Event: Michigan Brittany Club's
Result: Michigan Brittany Club
Location: Ionia, Michigan
Post Date: Oct 14, 2021
Submitted By: Bob Watson

The field trial community is made up of wonderful people! This was clearly demonstrated time and time again at the Michigan Brittany Club's fall field trial at the Ionia Field Trial grounds in Ionia, Mich.
The Ionia Field Trial Grounds Association had the courses looking good and ready for a dog to show his stuff to the judges. This preparation begins long before the trial season is upon us. To those individuals who work on the equipment, the barn, mowing and clearing the course, etc., the participants at Ionia owe a debt of gratitude to each of you. Thank you!
Our trial started on Friday, September 24, with the Open Restricted Shooting Dog Stake. Despite the tractor not starting to pull the dog wagon, the first brace still broke away at approximately 8:00 a.m. A big thank you to Ray McVeigh who used his truck to pull the dog wagon to get the dogs to the line. A thank you to Paul Renius for working on the tractor and getting it back to working order for the remainder of the weekend.
We were blessed to have two experienced judges in the saddle presiding over this stake. Will Langley and Blake Rizzo gave each brace the attention they deserved.
Earning the blue was the Brittany, Miss Behavin handled by Al Cropek and owned by Samantha James and Dan Dodson. In second place was setter Autum Annie, owned and handled by Paul Renius. Rounding out the placements Gordon Setter Mr. Wyoming handled by Jesse Chapman and owned by James D'Amico. The Brittany Walker's Prairie Bandit handled by Al Cropek and owned by Samantha James and Dan Dodson took fourth.
A beautiful fall morning greeted us on Saturday. The day started on course No. 1 with the Open Puppy being judged by Vince Anderson and Carlos Gust. Nine starters came to the line. Red Sage of Seven Crowns, owned by Bobby Watson and handled by his dad took first. John Schoonover's German Drahthaar She's Got Leg's took second. Glade Run Brutus handled by Al Cropek and owned by Geoffrey Webb finished third. Finishing fourth was the pointer Pinehill Elhew Squirt. He was handled by Diane Vater for owner Tom McKellar.
Judges Blake Rizzo and John Schoonover looked over eleven dogs in the Open All-Age and selected Will Langley's setter Crime Boss handled by Diane Vater as the winning dog. Mark Horton handled his pointer Black and Blue to second. Handler Diane Vater again placed a dog in the stake, taking third with the German Drahthaar Cynisters Liberty, owned by Scott McMurtney.
On course No. 2, the day started with the Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Stake. The club appreciated Judges Charlie Fenech and Paul Renius stepping up and filling the assignments at the last minute when our announced judges both had personal circumstances pop up that required their immediate attention.
Taking the blue in this stake was Ken DeLong's Brittany K Del's Eagle Magnum Hotshot. "Shooter's" performance was the high mark of this stake and talked about throughout the weekend. Second was Vince Anderson's Brittany Magnum's High Velocity Top Gun. Our third place dog was Larry Bates' Sweetwater Bud's A Lone Star. Spring Hill's Fancy Wheels, handled by John Bell rounded out the placements taking the white ribbon. The judges remarked about the admirable dog work that was displayed throughout the stake.
The Amateur Walking Derby wrapped up the day on course No. 2, judged by Vince Anderson and Carlos Gust. Mike Orginski was competing for the first time in a field trial with his Brittany Yukon's Full Monty which had a great run and earned his first blue ribbon. We suspect that we will be hearing more about this dog in the future. Taking second was Harold Darga's Center Ridge's Rue the Day. Third was Red Sage of Seven Crowns owned by Bobby Watson. Hap Harrison's Spice Rum Ford took fourth.
Saturday night the club hosted a barbecue chicken dinner. Grill Master John Hall along with several assistants grilled the chicken to perfection. Side dishes were provided by many club members and participants and a great meal was enjoyed by all. At the end of the evening there were many hands helping to clean up the clubhouse and putting the leftovers (very few) in the fridge.
Sunday morning brought another beautiful day to the grounds. The Open Derby kicked off the day with Judges Blake Rizzo and Donna Janulis observing four entries. Red Sage of Seven Crowns, owned by Bobby Watson and handled by his dad took first. Josh Bambach handled his Spice Rum's Golden Nugget to second. The German Drahthaar She's Got Legs handled by owner John Schoonover rounded out the placements.
Following the Open Derby was the Amateur Walking Puppy, judged by Kathy Gulembo and John Schoonover. Ten starters came to the line with Spice Rum Ford taking the blue for owner/handler Hap Harrison. Yukon's Full Monty was back in the placements taking a second for owner/handler Mike Orginski. Third was Red Sage of Seven Crowns for Bobby Watson. The liver roan pup Bandit's Tequila Bender took the white ribbon for owner/handler Mark Auman.
The Amateur All-Age followed on course No. 1, judged by Blake Rizzo and Dr. Ray Calkins. Dr. Calkins had traveled from Sherwood, Ore., to compete in the German Wirehaired Pointer Nationals following our trial and stepped in to judge for us when our advertised judge was unavailable. The blue ribbon went to Ron Auten's Auten's Woodland Sage. Royal Britts Pepper Jack placed second for owner/handler Al Van Wieren. Illinoisans Larry and Sue Bates took third with Larry handling their Sweetwater Bud's A Lone Star.
The chock full Open Shooting Dog Stake started first thing Sunday morning on course No. 2. Putting a long day in the saddle were Judges Rob Bucholz and David Heavlin. They viewed the 29 starters. At the end of the day, the German Shorthaired Pointer Snip's Riverview Lure, owned by Jeff Braun and handled by Diane Vater, took first place. Rounding out the placements were Larry McDonald's LaPat's Cody, handled by Al Cropek, Spring Hill's Red Hot Performance for owner/handler John Bell, and Kozy's Rocky Mountain Gambler handled by Al Cropek for owners Patrick and Joan Koczenasz.
The Michigan Brittany Club truly appreciates and thanks everyone who played a role in our trial. John Wayne once said, "Thanking people is dangerous business. A name always slips your mind." The MBC Field Trial Committee should probably take the Duke's advice but, the MBC thanks all the owner/handlers who entered a dog or two.
We also thank professionals Al Cropek, Jr., Diane Vater, and Jesse Chapman for bringing their fine strings of dogs and running them.
Will Langley's horses are always appreciated and indispensable to the success of our trial.
A huge thank you to our judges Will Langley, Blake Rizzo, Vince Anderson, Carlos Gust, John Schoonover, Charles Fenech, Paul Renius, Donna Janulis, Kathy Gulembo, Ray Calkins, Rob Bucholz, and David Heavlin for their time in the saddle.
Jim Stevens for planting birds and helping wherever needed. Mary Stevens for cleaning up the clubhouse and parking lot. Eileen Gust for helping in the kitchen and clubhouse. Ray McVeigh for taking on a host of duties (cooking hot dogs, delivering lunches, driving the dog wagon, etc.). Kim McVeigh for ordering ribbons and prizes for our trial. Josh Bambach for driving the tractor and getting the dogs to the line. Carlos Gust for delivering our birds. John Hall for barbecuing, bird planting, and a host of other jobs he performed. Ron Auten for overseeing it all and making sure horses were where when needed, finding judges, and answering questions 24/7. To Judge Schoonover's wife and other ladies with the German Drahthaar contingent for helping to clean up the clubhouse after Sunday's lunch. Barb and Brandi Watson for picking up lunches, cooking hot dogs, and running errands. To the Janulis and Gulembos for providing cakes for the Saturday night dinner.
If a name slipped my mind (probably did), please accept the field trial committee's apology but know that your contributions to the success of our trial was truly appreciated. As this article reports, it took a field trial community of wonderful people to pull this trial off.
The Michigan Brittany Club thanks everyone. Have a wonderful fall season. Enjoy the upcoming holidays! We hope to see you in the spring.
Ionia, Mich., September 24
Judges: Blake Rizzo and Will Langley
OPEN RESTRICTED SHOOTING DOG -- 12 Brittanys, 1 Pointer,
5 Setters, 1 German Drahthaar and 1 Vizsla
1st--MISS BEHAVIN, unreg., Brittany female, by Spanish Corral's Sonny Patch--Destiny Willbemyne. Samantha James & Dan Dodson, owner; Al Cropek, handler.
2d--AUTUMN ANNIE, 1662218, setter female, by Long Gone Wallace--D J's Runninon Faith. Paul Renius, owner and handler.
3d--MR. WYOMING, unreg., Gordon setter male, by Par's El Duderino--Grand Encampment's Anna. James D'Amico, owner; Jesse Chapman, handler.
Judges: Charles Fenech and Paul Renius
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG -- 14 Brittanys and 2 Setters
1st--K DEL'S EAGLE MAGNUM HOTSHOT, 1685770, Brittany male, by Magnum High Velocity--K Del's Eagle's Chance to Soar. Kendric DeLong, owner and handler.
2d--MAGNUM'S HIGH VELOCITY TOP GUN, unreg., Brittany male, by Magnum High Velocity--Copley's Dangerous Three Olive Martini. Vincent & Denise Anderson, owners; Vincent Anderson, handler.
3d--SWEETWATER BUD'S A LONE STAR, 1662629, Brittany male, by Rimarda's Trademark--Winchester Camillia Rose. Larry & Sue Bates, owners; Larry Bates, handler.
Judges: Vince Anderson and Carlos Gust
OPEN PUPPY -- 9 Entries
1st--RED SAGE SEVEN CROWNS, 1696139, Brittany male, by Hope's Chief of Crosscreek--Auten's Woodland Sage. Robert Scott Watson, owner; Robert William Watson, handler.
2d--SHE'S GOT LEGS, unreg., German Drahthaar female, by Tumalo Tracer Okk--Okk Beer Can Betty. John Schoonover, owner and handler.
3d--GLADE RUN BRUTUS, unreg., Brittany male, by Herb Score--Glade Run Parker. Geoffrey Webb, owner; Al Cropek, handler.
AMATEUR DERBY -- 6 Entries
1st--YUKON'S FULL MONTY, unreg., Brittany male, by Skryp's Flying Ranger of Hartland--Breakdowns Diamond Harley. Mike Orginski, owner and handler.
2d--CENTER RIDGE'S RUE THE DAY, unreg., Brittany female, by Hehi's Slim Chipley--Center Ridge's Barrel of Monkeys. Pam & Harol Darga, owners; Harold Darga, handler.
3d--RED SAGE SEVEN CROWNS, 1696139, Brittany male, by Hope's Chief of Crosscreek--Auten's Woodland Sage. Robert Scott Watson, owner; Robert William Watson, handler.
Judges: Blake Rizzo and John Schoonover
OPEN ALL-AGE -- 6 Brittanys, 2 Pointers, 1 Setter, 1 German Drahthaar
and 1 Vizsla
1st--CRIME BOSS, 1684310, setter male, by Thornapple Hawk--Boondocks Karens Annie Girl. Will Langley, owner; Diane Vater, handler.
2d--BLACK AND BLUE, unreg., pointer male, by Big Sky Pete--Spare Change. Mark & Elizabeth Horton, owners; Mark Horton, handler.
3d--CYNISTERS LIBERTY, unreg., German Drahthaar female, by Cynister Idawire Breaking Bad--Idawire Ncynisters One Part Sugar. Scott R. McMurtney, owner; Diane Vater, handler.
Judges: Dr. Ray Calkins and Blake Rizzo
AMATEUR ALL-AGE -- 7 Brittanys and 1 German Drahthaar
1st--AUTEN'S WOODLAND SAGE, 1663165, Brittany female, by High Hopes Dark Nite--Autens Mya of Grousehaven. Ron & Carol Auten, owners; Ron Auten, handler.
2d--ROYAL BRITTS PEPPER JACK, 1662119, Brittany male, by Kinwashkly Dirty Ned Pepper--Shadows Tequila Tryst. Al & Sharon VanWieren, owners; Al Van Wieren, handler.
3d--SWEETWATER BUD'S A LONE STAR, 1662629, Brittany male, by Rimarda's Trademark--Winchester Camillia Rose. Larry & Sue Bates, owners; Larry Bates, handler.
Judges: Donna Janulis and Blake Rizzo
OPEN DERBY -- 4 Entries
1st--RED SAGE SEVEN CROWNS, 1696139, Brittany male, by Hope's Chief of Crosscreek--Auten's Woodland Sage. Robert Scott Watson, owner; Robert William Watson, handler.
2d--SPICE RUM'S GOLDEN NUGGET, unreg., Brittany female, by Hap's Spice Rum Beckham--Spice Rum Liz. Joshua Bambach, owner and handler.
Judges: Kathy Gulembo and John Schoonover
AMATEUR PUPPY -- 7 Brittanys, 1 German Shorthair and 2 Vizslas
1st--SPICE RUM FORD, 1696955, Brittany male, by Spice Rum Beckham--Spice Rum Liz. Earl Harrison, owner and handler.
2d--YUKON'S FULL MONTY, unreg., Brittany male, by Skryp's Flying Ranger of Hartland--Breakdowns Diamond Harley. Mike Orginski, owner and handler.
3d--RED SAGE SEVEN CROWNS, 1696139, Brittany male, by Hope's Chief of Crosscreek--Auten's Woodland Sage. Robert Scott Watson, owner; Robert William Watson, handler.
Judges: Rob Bucholz and David Heavlin
1st--SNIP'S RIVERVIEW LURE, unreg., German Shorthair male, by Gamble's Benny The Jet--Snip's Lady Mezi. Jeff Braun, owner; Diane Vater, handler.
2d--LAPAT'S CODY, 1683197, Brittany male, by Lapat's Rocky--Lapat's Queen. Larry McDonald, owner; Al Cropek, handler.
3d--SPRING HILL'S RED HOT PERFORMANCE, unreg., Brittany male, by Spring Hill's High Performance--Spring Hill's Salida Del Prado. John Bell, owner and handler.