Result: Mid-South Bird Hunters Club
Location: Orchardville, Illinois
Post Date: Mar 6, 2021
Submitted By: Dan Crunk
The Mid-South Bird Hunters spring trial on March 6-7 was held in much better weather than our past couple of trials. No rain or snow and winds were good for scenting.
As usual our club holds an Amateur stakes on Saturday and an Open on Sunday. This gives the out of state participants the opportunity to have two trials to run in rather than one.
This year our number of entries was down a little from past years but still we drew fifty dogs for the weekend. We had handlers from Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky, Iowa and Illinois. The number of dogs from Illinois is down significantly. This year we had several new participants from Illinois which is encouraging.
The McCuan family brought several nice Red Setters. The Kennedy family is new to our trials and father and daughter both ran pointers. Annebelle Kennedy successfully ran several nice youg pointers and I was told by her mother she does her own training. She plays sports yet comes home from practices and faithfully works her dogs. I might add that she is a really very nice young lady.
We hold our trials on the farm owned by Ted and Brenda Ellis and Linda Ellis. We are so blessed to have this property for our trials. I believe it to be one of the nicest grounds we run on each year. Linda's son, Bill, lives on the farm also handles most of the mowing and planting of food plots. Thanks, Bill.
Lunch for days was prepared by this scribe's wife, Jae Crunk. Due to COVID restrictions, a sack lunch was provided to all in attendance.
Thanks to all who judged for the weekend. Don Wiggins, Brad Hargis, and Rick judged the Shooting Dog and Derby on Saturday and Sunday. Jeff Hainline, Butch Spelbring, Danny Draffen, and your scribe judged gun dogs and puppies both days. It is so important to have qualified judge at any trial and thanks to all that stepped up for the weekend.
In the Amateur Shooting Dog, the judges selected Don Heisner's setter male, Beaucoup Creek Gus as the winner. Gus had four finds in his 30-minute brace. Gus had a big forward race and handled nicely for Don. John Landolina handled Stuff's Off The Cuff, a German shorthair to second in in this stake with three finds and a back. Cuff will run the country. Third was Craig's Runin Roxie for Craig Hiatt. Roxie ran a big race with one find for her 30 minutes.
Quantonas Shameless (Miley), Red Setter female won the Amateur Derby for Ashby McCuan. All the placements for this Derby were based on race and hunting all the right objectives. Second was Annebelle Kennedy, with Hackberry's Pacman Rock, pointer male. Third was awarded to pointer male Diamond Draw (Tex) for Brad Hargis.
Only one of the entries finished the half hour Amateur Shooting Dog. German shorthair Cuff finished the 30 minutes with broke finds a a very nice race.
In the Amateur Puppy, Jeff Hainline brought a very nice, fancy pointer female to this stake. "Jill" is an extremely fancy running individual. She filled the country with a great tail carriage. Second went to Hackberry's Elhew Eve for Annebelle Kennedy. Eve had a very nice forward race and handled very well. Third was Ashby McCuan with Quantona's Reflection. "Belle" hunted in the right places and has a very animated way of going.
Orchardville, Ill., March 6
Judges: Brad Hargis and Don Wiggins
NBHA AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG -- 5 Pointers, 5 Setters, 2 Irish Setters
and 2 German Shorthairs
1st--BEAUCOUP CREEK GUS, 1666953, setter male, by Shadow Oak Bo--Beaucoup Creek Ellie. Donald R. Heisner, owner and handler.
2d--STUFF'S OFF THE CUFF, unreg., German Shorthair male, breeding not given. William Padovano, owner; Vinny Landolina, handler.
3d--CRAIG'S RUNIN ROXIE, 1665573, pointer female, by Mac's Silver Dollar--Hilo Southern Tea. Craig Hiatt, owner and handler.
Judges: Rick Stanford and Don Wiggins
NBHA AMATEUR DERBY -- 5 Pointers and 1 Irish Setter
1st--QUANTONAS SHAMELESS, 1691903, Irish setter female, by Iskote Ani Mosh--Quantonas Reciprocal. Ashley McCuan, owner and handler.
2d--HACKBERRY'S PACMAN ROCK, 1688569, pointer male, by Rock Acre Blackhawk--Hackberry's Elhew Lucy. Robert Konz, owner; Annabelle Kennedy, handler.
3d--HARG'S DIAMOND DRAW, 1691654, pointer male, by Dash Bad Blackhawk--Erin's Lemon Drop. Brad Hargis, owner and handler.
Judges: Dan Crunk and Jeff Hainline
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG -- 2 Pointers, 2 Irish Setters
and 3 German Shorthairs
1st--STUFF'S OFF THE CUFF, unreg., German Shorthair male, breeding not given. William Padovano, owner; Vinny Landolina, handler.
Judges: Dan Crunk and Butch Spelbring
NBHA AMATEUR PUPPY -- 5 Pointers and 1 Irish Setter
1st--TRIUMPH, 1691092, pointer female, by Touch's Grey Street--Hainline's Silver Star. Jeff Hainline, owner and handler.
2d--HACKBERRY'S ELHEW EVE, 1690335, pointer female, by Elhew Fibber McGee--Hackberry's Elhew Lucy. Robert Konz, owner; Annabelle Kennedy, handler.
3d--QUANTONA'S REFLECTION, 1692490, Irish setter female, by Heiligsepp's Blick--Quantona's Reciprocal. Ashley McCuan, owner and handler.

Craig Hiatt's pointer female Roxie was awarded first in the Open Shooting Dog with multiple finds with a back. She goes to the right places and is so fancy in her gait and pointing her birds. She located her birds accurately for Craig on each find. Second was Roundabout (Buck), setter male for Brad Hire. Buck had a great limb find for Brad in his brace. Judges found him on point just as time was about to run out. Hainline's Silver Star for Jeff Hainline finished third. Star is always a force at every trial she is entered. Nice race with broke finds. Judges reported that all of the top three dogs had championship performances. That is exciting to judge and observe from the gallery.
Six very nice Derbies were entered in this stake. Zach Hilton handled the first place entry Upfront's Sadie, which had two broke finds in her race. Sadie had a forward race and looking in all the likely places for game. Second place and third place went to entries that did not have bird work but exciting ground races. Cates Rocket Girl (Remi), setter female had an forward and hustling race for David Cates. She looked in all the right places but just could not produce a bird. John Hawthorne handled Hawthorne's Boduke to the third place position. "Whitey" also is an exciting dog to watch on the ground. He also looked in all the right places with no bird contacts.
Open Puppy had five very nice puppies for the judges to evaluate. Annebelle Kennedy handled Elhew Viper to first place. Viper handled for Annebelle and looked hard for quail. Second went to Ashby McCuan's Reflection. "Belle" also had a nice ground race with a lot of hustle. Third was Annebelle Kennedy again with Elhew Eve, which was very attractive on the ground, runs big and yet handles. Annebelle ran several dogs during the day but still was hustling with her every entry.
Again the Mid-South Bird Hunters would like to thank everyone who brought a dog and all those who volunteered to make this trial a huge success.
Judges: Rick Stanford and Don Wiggins
NBHA OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 7 Pointers, 1 Setter, 2 Irish Setters
and 2 German Shorthairs
1st--CRAIG'S RUNIN ROXIE, 1665573, pointer female, by Mac's Silver Dollar--Hilo Southern Tea. Craig Hiatt, owner and handler.
2d--ROUNDABOUT, 1645707, setter male, by Shadow Oak Bo--Waymaker Amazing Grace. Brad Hire, owner and handler.
3d--HAINLINE'S SILVER STAR, 1655907, pointer female, by Silver's Knight Rider--Fancy Fiddler Girl. Jeff Hainline, owner and handler.
NBHA OPEN DERBY -- 3 Pointers, 2 Setters and 1 Irish Setter
1st--UPFRONT'S SADIE, 1690451, pointer female, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt--Upfront's Southern Star. Lance Schulz & Bjorn Peterson, owners; Zach Hilton handler.
2d--CATES ROCKET GIRL, 1690282, setter female, by Swift Rock Iced Cash--Swift Rock Splash. David Cates, owner and handler.
3d--HAWTHORNE'S BODUKE, 1688851, setter male, by Buck's Bootlegger--Hawthorne's Choloe. Logan Hawthorne, owner and handler.
Judges: Dan Crunk and Dan Draften
NBHA OPEN PUPPY -- 5 Pointers and 1 Irish Setter
1st--HACKBERRY'S ELHEW VIPER, 1690317, pointer male, by Elhew Fibber McGee--Hackberry's Elhew Lucy. Robert Konz, owner; Annebelle Kennedy, handler.
2d--QUANTONA'S REFLECTION, 1692490, Irish setter female, by Heiligsepp's Blick--Quantona's Reciprocal. Ashley McCuan, owner and handler.
3d--HACKBERRY'S ELHEW EVE, 1690335, pointer female, by Elhew Fibber McGee--Hackberry's Elhew Lucy. Robert Konz, owner; Annabelle Kennedy, handler.