Whippoorwill Justified--Rester's Katie Lee. Cecil R. Rester, owner; Luke Eisenhart, handler.

2d--WYNONA'S NICKLEBACK SUGAR, 1690017, setter female, by T's Nickleback--Carpenter's Don't Ya. Bruce Sooter, owner; Allen Vincent, handler.

3d--WYNONA'S SPEED DIAL RONA, 1691094, pointer female, by Miller's Speed Dial--Bonner's Ransom Dot. Bruce Sooter, owner; Allen Vincent, handler.


Thirty-eight were drawn to compete in the North Dakota Classic: 36 pointers and two German shorthaired pointers (both males). The entry was down from 45 entries last year.

Sadie Firefly, pointer female, in her first qualifying trial as a first-year all-age contender is half-way to the National Championship by being declared the winner of the North Dakota Classic. She was handled by Allen Vincent for owners Natalie Cooper, Steve Lightle and Dr. Jim Mills, all of Searcy, Ark.

Sadie ran in the 18th brace. She had a chicken find at 15 on the edge of a mowed hay field and she scored again at 45 in an alfalfa field. Both finds were at desirable range for a prairie stake and she stood picturesquely for Vincent when the shots were fired.

Sadie is not new to winning on these grounds. She won the Dr. D. E. Hawthorne Open Derby last year and continued her winning ways this year.

Dream Chaser, handled by Andy Daugherty for owner Brad H. Calkins of Centennial, Colo., earned the runner-up spot. The four-year-old strapping pointer male ran in the 14th brace and was credited with a chicken find at 27 in a swale in the long field adjacent to the railroad tracks. His race was forward and displayed his powerful drive. This placement requalified Dream Chaser for the 2022 National Championship.

Luke Eisenhart guided Touch's Red Rider to third for owner Tucker Johnson of Hobe Sound, Fla. The seven-year-old pointer handled the country like a much younger dog. He ran in the first brace of the stake and his find was noted at 47. He stayed atop the chart until Dream Chaser moved him down a notch. This placement also requalified Rider for the 2022 National Championship.


The North Dakota Classic began on Tuesday morning at half-past nine at the conclusion of the Guthrie Open Derby. The competition began under a cloudless azure sky with strong gusting winds from the northwest.

Brace No. 1 featured Touch's Red Rider (Eisenhart) and Westfall's River Ice (Daugherty). From the get-go these two let it be known what an all-age prairie race was supposed to look like. They were only dots far to the front, but the handlers rode together at a steady pace trusting their charges would stay in contact. In spite of the almost gale-force wind at times both dogs handled as their handlers called on them. They were fast and covered a lot of ground until Daugherty's cap was in the air at 42. Daugherty could not put feathers in the air although there had been a Derby find at that location the day before. Eisenhart called point at 47 for Rider. A chicken flushed wild as the judiciary was riding to the find and the chicken was officially seen. Rider was standing in marsh grass with the wind blowing directly at him. He stood well for the shot. The brace ended with both dogs on extended casts.

Carlton's Outsider (Judd Carlton) and Justifier (Vincent) were quick to put some distance between themselves and their handlers. The gallery rode up chickens at 3 and they flew over Outsider and he stopped when he saw the bird. Justifier was on point at 16; the chicken was officially seen when it flushed before Vincent arrived. When Vincent shot, three more chickens took to the air. Just across a boundary road, Justifier was standing at 25. Once again, the chicken was officially seen as it flew before Vincent could flush. Carlton was not happy with Outsider and he was collared at 26. Vincent's cap blew off at 34 and when he retrieved it Justifier went on point. It was determined that Justifier saw the cap falling and went on point. Vincent did not flush. Five minutes later at 39 Justifier scored another find as he crossed the front in close proximity to Vincent. Justifier continued to hunt and was standing again at 46. A barren stand here. Time was called as Justifier completed a cast to the front.

The wind was gusting at 29 mph when Dunn's True Reign (Eisenhart) and Westfall's Mandalay (Daugherty) were loosed. They made some big moves before turning into the wind. Mandalay locked up at 14 in short grass ahead. Daugherty allowed Mandalay to relocate and after he could not locate his quarry, Daugherty elected to pick up. Reign was given a back here. Reign continued until 23 when Eisenhart decided to pick him up.

Erin's Tall Soldier (Carlton) and Whippoorwill Vette (Huffman) were turned loose into the wind. Huffman saw Vette standing at 6. It was a long ride to hum and Vette decided not to wait for Huffman and that brought an early exit for Vette. Soldier was in and out and Carlton picked up at 26.

Rester's Cajun Charlie (Eisenhart) and Westfall's Red Man (Daugherty) were next to battle the wind. Man went south when the course went north and was not seen again, Daugherty asked for the retrieval unit at 13. Charlie laid down the race of the stake to this point. Eisenhart called point at 12 but waved it off. From that point on Charlie went hunting. He was always ahead and at all-age range. He responded to Eisenhart's call and he went where chickens should have been but they were not home today. His race was admired by everyone who witnessed it.

Touch's One Night Standard (Haynes) and Whippoorwill Blazin began with the temperature ideal, in the upper 40s. It was difficult to see them in the breakaway field as they ran into the morning sun. Blazin's scout called point at 7. Before Huffman could reach Blazin, he pushed out the bird and earned an early ride on the dog wagon. Haynes called point for Standard at 2 but waved it off. Standard scored a chicken find at 9, everything in order. He had a questionable stop to flush at 14. Haynes tried to push him out, but Standard was not in the mood today and Haynes put him in a harness at 22.

No. 7 pitted Upfront Southern Star (Lance Schulz) against Texas Wild Rex (Vincent). Rex seemed to be focused more on his brace mate than hunting and Vincent collared him at 3. The course made a turn to the north at 20, but Star went south. Star was behind a half section wheat field and the scout could not make contact. Schulz took the retrieval device at 31.

Lowrider Frank (Vincent) and BMB Free Ride (Brandon Blum). Ride is a German shorthair male. Frank quickly put a lot of space between him and Vincent. He was pointed out far to the front on an extended cast. Ride was covering a lot of ground but not to the extent of Frank. Frank showed across the front when Vincent called point at 18, but waved it off. Frank moved up, circled around and styled up again. He was bowed almost into a U shape and he was intense. Vincent walked in front of the standing pointer and a chicken flew only a few feet in front of Frank's nose. It was a good piece of bird work. In the meantime Ride had taken a wrong turn and both the scout and handler made a long ride to retrieve him. Ride regained the front and was standing at 22. Blum flushed a chicken and shot with everything in order. Frank chalked up another chicken find at 32 just before crossing a boundary road. Ride suffered an unproductive at 33 when Blum was unsuccessful putting any feathers in the air. Frank had gained another gear and he was rolling across the prairie with ease as he made some huge casts. Everyone was sitting tall in the saddle to watch his race. Ride was making a good showing, but did not have the range of Frank. Ride was pointing into some marsh grass at 44. Blum made a gallant effort as he ran from place to place to flush Ride's quarry. Judge Burch spied what was either a chicken or a pheasant and notified Blum. When this flushing attempt failed, Judge Burch instructed Blum to fire shot and he was given credit for a find. Frank was last seen far to the front and he was not seen when time was called. Vincent was given the appropriate amount of time to recover Frank, but sadly time expired and Vincent took the retrieval device. Ride finished well to the front and Blum rode for him when pickup was called. It was an exciting 60 minutes and everyone wished that the ending had been different.

Barshoe Forget Me Not (Vincent) and Shadow's Lord Magic (Eisenhart). Magic was independent from the start and he went over one too many hills without acknowledging Eisenhart who took the retrieval device at 12. Forget Me Not placed third in the Douglas Guthrie Open Derby here last year but he was not suiting Vincent today and he was up at 20.

Andy Daugherty piloted Westfall's Castaway and Luke Eisenhart handled Sedgefields Legacy. Both made some wide swings and were covering a lot of territory. Castaway was far to the front when he crossed a boundary road, went under a fence, and kept going. Daugherty took the retrieval device at 24. Eisenhart called point for Legacy at 27 but waved it off. Legacy was lateral far to the east when Eisenhart somehow saw him standing at 40. Legacy stood firm when Eisenhart flushed and fired. When released, Legacy raced ahead but again went lateral into the rough country to the east and was not seen again under judgment.

S F Stetson (Huffman) and Bonner's Excalibur (Eisenhart) started in the heat of the afternoon. They were in tandem when they broke away and went in the wrong direction. Both scouts were dispatched to turn them back. The mission was accomplished and both dogs were back with their respective handler. Stetson was seen far to the front making a nice move. Excalibur was running strong on the north edge along the rail road tracks. Stetson was pointing at 27, but a barren stand was recorded. Excalibur was ranging wide and Eisenhart rode to stay in touch. They crossed the boundary rode and Stetson was standing again at 38. Huffman put a chicken to wing and fired, Stetson steady for the shot. Excalibur was in and out and Eisenhart was working hard to stay in contact with the hard running, far reaching pointer. The heat had taken its toll on Stetson and Huffman elected to pick up at 50. Scout called point for Excalibur at 59, but Excalibur corrected and moved ahead before Eisenhart arrived. He was standing again at 60. The flushing attempt was unsuccessful; Eisenhart asked him to relocate. Excalibur put a chicken to wing during the relocation and ended his bid and the brace.

Frontline Nation (Haynes) and Late Hit (Eisenhart) went to the rough country to the east when turned loose. The wind returned and it blew and blew from the southeast with gusts up to 18 mph. Conditions were difficult to say the least. Haynes called point at 6 and then waved it off. They were watered at the road crossing and with renewed vigor flew across the harvested wheat field. From there the handlers worked hard battling the wind. Hit made some big swings and showed well. Haynes called point again at 41 and again waved it off. At 59 without the benefit of any bird work, Eisenhart called it quits. Nation finished without any bird contacts.

Touch's Diamante (Turley) and Cypress Cracker (Daugherty) took off like they were shot from a canon. The problem was that they went the wrong way. Both handlers and scouts were out. Daugherty returned at 20 with Cracker in a harness. Turley returned at 30 to ask for the retrieval device.

In brace No. 14, Dream Chaser (Daugherty) and Erin's Lonestar Law (Eisenhart) rendered exciting performances. They were released in the hayfield before the road crossing. They were together as they made a commendable cast across the hillside to the east and crossed the front at a good distance, Daugherty called point but waved it off. They were watered at the crossing and Law took the north side and Chaser took the south side of the long field adjacent to the railroad tracks. Both dogs were getting through the cover with apparent ease and they were going places. When seen, they were to the front where they were supposed to be. Chaser was first to get on the board with a find at 27 standing in a swale facing the wind, Birds were seen officially as they flew before Daugherty arrived. Chaser stood stylishly for the shot. Eisenhart's cap was lifted at 29 for Law standing just ahead. Birds were jumpy in this wind and Law's birds were no exception and were seen while riding to the standing pointer. Law stood proudly when Eisenhart shot his pistol. They crossed the road and were pointed out ahead. They were not seen for a time and the scouts were out while the handlers rode the course. Both dogs were seen in the 9-11 field and the handlers and the scouts rode for them. Back on course, the dogs were whistled on and they were soon out of sight. They raced ahead to the front and were at a distance ahead as time expired. Law maybe finished a little better as he was farther to the front. It was an exciting hour with good performances by both dogs.

No. 15 showcased Miss Stylin Sue (Vincent) and Knight Moon (Eisenhart). One of Sue's owners, Dr. Jim Mills, was riding. They covered a lot of territory before point was called by both handlers at 56. The dogs were separated by 10 yards and both were looking straight ahead, A covey of Huns was flushed between them and both handlers fired. A divided find was credited here. They both finished going away toward the headquarters, and both handlers and scouts rode for them.

Brace No. 16 was of short duration as BMB's Freeloader (Blum) suffered barren stands at 30 and 40. Westfall's True Grit (Daugherty) was credited with unproductive stands at 22 and 38.

No. 17 was also short. Nosam's Sweetwater (Huffman) was up early after barren stands at 13 and 16. Spencer's Ramblin Man was up at 37 when his race was not suiting Fred Rayl.

Sadie Firefly (Vincent) and Awsum Country Justice (Eisenhart) in the next to the last brace of the trial. It took little time after breakaway for the scouts to be sent out as both dogs showed on the distant hillside. It was a cool, still morning as they rambled through the country and the absence of the prevailing wind made the conditions right for the dogs today. Handlers rode far to the front in order to stay in touch with their far-reaching dogs. They were only glimpsed occasionally as they crossed the front or were seen casting down a distant edge of a wheat stubble field or a mowed hay field. It was on a hay field edge that Vincent saw Sadie standing at 15. A chicken flushed as the judiciary approached. Sadie stood unmoving and solid at the shot. Both dogs were watered at the boundary road and waited there for the judges to arrive. They crossed the road and disappeared going away in the huge wheat stubble field. Eisenhart saw Justice styled up at 29 standing on the edge of the field. The gallery rode up a covey of Huns as they rode to observe Justice. The Huns caused some anxious moments when some of the horses began to shy from the birds. After a lengthy relocation attempt, an unproductive stand was noted here. They were still going strong and they were exploring distant country. Vincent spied Sadie standing in the alfalfa hay field. Vincent flushed and shot with everything in order. When time was called both dogs were far to the front and the handlers rode to gather them. An exciting hour.

Westfall's Wheels Up (Daugherty) and Whippoorwill Ripcord (Huffman) were featured in the finale. Ripcord had an unproductive stand at 30 and 52. Wheels had a nice chicken find at 45 after a very good relocation. Wheels finished going away at pick up.


36 Pointers and 2 German Shorthairs

1st--SADIE FIREFLY, 1691207, pointer female, by Westfall's True Grit--Gin Smoke and Lies. Natlie Cooper, Steve Lightle & Dr. James Mills, owners; Allen Vincent, handler.

2d--DREAM CHASER, 1680227, pointer male, by Pleasant Run Bob--House's Wild Bess Again. Brad H. Calkins, owner; Andy Daugherty, handler.

3d--TOUCH'S RED RIDER, 1661244, pointer male, by Touch's Knight Rider--Whippoorwill G M A. Tucker Johnson, owner; Luke Eisenhart, handler.

North Dakota Classic Winners. Foreground, from left: Mark Haynes with Sadie Firefly, Sharlene Daugherty with Dream Chaser, and Judd Carlton with Touch's Red Rider. Second row (behind banner): Lori Vincent, Marion Mills, Allen Vincent, April Coffin, a


Laura Miller from Maxwell, Ia., and Kelli Aitken from Manhattan, Kan., answered the call to officiate the D. E. Hawthorne Border Classic and the Preston Trimble Memorial Open Derby. Both arrived at the trial headquarters in their LQ horse trailers, ready to get down to business. Both participate mostly in the Continental breed arena. They maintained a consistent pace and gave their attention to the dogs on the ground. They rode with reckless abandon when going to a find.


The Trimble Derby drew 20, 17 pointers and 3 setters, up from 14 last year. The stake began on Saturday, September 11, under gray skies. Rain was not predicted, but a light rain started during the morning and continued throughout the remainder of the day.

Wynona's Nickleback Sugar, setter female, topped the field to secure the top spot in the stake. She was handled by Allen Vincent for owner Bruce Sooter of Snyder, Tex. She ran in the 6th brace and earned her placement with a broke find on a single chicken. She was subservient to Vincent for the 30 minutes of the heat and she saw a lot of country in those 30 minutes. Perhaps her finish could have been a bit stronger, but the judges thought she had done enough. She continued her winning ways after being awarded second place in the preceding Dr. Douglas Guthrie Derby.

Another Bruce Sooter owned dog, Wynona's High Finance, gained runner-up. Allen Vincent handled her vin the 9th brace. The easy-running white and black pointer female carded two finds in quick succession--one at 24 on chickens and another at 26 on Huns. She stood motionless when the chicken flew but there was just too much temptation when the large coveys of Huns exploded all around her. She started to chase but stopped on Vincent's command. She had been independent at times, but responded to Vincent's calling.

Touch's Amazing Greyce ran in the first brace. She was handled by her Montana owner, Austin Turley. She laid down a prairie all-age race, the best of the stake. She was not scouted, although she ran an extreme race. She and Turley were on the same page and it was a page worth watching. The judges elected to go with bird work and if Greyce had been credited with a find, the order of the placements might possibly have changed.

All three placements were won by females.

Judges: Kelli Aitken and Laura Miller


17 Pointers and 3 Setters

1st--WYNONA'S NICKLEBACK SUGAR, 1690017, setter female, by T's Nickleback--Carpenter's Don't Ya. Bruce Sooter, owner; Allen Vincent, handler.

2d--WYNONA'S HIGH FINANCE RITA, 1696400, pointer female, by Attitude's High Finance--Erin's Little Rose. Bruce Sooter, owner; Allen Vincent, handler.

3d--TOUCH'S AMAZING GREYCE, 1693629, pointer female, by Touch's Grey Street--Intentional. Austin Turley, owner and handler.


The stake drew 33 entries, all pointers, down two from last year, and began on Sunday, September 12, and concluded on Wednesday, September 15. Light rain showers and the temperature in the mid-60s at the start. The rain was intermittent throughout the morning running with a slight wind.

Westfall's Mandalay (Daugherty) and Spenser's Rambling Man (Rayl) went straight to the low hill at breakaway. Mandalay's race was suiting, but he got too close to a chicken at 44 and ended his bid. Man had a find on chickens at 40, a stop to flush at 42, and a barren stand at 47. He had another find at 52 and scored again at 58. His race was meeting the standard at times, but he was short at times. He seemed to tire the last quarter hour and finished short.

Justifier (Vincent) had a relocation find on a chicken at 24 and a divided find at 33. He had another relocation find at 37. He was standing at 54, but an extensive relocation effort failed to produce feathers and he was picked up with one minute left in the brace. His race was pleasing and predominately to the front. Bonner's Bullet Proof (Anderson) had a divided find at 33 and another find at 52. His race was mostly lateral.

Whippoorwill Blazin (Huffman) and Miller's Select Call (Anderson) were the final act of the morning. Blazin was lost at 30. Call had a questionable find at 2, another find on chickens at 27, and a final find at 49. Call's race was adequate the first half of the hour, but he shortened considerably the last half. He was just in front of his handler when time expired.

Clouds had moved off and the rain had stopped. Lowrider Frank (Vincent) and S F Stetson (Huffman) kicked off the afternoon agenda. Frank backed Stetson at 15. Frank was a pretty sight standing at 40 at a good distance to the front. Everything in order at the shot. He scored again at 55 standing on a wheat stubble edge. His race was acceptable with some huge forward casts. He finished still running strong and going away. Stetson had a barren stand at 15 and he backed Frank from a considerable distance at 40. He was not suiting Huffman and was up at 44.

Westfall's River Ice (Daugherty) and Whippoorwill Vette (Huffman) were off in good fashion, making a wide swing to the east. Ice was lost after crossing the boundary road and Daugherty took the retrieval device at 35. Vette had an unproductive at 15 and a nice forward find at 39. Vette became independent and Huffman called it quits at 45.

Dixon's Rolling Stone (Anderson) and Touch's One Night Standard (Haynes) brought the curtain down on the day's running. Stone had a find at 17 and a back at 21. Stand had a find at 18 and 21. Their races were not of all-age caliber and the judges requested that both be picked up at 45.

Unforcasted light rain was falling when Miller's Justifiable (Anderson) and Texas Will Rex (Vincent) were loosed. Justifiable was on the board first at 17 with a chicken find. He went on to record backs at 40, 42, 44, 48, 54, and 60. He started well but shortened as the brace continued. Rex made some big swings before we entered the fallow ground just south of the half section harvested wheat field. This ground turned out to be a cornucopia for chickens. Rex's first find was at 40. He was standing straight to the front at all-age range. Vincent flushed and shot. When Rex was released, he moved a short distance and carded a second find at 42. The same scenario was repeated at 44, 48, and 54. No exception was taken to Rex's manners on these three finds. Chickens began to get up all around the gallery and on both sides of the field. Rex was standing on his fifth find at 54; as the judiciary rode to the find, birds continued to fill the air. Rex was held here briefly because of the number of birds in flight. More birds flushed as the gallery exited the field. Rex was standing for the sixth time at 60. The flushing attempt was futile and Rex was asked to relocate. He went straight to the birds and three chickens flushed wild as Vincent approached. A good relocation and a good hour.

The light rain had stopped when Dream Chaser (Daugherty) and Whippoorwill Ripcord (Huffman) began. Ripcord had a good find to the front at 3. His race was suiting, but there was too much temptation for him on his second find as he put the birds up. Dream Chaser was running a true prairie race and the scout found him standing on a distant limb find at 29. Chaser was asked to relocate and he had the chickens located quickly. It was the find of the trial to this point. Daugherty put the birds up and Chaser stood solid with good style at the shot. He had a barren stand at 33. He was on a huge cast at 40 going across the front, but that was the last time he was spied. Daugherty took the retrieval device at 56.

Raindrops had returned when Westfall's Redman (Daugherty) was out of the box quickly and pointed at 3. It was barren; Daugherty, not satisfied with Redman, picked him up. Sadie Firefly (Vincent) backed handsomely at 3. She was running big and she was standing at 19 in a hay field. Before Vincent could get to her, she took the birds out, ending her bid and the brace.

Miller's L'Eletto (Anderson) was up at 18. Westfall's True Grit (Daugherty) disappeared out the front and Daugherty took the retrieval device at 51.

Nosam's Sweetwater (Huffman) had a nice find at 5 and an unproductive at 18, World Class Bootlegger (Anderson) was short and had a chicken find at 33. The judges ordered both dogs up at 45.

In No. 12, Frontline Nation (Haynes) was picked up at 50 with no bird work. Westfall's Wheels Up (Daugherty) had a good find on chicken at 35 and was ordered up by the judges at 55.

Lester's Jazzman (Anderson) and Miss Stylin Sue (Vincent) kicked off the last day of running on a cool, overcast morning. Jazzman was not suiting Anderson and he was up at 22. Sue disappeared to the front early and was not seen again under judgment.

Reynolds Bad Trick (Tony Reynolds) could not get untracked and was picked up at 34 after backing his bracemate. Touch's Fireaway (Anderson) scored finds at 33 and 57. No exception taken to manners. He was short the first 30 minutes. He moved out a little farther after crossing into the hay fields. He finished just over the boundary road heading into the long field next to the railroad tracks.

Upfront Southern Star moved out fast and responded to Lance Schulz when he called on her to turn east. She was dead to the front when Schulz saw her standing in the prairie grass. Birds flew as Schultz approached. She stood unmoving at the shot. She made strong casts through the long field and crossed the boundary road at 12. She carded her second find at 15 when the judge saw her standing in thick grass. This area is referred to as 9-11, referring to that date that will live in infamy and it covers an area of several sections. Star moved through the rough country appearing not affected or slowed by the thick cover. She carded her third find at 30 just before entering the mowed hay field. She continued to run to the front and was handling easily for Schulz. She crossed the road and took the edge and held it until time was called. She had been impressive. Barshoe Forget Me Not (Vincent) left running and she did not stop or turn. Vincent took the retrieval device at 26. True story--she was found on point and Vincent flushed five chickens!

In. No. 16, Touch's Blackout did not suit Anderson and he was picked up at 10. Cypress Cracker (Daugherty) did not have the benefit of any bird work.

Westfall's Castaway (Daugherty) did not have luck on his side and went birdless.


[One-Hour Heats] -- 33 Pointers

1st--TEXAS WILD REX, 1685409, male, by Whippoorwill Forever Wild--Washita River Wild. Aaron Bolli, owner; Allen Vincent, handler.

2d--UPTFRONT'S SOUTHERN STAR, 1662579, female, by Ransom--Double WIld. Lance Schultz, owner and handler.

3d--LOWRIDER FRANK, 1650933, male, by Miller's Happy Jack--Fairchase Jiggs. Dr. James Mills & Steve Ligthle, owners; Allen Vincent, handler.