Result: National Open Pheasant Championship
Location: Hoffman, North Carolina
Post Date: Jan 30, 2025
Submitted By: Rita Corder

National Open Pheasant Championship (front row, l-r): Haney's All In with Jerry Raynor and Woodville's Yukon Cornelius with Carl Owens (owner). (Second row): Kim Raynor, Mark McLean (handler), Til Hankley, Hayden Dobbins and his wife Kaitlyn Dobbins, and Lefty Henry. (Third row): Claudia McNamee, Ray Carter (judge), Bill Mason (judge), Bob Young (field marshal), Greg Robinson (dog wagon driver), and Dr. Fred Corder. (Back row): Judd Carlton, Mike Sweet, Luke Eisenhart, John Ivester, Lynn Deaton, and Fred Potts.
Four champions and runner-up champions were named. The National Pheasant Championship, as described last year by William Smith in his writeup, once again took place at the acclaimed Hoffman Field Trial Grounds in North Carolina. This prestigious trial and its legacy have continued on and off since 1925 in various venues throughout America, from the western to eastern coastlines. The trial continued its long-running history by again being associated with the International Pheasant Championship. These two trials have run in conjunction for decades and have now become a major role in helping establish what is now being touted as "The Carolina Jamboree."
The National Pheasant and International Pheasant Championships were again a part of the Carolina Jamboree while partnering with John Ivester and his trials. This combination of four championships run continuously is quickly establishing the tradition of kicking off the all-age field trial season with four continuous trials run in one location over an almost two-week period. Carl Owens and Claudia McNamee have partnered together to make these continuous running trials something special. The Carolina Jamboree was established to bring renewed excitement and enticement to everyone involved in trialing. Carl and Claudia worked to establish a sponsored $10,000 purse awarded 50-30-20 to the top handlers across the trials and recognize the top winning dog for the combined events. They also made it fun and exciting for the participants and supporters of the trials by having luxurious prizes awarded throughout the continuous trials that took place during the weeks. They also organized sponsored dinners for the participants throughout the trials as a way of thanking everyone and providing a welcome treat at the completion of some long days in the saddle, watching the dogs compete and enjoying the company of all involved. Purina and Greg Blair provided their usual great support by providing dog food and prizes to the handlers and winners of the Jamboree.
This year, the National Pheasant was the concluding trial of this year's Jamboree. The Jamboree took place under very warm conditions once again this year. However, the weather broke the night preceding the running of the National Pheasant, which was a much-welcomed reprieve for the dogs, horses, and spectators.
The National Pheasant Championship wrapped up this year's Jamboree with two stellar performances by two multi-champion performers. This year's winner surfaced from the fourth brace of the trial. Haney's All In, a Pointer male handled by Mark McLean, owned by Steve and Stacy Crowe, and scouted by Jerry Raynor. All In is well known by the winners' circle at Hoffman, as he was last year's top dog. All In's bracemate was a late scratch, and another dog could not be moved up, so it was up to All In to traverse the country and show us what he had. All In started out all business and established point at 12 and continued with three more well-spaced, well-mannered, and classy finds. He ran a big forward race, covering the ground well with a left-to-right pace throughout while utilizing the wind to his advantage. He finished strong after a find at 57.
The runner-up champion was awarded to Woodville's Yukon Cornelius, a Setter male. He was handled by Mark McLean, owned by Carl Owens, and scouted by Jerry Raynor. Woodville's Yukon Cornelius ran the first brace of the trial. The welcomed weather had changed overnight with a decrease in temperatures and a slight misting rain. Yukon was braced with Dominator's Wild Bill, a Pointer male handled by Judd Carlton. As the gallery anxiously followed the dogs, a covey was put up straight away, and the excitement of what might follow was quickly in the air. Dominator's Wild Bill established point first at 9 as the course bends back to the right. Soon after, a staunch point was called for Woodville's Yukon Cornelius. Yukon Cornelius went on to establish three classy finds and a well-mannered back. He stayed well to the front, had a strong finish, and was ridden for at pick up by both scout and handler. This concluded the first brace of the morning with much anticipation and excitement in the air. Woodville's Yukon Cornelius would be named runner-up champion from this performance.
Hoffman, N. C., October 27
Judges: Ray Carter and Bill Mason
NATIONAL OPEN PHEASANT CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 35 Pointers and 5 Setters
Winner-HANEY'S ALL IN, F1698756, pointer male, by Ransom-Haney's North Star. Steve Croy, owner; Mark McLean, handler.
Runner-Up-WOODVILLE'S YUKON CORNELIUS, F1673091, setter male, by Caladen's Davinci-A Tarheel Miss Bo. Carl Owens, owner; Mark McLean, handler.