Result: North Missouri Field Trial Club
Location: Browning, Missouri
Post Date: Apr 17, 2021
Submitted By: Tim Penn
The North Missouri Field Trial Club held its horseback stakes on April 17 at the Westfall Ranch near Browning, Mo., with a full day of running. We would like to thank who participated in this event.
Special thanks to sponsor Nutri Source for providing dog food for the winners.
Thanks to our Judges, Jack Glover, Tim Penn, Craig Hiatt, Ned Myers, and Scott Beeler. This trial ran very smoothly with the on-going direction from Kevin Western and Charles Beeler who ran the dog wagon and always had the next brace of dogs ready.
A special thanks to Bill Westfall and sons for allowing us to use their grounds for this trial. The field trial community could not survive if we didn't have the support of families like the Westfalls who graciously allow us to use their grounds.
Starting off the day was the Shooting Dog Stake with first place going to Perfections Huckleberry German, shorthaired pointer male. "Huck" ran a strong forward and with three finds, he was flawless showing good manners on all of his bird work. Huck is owned by Chase Benton of Gallatin, Mo., and handled by Jess Hann of Gallatin, Mo. Second was Texas Traveler Come Take It, also a German shorthaired pointer male owned by Christopher Yancy and handled by Shannon Yancy of Columbus, Tex. Third was Mercer County Erin's Mike, pointer owned by Rich Thornton of Cainsville, Mo., and handled by Jim Giles of Des Moines, Ia.
Open Derby winner was AC's Wapsi Annie, pointer female owned and handled by Aaron Caryl of Central City, Ia. Second was Glover's Flintstone, setter male owned and handled by Jack Glover of Shelbyville, Mo. Third place went to Grand Valley Tex, setter male owned and handled by Wayne Nierman of Sedalia, Mo.
Amateur All-Age winner was Lamppost Black Rage. The pointer female had a strong forward race that rewarded her a find where no other dogs had been. Her manners were good. Rage is owned and handled by Garvin Collins of Liberty, Mo. Second was Perfections Huckleberry, owned by Chase Benton and handled by Shannon Yancy of Columbus, Tex. Third went to Garvin Collins' pointer female Lamppost Dottie.
Final stake of the day was Amateur (All-Age) Derby that was won by Aaron Caryl's AC's Wapsi Annie. Second was Waubeek Liz Taylor, pointer female owned and handled by Mark Livingston of Central City, Ia

Browning, Mo., April 17 -- One Course
Judges: Jack Glover and Tim Penn
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 8 Pointers, 1 Setter and 3 German Shorthairs
1st--PERFECTIONS HUCKLEBERRY, 1672078, German Shorthair male, by Odyssey's Perfect Traveler--H's Double A Flagship. Chase Michael Benton, owner; Jess Hann, handler.
2d--TEXAS TRAVELER COME TAKE IT, 1691041, German Shorthair male, by T K S First Class Traveler--Saddle Up Stradivaruis v Dolly. Christopher Yancy, owner; Shannon Yancy, handler.
3d--MERCER COUNTY ERIN'S MIKE, 1675477, pointer male, by Erin's Hearts on Fire--Erin's Amy. Rich Thornton, owner; Jim Giles, handler.
Judges: Craig Hiatt and Tim Penn
OPEN DERBY -- 7 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st--A C'S WAPSI ANNIE, 1692718, pointer female, by Rocky Ridge's White Smoke--Gambler's All In. Aaron Caryl, owner and handler.
2d--GLOVER'S FLINTSTONE, 1691597, setter male, by Islander--Kodiak Island Bird Dog. Jack Glover, owner and handler.
3d--GRAND VALLEY TEX, 1685719, setter male, by Carpenter's Blue Hawk--Carpenter's Lady Shamrock. Wayne Nierman, owner and handler.
Judges: Scott Beeler and Ned Myers
AMATEUR ALL-AGE -- 6 Pointers, 1 Setter and 1 German Shorthair
1st--LAMPPOST BLACK RAGE, 1660094, pointer female, by Westfall's Black Ice--Westfall's Quick Gold. Garvin Collins, owner and handler.
2d--PERFECTIONS HUCKLEBERRY, 1672078, German Shorthair male, by Odyssey's Perfect Traveler--H's Double A Flagship. Chase Michael Benton, owner; Jess Hann, handler.
3d--LAMPPOST DOTTIE, 1668807, pointer female, by Lamppost Cash I H--Lamppost Black Rage. Garvin Collins, owner and handler.
Judges: Ned Myers and Tim Penn
AMATEUR DERBY -- 3 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--A C'S WAPSI ANNIE, 1692718, pointer female, by Rocky Ridge's White Smoke--Gambler's All In. Aaron Caryl, owner and handler.
2d--WAUBEEK LIZ TAYLOR, 1689682, pointer female, by Rocky Ridge's White Smoke--Gambler's All In. Mark Livingston, owner and handler.