Event: North Carolina Pointing Dog Association's two-day trial
Result: North Carolina Pointing Dog Association
Location: Marson, North Carolina
Post Date: Oct 9, 2021
Submitted By: Margaret C. Drew
The Southeast Region of the U. S. Complete Shooting Dog Association has traditionally opened its season with two small trials. This year was no exception with the Boiling Springs Club's September 26 trial followed by the North Carolina Pointing Dog Association's two-day trial on October 2-3. This year we used North Carolina Wildlife grounds located off Old Laurel Hill Road in Marson, N. C. The area is known as the Bowden Field Area and Dove Field.

Lee Crisco of the state wildlife crew attends many field trials in the Sandlands and being a hunter knows what good quail cover should look like. Thank you, Lee, for our parking area and helping to clear the existing firelanes for safer walking.
Two wild coveys were seen during preparation of the grounds and on day one of the trial. The club purchased excellent flying quail from Williamson's Game Farm in Robbins, N. C. For those wondering, these birds are tested prior to release. On day two no single birds were flown, only coveys of 2-6 and one large covey of about 20 was located well off the beaten path.
Despite the high temperatures, most followed the braces. Dogs were watered as needed.
The course breaks away down the edge of a dove field before turning right into open woods and completing a wide arch to end up 30 minutes later back behind the start finish line and the dove field.
Lunch was served daily. Snacking treats were on the table all day: muscadine grapes and a jar of divinity provided by Dr. Jim Crook. Apples, crackers and trail mix to accompany coffee and a cooler of water.
On Saturday we ran the Open Stake with Roger McPherson and Gary Miller presiding as judges.
The winner, Smokerise Jake, came from the opening brace with three finds and a nice moderate race. His bracemate was picked up early so handler Fred Rose could just move forward along the course and allow Jake to enjoy his tour of the woods. Second place also went to Fred Rose with a littermate Smokerise Bull. Bull had an unproductive on a single feather at 15, as well as a nice find at 25. Third was Clayhill T Bone, owned and handled by Harry Cook, III. T Bone and his bracemate scored the most finds of the day. He and his bracemate look very much alike and at times it was difficult to differentiate the two dogs. T Bone gained the third place with four finds, a back and an unproductive just before time.
Hoffman, N. C., October 2 -- One Course
Judges: Roger McPherson and Gary Miller
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 11 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st--SMOKE RISE JAKE, 1684876, pointer male, by Stoney Run's Buddy--Smoke Rise Mariah. P. F. Rose, owner and handler.
2d--SMOKE RISE BULL, 1684875, pointer male, by Stoney Run's Buddy--Smoke Rise Mariah. P. F. Rose, owner and handler.
3d--CLAYHILL T BONE, 1663185, pointer male, by Clayhill Bones--Doc's Haven Meg. Harry Cook III, owner and handler.
On Sunday we ran the Amateur stakes. Judging the puppy class was Bobby Phillips and Earl Drew.
Ripoff, a pointer male gained the blue with Cliff Monroe, despite running as a bye dog when Earl scratched his puppy to assist with judging. Second went to Triple L's Gin, pointer female also handled by Cliff Monroe. Gin's bracemate was afraid of the judges' horses and drifted farther and farther away so that at time she required a location device. Third went to Don and Melody Sutherland somewhat new to the field trial circle. Their setter female, Lakeside Lady Reba caught on to the field trial game quickly as she moved laterally and then forward. This group of puppies serves as a warning: a good puppy crop is emerging.
The Amateur Shooting Dog followed with seventeen entries drawn. Having gained the upper hand on Saturday, Smokerise Jake with Fred Rose once again scored the top prize. His bracemate was absent a lot and finally required a location device. Jake scored two small covey finds. Second went to Verlene Stephenson, U. S. Complete Futurity chairman, as well as Southeast Regional secretary. She and her dependable Shadow's Carolina Molly traversed the course. She had been drawn as a bye dog; however, as brace time approached it was discovered that a dog was being scratched due to an injury. Verlene and Molly were quickly on the line. Molly located and stood as three quail coveyes were flown and shot over. Fred Rose in the winners' circle with his Smoke Rise Hannah, third.
Judges: Earl Drew and Bobby Phillips
AMATEUR PUPPY -- 5 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--RIPOFF, 1695685, pointer male, by Marques Dark Knight--Decoy Lakes Lexie. Cliff Monroe, owner and handler.
2d--TRIPLE L'S GIN, 1695719, pointer female, by Red Hawk--Triple L's Catie. Cliff Monroe, owner and handler.
3d--LAKESIDE LADY REBA, unreg., setter female, by Optical Illusion--Lady Fiona Sutherland. Don & Melody Sutherland, owners.
Judges: Lee Holbrook and Ted Riley
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG -- 15 Pointers and 4 Setters
1st--SMOKE RISE JAKE, 1684876, pointer male, by Stoney Run's Buddy--Smoke Rise Mariah. P. F. Rose, owner and handler.
2d--SHAODW'S CAROLINA MOLLY, 1647056, pointer female, by Verlene's Ringo Star--Indian Creek Shadow. Verlene Stephenson, owner and handler.
3d--SMOKE RISE HANNA, 1684906, pointer female, by Stoney Run's Buddy--Smoke Rise Mariah. P. F. Rose, owner and handler.