Result: National Red Setter Championships
Location: Grovespring, Missouri
Post Date: Nov 27, 2019
Submitted By: Bonnie Hidalgo

Open Championship Winners. From left front: Dr. Roger Boser with Waycross and Joe Edwards with Windfall. Standing: Bonnie Hidalgo, Dr. Robert Rankin, judge; Jim Baker, Larry Smith, judge; Terry Feitz, Mary Boser, Tom Norton, Don Beauchamp and Terry Trzcinski.
GROVESPRING, MO. -- Waycross scored five flawless finds during an intelligent race to capture the 2019 title of National Red Setter Open Champion. The trial was contested on the nationally acclaimed Missouri Sportsmen's Association grounds at Grovespring, Mo. The five-year-old male was capably handled by his owner Dr. Roger W. Boser of Seven Valleys, Pa.
With the naming of Windfall as the runner-up, Dr. Boser swept the open championship placements. "Windy" scored two stylish finds in a consistently forward race.
The National Championship has an added purse of $1000 which is generously donated each year by California red setter supporter Rich Strumpf. Rich's contribution brings the purse total to $1500 -- $1000 to the champion and $500 to the runner-up. This monetary support is meant to encourage the breeding of bigger running red setters.
In the National Red Setter Amateur Championship, Windfall turned in a big, forward race with two perfect finds to take the win for owner Dr. Roger Boser. Come Back Trump was named runner-up; the three-year-old male was handled by owner Joe A. Edwards of Rose Hill, N. C. Trump turned in a beautiful race with one divided find where he showed excellent style and great manners. The winners both appeared in the first brace of the stake.
The Red Setter Open Derby winner was Come Back Boss, male owned and handled by Joe Edwards. Firefly's Rendition took second for owners Dennis and Bonnie Hidalgo of Brighton, Colo. The young male was handled by Bonnie. Coldstream placed third for Dr. Roger Boser.
Other companion stakes included an Open Puppy and an Open Walking Shooting Dog. The results and performances in these stakes are described later in this report.
On the eve of the trial, Tuesday, November 5, the drawing was held at the Grovespring clubhouse by co-chairs Dennis and Bonnie Hidalgo. Dinner was served before the drawing and a congenial atmosphere prevailed.
Entries in the Open and Amateur Championships were eighteen each. In the Open Derby, six entries were drawn. The Open Puppy attracted five starters and four were drawn in the Open Walking Shooting Dog.
For the second year in succession this field trial has seen an increase in entries, particularly in the two titular stakes.
The fall National Red Setter Championships have been held at the Field Trial Sportsmen's grounds since 2001. The competitors feel fortunate to be able to run on this highly sought-after venue.
This fall's event commenced on Wednesday, November 6, and ran for four full days. Quail were plentiful with many coveys pointed on each of the three one-hour courses. In addition to the pre-released and wild coveys, supplemental birds were put out by the club twice daily to ensure a fair chance for every entry. The courses were nicely groomed and their flow set the stage for some exciting performances.
Purina has been a faithful and generous sponsor of this field trial and of the National Red Setter Club in general.
Purina representative Terry Trzcinski was present for the first half of the event and attended the Purina-sponsored banquet on Thursday evening which was held in conjunction with the opening of our silent auction. He stated that the filet mignon dinner and generous side dishes and desserts did Purina proud and was a fitting use of the funds that Purina
earmarks for sponsored banquets when it provides financial support to a club. Terry is always a pleasure to be around. He made sure that we received Purina gear bags for each of our judges, which are a popular gift.
Members of the Red Setter Club thank Purina for their financial and product support. The winners of all stakes gratefully received the dog food donated by Purina. There was a generous supply of two-pound bags which were passed out to all participants. Purina Pro Plan Sport Performance is the most popular food among bird dog enthusiasts. It is "Nutrition that Performs"! Thank you so much Purina for all you do for dogs and for your consistently generous support of the great sport of bird dog field trials!
SportDog was a big supporter of this event again. SportDog provided three training collars for our fundraiser which did very well for the club. SportDog's well-respected representative Jim Morehouse was on hand for a few days of the trial. He came with product demos and was able to answer many questions on the use of SportDog locating and training collars. Jim is a special person and it is always a pleasure to have him on hand. Thank you, SportDog and Jim, for your unwavering support!
Garmin provided collars to the winner of each championship. The sport model training collar was awarded to the champion of the open stake, while the Pro 550 Plus/TT15 collar was awarded to the amateur champion. These are coveted prizes. The club is very appreciative of Garmin's sponsorship of this event.
The Dog of the Year Awards for the 2018-2019 season were awarded at Friday evening's dinner which was hosted and prepared by club members Wendy and Milt Schaefer. A delicious feast of beef, chicken and all the trimmings was quickly devoured.
The Puppy of the Year was Paul Ober's Celtic's Red Zone. The Derby Award winner was Gratitude, owned and handled by Dr. Roger Boser. The season's "Duke Award" for the high point shooting dog went to Roses Are Red, with Little More Shine the runner-up in that award. Both dogs are owned by Tim and Dr. Kris Hammons, Berea, Ky.
The Jim Fike Award for the high point amateur handler of the 2018-2019 season went to Dr. Roger Boser. Jim Baker, who originated this great award, was on hand to present the trophy to Roger.
The silent auction was closed after the evening festivities; it was a successful fundraiser for the trial. Among the major items were three SportDog training collars kindly gifted by SportDog, and a beautiful quilt created by club member Wendy Schaefer. The sale of these and other donated items allows the NRSFTC to put on better field trials. The trial co-chairs really appreciate these donations and we thank everyone for their bids!
Milt Schaefer was the head bird planter; he planted birds in the dark each morning with the help of Dennis Hidalgo. For the afternoon braces, Milt followed the morning gallery in his ATV to drop birds where finds occurred so as to call the coveys back to the area. This system has proven to work well on these grounds and Milt did a great job.
Manning the dog wagon each day was Don Beauchamp who was accompanied at times by Tom Norton, Dennis Hidalgo and Terry Trzcinski. The assorted homemade cookies that Bonnie and Dennis Hidalgo baked for the morning and afternoon breaks went quickly as did the candy bars and coffee.
Dennis Hidalgo conducted the drawing and was head chef. Bonnie Hidalgo handled the paperwork, prepared lunches and assisted with other meals served at the clubhouse each day.
Wendy Schaefer cooked dinner on Friday evening. Club treasurer Linda Beauchamp kept track of the finances, provided some delicious desserts and ran errands. Mary Boser, Sue Norton, Linda Beauchamp, Renee Harryman and Wendy Schaefer assisted with kitchen clean-up. Terry Feitz and Mike Harryman were available to help with the odds and ends that crop up at a trial.
Due to Dennis Hidalgo's poorly mended left hip, Tom Norton rode Dennis' horse so it was in place when Dennis would run a dog. Milt carried a ladder on the ATV so Dennis could mount and be able to remount after having bird work. Kelli Aitken and Bonnie Hidalgo were designated flushers during the one brace that Milt was unavailable. Where there is a will, there is a way. The understanding, help and patience shown by judges and participants alike is immensely appreciated by the Hidalgos.
Judges for both Championships and the Open Derby were Dr. Robert Rankin of Edmond, Okla., and Larry Smith of Pleasant Hill, Ia. These gentlemen brought a wealth of bird dog knowledge to the event. Their complete attention to every entry was greatly appreciated.
Robert competes on the Brittany circuit with amateur dogs while also having dogs with a pro on the Brittany all-age circuit. Robert's pointers run successfully on the pointer all-age circuit with his S F Mapleleaf having just won runner-up at a major championship.
Larry Smith resides in Iowa but is also known for his farm in northern Missouri where several great field trials are held. Larry competes with his pointers on the amateur and open all-age circuit. He has been a winner of Purina awards for amateur all-age and Derby high point. His dogs carry the S F prefix (Smith Farms), He bred and developer of Dr. Bob Rankin's S F Mapleleaf.
Dr. Robert Rankin graciously consented to judge all stakes. He was joined by Dr. Roger Boser for the Open Puppy and Open Walking Shooting Dog which ran Saturday afternoon.
We were honored to have great judges for this 2019 renewal. We thank Bob, Larry and Roger for their time and attention.
Thanks to all who attended this field trial; whether you were here to work, compete or spectate your presence added to the quality of this event.
Champion Waycross, handled by Dr. Roger Boser, came out of the eighth brace of the stake which ran on the second course Thursday morning. Waycross went on a bird-finding expedition in which he scored a total of five perfect finds. His first find was on the ridge in Little Vine at 6; his birds were well located. His next find was at 17 just prior to sycamore. At the ditch in sycamore at 28, Waycross notched another beautiful find. His fourth find was on a large covey on the ridge at 38. This was a spectacular piece of bird work. His fifth and final find was beside the twin barns at 41; again he exhibited high class.
Waycross ran intelligently and was always to the front, always on an edge. He made a beautiful sweeping move to the pond corner in the bull pasture late in the hour. Waycross finished well forward.
Windfall gave a fine performance to win runner-up honors for Roger Boser. He was released Wednesday morning, heading up the Little Vine Hill on course No. 2. "Windy" naturally honored his bracemate at 17. Windy scored his first find on the fenceline above sycamore bottom at 28; he displayed great style and decorum. Windy's second find occurred up the ridge at 34; it was flawless. He put down a very nice race, staying forward and moving with an appealing gait. Windfall finished going away.
The Running
Rendition (Boser) and Quantonas Reciprocal (Aitken) opened the running on Wednesday morning. Both were away nicely, running the edges attractively. Rendition scored his first find on the cross row just into Davis bottom at 19. He was high and tight with birds well located. He was absent before the end of Davis and gone for a detracting amount of time. His second find was just prior to Horse Killer Hill at 40; once again he was statuesque. "Reason" pointed a covey on Apple Tree Hill at 48 with excellent manners. She was consistently forward at good range throughout the hour.
Windfall (Boser) and Firefly's Beeline (Hidalgo) were released heading up the Little Vine Hill. Windfall's performance gained him runner-up and was noted above. Beeline pointed nicely at 17 but took steps prior to the flush which ended her bid.
Keechi of the Snows (Norton) was fast forward from the breakaway and was lost early. Come Back Lady Soul (Edwards) was fast and fancy, but failed to stop to flush at 55 and was up.
Come Back Trump (Edwards) and Brophy's Kingpin (Dixon) ran course No. 1 after lunch break. Kingpin pointed before the road crossing with style and intensity. Trump caught the front at that time but without his handler. He honored the situation but then continued on and was ordered up. Kingpin took an unproductive there. Kingpin was forward through Davis bottom. Just before the creek crossing at 32 he pointed again. He was asked to relocate and successfully pointed a woodcock. Prior to Horse Killer Hill he styled up again but this barren stand spelled the end to his performance.
Firefly's Power Play (Hidalgo) and Cedar Creek Talon (Liermann) were released on Apple Tree Hill. "Puck" scored four finds and had one barren stand. Puck's first find at 30 was on the fenceline above sycamore. His second was near the road to the twin barns, where Talon backed nicely. A bit further west he pointed again but no birds were produced. Beside the barn he notched his third find, again with pretty style and good manners. His fourth find was at the bull pasture's first draw on a big covey. Puck ran a good forward race with a solid finish. Talon scored a pretty find at 7 just beyond Apple Tree Hill. He caught the front in Little Vine and made some nice strong moves across the hills. He pointed at the blue house but it was a dead bird. Talon made some good moves. He is a handsome dog running and pointing but occasional independent streaks sometimes put him behind.
Firefly's Red Button (Harryman) and Brophy's Gonzo Style (Dixon) broke away into Clymer's. Button came up lame early in the hour and was up. Gonzo started well, moving forward with an easy flowing gait. He was lost before the hour was over.
Cedar Creek Crossfire (Liermann) was lost early. Dawson's High Chaparral (Hidalgo) ran a big, forward race. He scored a beautiful find at 14 before the second creek crossing with all in good order. He continued with edge running application for the remainder of the hour. He stopped to flush on a feeding covey late in the hour and finished going away.
Waycross' (Boser) winning hour was described above. Caddo of the Snows (Norton) was lost to the front.
Oakleaf's Quite Man (Baker) and Kindle (Hidalgo) turned loose heading into clubhouse loop. "Murphy" pointed quail on the top of the hill at 5 but the work wasn't satisfactory and he was up. Kindle was handling rough and her handler opted to pick up early.
Grovespring, Mo., November 6
Judges: Dr. Robert Rankin and Larry Smith
18 Irish Setters
Winner--WAYCROSS, 1653133, male, by Justified--Redstone. Dr. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.
Runner-Up--WINDFALL, 1658437, male, by Touchstone--Redstone. Dr. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.
The companion Open Derby ran on Thursday afternoon following the completion of the Open Championship.
Come Back Boss turned in a pleasing forward race and scored two well-mannered finds to take the blue. Boss is owned and handled by Joe Edwards.
Firefly's Rendition was second for owners Dennis and Bonnie Hidalgo and handled by Bonnie. He ran a reaching, forward race and responded well to his handler.
Coldstream, a male owned and handled by Dr. Roger Boser, was third with a good race and two mannerly finds.
Dr. Robert Rankin and Larry Smith were the judges, as advertised.
OPEN DERBY -- 6 Irish Setters
1st--COME BACK BOSS, 1686163, male, by Come Back High Liner--Come Back Foxy. Joe A. Edwards, owner and handler.
2d--FIREFLY'S RENDITION, 1682650, male, by Rendition--Bonaventure. Dennis & Bonnie Hidalgo, owners; Bonnie Hidalgo, handler.
3d--COLDSTREAM, 1684762, male, by Rendition--Coldplay. Dr. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.
National Amateur Championship Winners
Windfall won the Amateur Championship for Dr. Boser. His bracemate, Come Back Trump, owned and handled by Joe Edwards, was named runner-up. They appeared in the first brace of the stake and set a bar that remained in place to the end.
They sped away to the front at breakaway, each showing a few times on the way to the rocky creek crossing. Windfall scored a nice find at 14 in the field below the sycamore gates. They raced through Davis bottoms; both were exciting to watch.
After climbing Horse Killer Hill, the dogs were found side by side on point at 44. They were stylish and staunch, creating a memorable picture. Each stood tall through flush and shot. Windfall and Trump continued nicely forward for the remainder of the hour. Windfall showed slightly more consistency in his forward pattern but overall both were spectacular on the ground.
The Running
Windfall (Boser) and Come Back Trump (Edwards) were described above.
Cedar Creek Gem (Liermann) scored five well-mannered and attractive finds in her hour. Gem pointed with high style at 10 near the gate at the ditch, all in good order. Rendition (Boser) was found pointing in Sycamore on the left edge at 17, a fine display. Gem carded her second find near the ditch across sycamore. Her third was at the old feeder site on the ridge at 35. Rendition pointed further down the ridge successfully at 36. Gem's fourth find was near the blue house at 43. Gem pointed in the bull pasture at 57 with Rendition honoring; it was unproductive. Two minutes later she was pointing again, this time with a big covey well located. Rendition honored her again. Gem ran well from the start, taking her edges to the front. Her range and speed dimmed late in the hour.
Dawson's High Chaparral (Hidalgo) and Cedar Creek Crossfire (Liermann) turned loose heading east from the blue house. Crossfire was forward through the clubhouse loop but disappeared the second time past the twin barns at 21 and was not recovered under judgment. "Luke" scored a nice find near the twin barns at 7. He pointed quail on the north side of the clubhouse loop at 18, all in order. His third find was a large covey on the hillside coming out of the loop. Luke scored again on the right treeline near the barns at 27. A fifth find in the alley ended his bid with the quail flying at the dog and visa-versa.
Cedar Creek Talon (Liermann) and Firefly's Red Button (Feitz) were drawn to run the first brace Friday afternoon. Button was scratched due to the injury she sustained in the Open Championship. Talon was noticeably absent not long after the breakaway but he was found forward on course at 14, pointing stylishly in the field below the sycamore gates. His find was perfect in every respect. Talon pointed again at 21 just before the road crossing but the birds were not officially seen. Just into Davis he pointed at 23. He took steps during the attempted flush on what proved to be a barren stand. He scored a second find further into Davis; it was a beautiful piece of work on a huge covey. Talon's third find came along the feed strip at the far end of Island Field. He was high and tight on both ends. He continued mostly forward until time.
Keechi of the Snows (Norton) was lost in the Little Vine Loop. Come Back Lady Soul (Edwards) was attractive on the ground but had an indiscretion on game at the old feeder site and was up before the hour.
Firefly's Power Play (Hidalgo) and Come Back Magic (Edwards) turned loose on the hill behind Daugherty's. Magic was fast and fancy on the ground but was under a covey near the blue house and up at 25. Power Play's first find was a covey on the hill overlooking D Highway with Kelli Aitken flushing for Dennis at 30. "Puck" displayed good style and manners. His second find was at the bull pasture pond; a huge covey of birds lifted on the handler's approach. Again Kelli graciously assisted. Puck pointed on the north edge before the barns but it proved unproductive. At the barns he styled up, a dove lifted and Puck was urged on, pushing out quail when he did so and ending the day's running.
Firefly's Beeline (Hidalgo) and Waycross (Boser) ran course No. 1 on Saturday morning. Waycross was pointed in Davis bottom at 29 with "Bee" backing, all nicely done by both dogs. Waycross carded his second find at the rock cut at 38; he showed superb style and manners. At 48 on Apple Tree Hill he pointed successfully for the third time. Bee was fast and snappy but tended to dig into the cover at times. Waycross was consistently forward and used the lines perfectly but was noticeably slower than his young bracemate.
Oakleaf's Quite Man (Baker) and Caddo of the Snows (Norton) were released heading up the Little Vine Hill. Caddo hung up for a time in the loop but returned before the course reached Sycamore bottom. He disappeared a second time and his handler opted to pull the retrieval unit. "Murphy" was forward for the most part and used the edges. On the ridge at 39 Murphy had decelerated and was picked up.
Kindle (Hidalgo) and Quantonas Reciprocal (Aitken) turned loose just east of the twin barns. "Reason" scored a nice find below the barns at 8. They were both forward in pattern past the barns and into the bull pasture. Reason, the faster of the two, was easy on the eye. Along the highway Reason got through the woven wire fence and needed assistance getting back through it. Once back on track, she made a nice move to the corner of the pasture. Kindle was forward through the bull pasture. Both dogs handled well and stayed to the front to the barns and into Horse Corral bottom where Kindle went right and was absent for a short time. On the north side of the clubhouse loop at 46, they shared a find under a cedar tree with all in nice order for each. Kindle had slowed and was picked up after the bird work.
Reason continued her attractive forward race for the remainder of the hour.
Judges: Dr. Robert Rankin and Larry Smith
Winner--WINDFALL, 1658437, male, by Touchstone--Redstone. Dr. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.
Runner-Up--COME BACK TRUMP, 1673917, male, by Coe Back Audie--Celtic's Spectacular. Joe A. Edwards, owner and handler.
This stake ran Saturday afternoon following the Amateur Championship announcement and lunch break.
First place went to Come Back Carolina, female owned and handled by Joe Edwards. She turned in a nice, fast and forward race. Second was Red Bird's The Fifth Element, aka Griffin, male owned by Kristen and Nicholas Ennis and handled by Kelli Aitken. Griffin gave a similar performance to that of the winner, turning in a predominantly forward race.
Judges for this stake were Dr. Robert Rankin and Dr. Roger Boser
Judges: Dr. Roger W. Boser and Dr. Robert Rankin
OPEN PUPPY -- 5 Irish Setters
1st--COME BACK CAROLINA, 1686165, female, by Come Back Trump--Come Back Bee Gee. Joe A. Edwards, owner and handler.
2d--RED BIRD'S THE FIFTH ELEMENT, 1687076, male, by Eshod's Barn Burner--Red Bird's River Wild. Kristen & Nicholas Ennis, owners; Kellie Aitken, handler.
The winner was Firefly's Power Play, handled by Dennis Hidalgo for owners Dennis and Bonnie Hidalgo and their grandson Robbie Nesson. "Puck" ran a forward race with one very nice find.
Firefly's Beeline, owned by Dennis and Bonnie Hidalgo and handled by Dennis, was second with a fast, snappy race, one good find and a stop to flush.
This stake was also officiated by Drs. Rankin and Boser. We thank them for their time and attention.
1st--FIREFLY'S POWER PLAY, 1664073, male, by Flintstone--Firefly's Hot Tip. Bonnie Hidalgo & Robbie Nesson, owners; Dennis Hidalgo, handler.
2d--FIREFLY'S BEELINE, 1674096, female, by Dawson's High Chaparral--Firefly's Hot Tip. Dennis & Bonnie Hidalgo, owners; Dennis Hidalgo, handler.