Result: National Red Setter Championship
Location: Pinckneyville, Illinois
Post Date: Nov 24, 2020
Submitted By: Al Fazenbaker
PINCKNEYVILLE, ILL. -- The 2020 National Red Setter Champion is Firefly's Power Play, five-year-old male owned by Robbie Nesson and Bonnie Hidalgo, and handled by Dennis Hidalgo.

Runner-up Champion went to Rendition, veteran ten-year-old male owned and handled by Roger W. Boser of Seven Valleys, Pa.
The Amateur Championship was awarded to Gratitude, three-year-old male under the direction of Roger Boser. Dawson's High Chaparral took the Amateur runner-up position; this seven-year-old male is owned by Coloradoans Bonnie and Dennis Hidalgo and was handled by Dennis.

This year's Championship and supporting stakes were run November 4-8 at the Pyramid State Recreation Area near Pinckneyville, Ill. This recreation area is the largest in the state of Illinois, consisting of over 19,000 acres. Three large sections on the southwest region of the area devoted to field trials and bird dog competition, the Captain Unit, Denmark Unit, and Galum Units.
The Denmark Unit, located on the southern edge of the field trial management units, consists of wide vistas, with wooded edges interspersed with brushy cover. At this time of the year, there is open ground; crops and grazing livestock have been removed and there are wide open areas with long edges holding birds.
Native quail are abundant and pointed during the course of the trial, along with supplemental birds.
The grounds are close by to the town of Pinckneyville, with several fine restaurants and accommodations for the field trailers. A new clubhouse is located at the trial grounds, along with complete camper hookup for water and power, as well as ample parking for the rigs.
Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, no food was prepared at the clubhouse, but a local catering company was able to provide meals delivered to the site at a very reasonable fee.
Weather in southern Illinois in November can be variable, but this year we were fortunate to have moderate temperatures and no rain, nearly ideal for running dogs and handling horses. The week prior had brought significant rain, but the soil had dried sufficiently and footing for dogs and horses was excellent.
Our thanks to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and to the Field Trial Clubs of Illinois and FTCI President Chad Chadwell for all of their efforts in ensuring these ground were in top shape for our events.
Trial Chairman Milt Schafer procured some outstanding judges for the Championships. Judging the Open Championship and some supporting stakes were Jim Cipponari of New Hudson, Mich., and Lori Rezzardi from Iuka. Ill. Riding the judicial saddles for the Amateur Championship and various supporting stakes were Mark Johnson of Winnebago, Ill., and Chad Chadwell of Springfield, Ill. These judges bring a wealth of experience to a trial, and their expertise and judgments were well received and appreciated.
No trial can be a success without the hands of dedicated volunteers. Of critical importance are the bird planters, who can make or break a trial's success. Trial Chair Milt Schafer handled this responsibility, arising at the crack of dawn each day and putting in a full day's work ensuring a supply of birds in the right places and the right time. This is one of those jobs that has little or no glory, but is vitally essential to the success of our efforts. Thank you, Milt, for a job well done!
Another sometimes thankless but essential duty is that of the dog wagon driver. It is virtually impossible to run a week-long trial without the need to have dogs at the ready as one brace is completed and another positioned to go. Garth Sellen, Paul Ober, and Don Beauchamp all took turns and made sure that dogs were on the line for each brace, as well as providing much appreciated coffee and cookies for the handlers, judges and gallery riders!
Our trial would not be complete without the sponsorships of several fine organizations. We are blessed to have Purina's support. Purina has been a longtime sponsor of the National Red Setter Field Trial Club and the Purest Challenge. This company produces the finest dog food in the country and they is a stalwart supporter of bird dog field trials. Without their support, our sport would be lost. There is no better way to thank Purina than to purchase their dog food products. It is without a doubt the best dog food one can buy on the market. Purina's Pro-Club program not only provides benefits for each and every bag of dog food you buy, it also supports the efforts of the National Red Setter Field Trial Club. The next time you need to purchase a bag of dog food, reach for the Purina brand... your dog will thank you, and you will be supporting our great sport.
Garmin is another staunch supporter of the National Red Setter Field Trial Club. Their electronic training products are reliable, resilient, and effective. Backed by years of research and testing, a Garmin product will cut training time and enable you to adjust for differences in behavior, distance, temperament, and training environment. Garmin Representative Rehan Nana has been a strong supporter of our club, and we thank him. A Garmin training collar will help you get the job done and put your dog in the winner's circle.
SportDOG Brand has likewise been a longtime supporter of the club. SportDOG Brand relies on extensive field testing of their products to ensure a quality product for you. Jim Moorehouse of SportDOG has been a longtime aficionado of the red setter, and we appreciate his support.
Firefly's Power Play, aka "Puck," ran in the fourth brace of the Championship. Puck scored his first find in some heavy cover. at 12. He showed his class as he took the edges of these grounds, scoring his second find along the edge of the lake, exhibiting suburb manners on his game. At 52 he scored again, along the edge of a milo field. Power Play rendered a wide and consistent race, always to the front, and handled nicely to take the blue for the Open Championship.
The first brace, Cedar Creek Shindig (Ed Liermann) and Windfall (Roger Boser), broke away at the top of the hill west of the clubhouse. Windfall scored a find at the bottom before the creek crossing, with good manners displayed. Crossing the creek into the big pasture, both dogs stopped on separate birds; shots were fired and good manners shown by both dogs. Shindig made large cast around the pasture to the front, crossing the road to the south pastures. Shindig pointed on an edge near a fenceline, with several birds lifting, Shindig taking a small step on the flush. At 44, near the lake, Windfall was found standing, but the handler stated the birds had left. Moving forward, Windfall pointed in heavy cover; Shindig moved on the back and was on the leash. Windfall finished to the front with a pleasing race.
Dawson High Chaparral (Dennis Hidalgo) and Conneaut Creek Lake Erie Storm (Allen Fazenbaker) were found standing on a divided find at 8, in a feed strip. A single lifted with good manners observed. At 35 Chaparral scored a nice find, with a small covey lifting. He scored again at 56 near a small wooded area past the lake, with Stormie backing. Both dogs showed strong races.
Waycross (Boser) and Come Back Lady Soul (Joe Edwards). Breaking away, both dogs ran along a long forested edge; Lady Soul cut in at the far corner, moving east. At 5, Waycross pointed along the edge; Lady Soul returned to the scene and put the bird to flight. Waycross decided to join in the fun, and both dogs were up.
Cedar Creek Sixgun (Liermann) and Firefly's Power Play (Hidalgo). Power Play, the eventual champion, was noted above. Six Gun showed a very wide race to the front, but had no birds.
MacArthur Maggie (Liermann) and Firefly's Bee Line (Hidalgo) broke away showing a wide race. Beeline was absent for some time, but showed to the front. Maggie scored a find, but moved on the birds and was on the leash. Beeline was lost again, the retrieval device was called for. She was found standing on point.
In No. 6, Cedar Creek Talon (Liermann) and was found standing early, but a bird could not be found. Rendition (Boser) showed a wide and forward race, and stuck his first bird at 20, showing impeccable manners on his game. Casting forward, both dos hunted hard; Talon pointed at 18 but was on the leash after his second nonproductive. Rendition scored his second find at 48, along a feed strip. He finish strong and to the front to garner the Runner-up position.
Trump (Edwards), as a bye, scored his first find at 12, in a feed strip. With an aggressive and wide forward race, he reached out to the far side of a pasture, and stood near a feed strip. With the judges riding hard to reach the spot, a large covey lifted, with Trump showing good manners. Trump scored an additional find at 54, and finished strong to the front.
Pinkneyville, Ill., November 4
Judges: Jim Cipponeri and Lori Rezzardi
Winner--FIREFLY'S POWER PLAY, 1664073, male, by Flintstone--Firefly's Hot Tip. Robbie Nesson & Bonnie Hidalgo, owners; Dennis Hidalgo, handler.
Runner-Up--RENDITION, 1627352, male, by Touchstone--Solitaire. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.


Five dogs entered the horseback Derby. Delta, a female owned and handled by Joe Edwards, took the blue with a nicely handled find showing good Derby manners near the creek crossing. He showed a wide forward race. Taking the second place spot was Treadstone (Boser), a classy going male, who scored a find and showed a nice forward race.
OPEN DERBY -- 5 Irish Setters
1st--DELTA, 1691252, female, by Come Back T J--You Jane. Joe A. Edwards, owner and handler.
2d--TREADSTONE, 1688058, male, by Waycross--Stilleto. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.

The Amateur Championship was won in convincing fashion by Gratitude, which started strong out of the gate and shortly was into birds with a nicely handled find at 4. He scored a nonproductive at 7 near the creek, but then scored a nice find at 8, just before the pasture, with a large covey lifting for the gallery. He then put on a very nice running show for the gallery, showing plenty of class and run as he hunted the countryside, finishing the hour strong and forward.
The first brace was Trump (Edwards) and Conneaut Creek Lake Erie Storm (Fazenbaker). Trump and Stormie scored a divided find in cover prior to the creek crossing at 4, with Trump showing some movement as the bird lifted. Both cast wide races, with Stormie being a bit lateral at times. Trump scored a single in a milo strip at 50, with good manners displayed. Both dogs finished the hour strong.
Windfall (Boser) and Cedar Creek Talon (Liermann). Windfall scored the first find of the brace at 11, showing good manners. He had a nice covey find in heavy cover at 37, with excellent manners. Windfall was found standing again at 46, but no bird could be produced. He pointed a bird near the path at 53, and finished with a medium and forward race. Talon was absent for significant time, and had no birds.
Come Back Lady Soul (Edwards) and Firefly's Power Play (Hidalgo). Power Play scored his first find at 15, in an open field near the lake. Lady Soul pointed in an open field on the other side of the lake, but no bird could be produced. Power Play stopped and pointed at 35, but self-relocated during the flushing attempt and was up. Edwards elected to pick up at 38 and the brace was over.
Gratitude (Boser), the winner, was down with MacArthur Maggie (Liermann). Maggie had an early indiscretion on a bird at 4 and was on the leash.
In No. 5, Cedar Creek Six Gun (Liermann) and Dawson's High Chaparral (Hidalgo) broke away and showed big races, showing the gallery they were capable of handling this big country. Chaparral scored his first find at 4, and sorghum strip, with good manners displayed. He scored again at 35. Six Gun was on the leash at 51 after being observed under birds in the pines near the road crossing. At 53 Chaparral suffered an unproductive. At time, he stopped and pointed as a large covey lifted, earning him the Runner-up position.

Firefly's Bee Line (Hidalgo) and Cedar Creek Shindig (Liermann). This twosome had no birds; Bee Line suffered an unproductive, and the retrieval device was out soon after to end her bid. Shindig finished the hour but had no birds.
Judges: Chad Chadwell and Mark Johnson
[One-Hour Heats] -- 12 Irish Setters
Winner--GRATITUDE, 1676458, male, by Come Back Cutter--Come Back Doodle. Roger W. Boser, owner and handler.
Runner-Up--DAWSON'S HIGH CHAPARRALL, 1657988, male, by Chaperon--Kindle. Bonnie & Dennis Hidalgo, owners; Dennis Hidalgo, handler.

In the Open Walking Shooting Dog Stake, Conneaut Creek Lake Erie Storm took the blue in the walking stake, scoring two nicely handled finds at 11 and 30, and showing a wide race. The remaining placements were withheld.
Cedar Creek Magpie handily won the Open Walking Derby with a nicely handled find showing Derby manners. Foxy Lady Sadie, fresh off her win in the puppy stake, took the second place spot. Cedar Creek Macarthur Ruby rounded out the placements for her handler Milt Shafer to conclude our trial.

The Open Walking Puppy drew nice batch of youngsters Puppies are the future, and it was good to see a healthy bunch of youngster out running in this stake. Taking the blue for her owner/handler Mike Fox was Foxy Lady Sadie, who added to her already impressive list of puppy placements this year with a wide and classy ground race. In second place was Cedar Creek Magpie with another wide and forward race for her owner Scott Moore. Full Red Afterburner rounded out the placements for her owner Mike Fox.
As this report is being written, our country continues to be in the midst of a nationwide pandemic. The Board and officers of the National Red Setter Field Trial Club wish the best of health and safety to our friends and family in the bird dog fraternity and to the country at large.
We hope you will join us in our pursuit of the Purest Challenge as we gather this spring at the Jim Edgar Wildlife Management Area near Petersburg Ill., for our National Shooting Dog Championship and Red Setter Futurity.
Visit us at or like us on Facebook at
Judges: Chad Chadwell and Mark Johnson
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 14 Irish Setters
1st--CONNEAUT CREEK LAKE ERIE STORM, 1651488, female, by Come Back Superfire--Come Back Bee Gee. Allen Fazanbaker, owner and handler.
OPEN DERBY -- 6 Irish Setters
1st--CEDAR CREEK MAGPIE, 1689219, female, by Cedar Creek Skyline Ace--Cedar Creek Shindig. Scott Moore, owner and handler.
2d--FOXY LADY SADIE, 1691626, female, by Zansett Simply Red--Foxy's Lil Red Missy. Mike Fox, owner and handler.
3d--CEDAR CREEK MACARTHUR RUBY, 1687470, female, by Cedar Creek Sixgun--Cedar Creek Ciara. Milt Schafer & Ed Liermann, owners; Milt Schafer, handler.
Judges: Jim Cipponeri and Lori Rezzardi
OPEN PUPPY -- 9 Irish Setters
1st--FOXY LADY SADIE, 1691626, female, by Zansett Simply Red--Foxy's Lil Red Missy. Mike Fox, owner and handler.
2d--CEDAR CREEK MAGPIE, 1689219, female, by Cedar Creek Skyline Ace--Cedar Creek Shindig. Scott Moore, owner and handler.
3d--FULL RED AFTERBURN, 1691624, male, by Zansett Simply Red--Foxy's Lil Red Missy. Mike Fox, owner and handler.