Result: Continental Amateur Field Trial Club
Location: Greenville, Florida
Post Date: Jan 30, 2025
Submitted By: Steve Standley and Tim Moore

Amateur All-Age (front): Rita and Dr. Fred Corder with Game Heir, Woody Watson with Touch's Blue Knight, and Jim and Amy Pendergest with Storm's End. (Back): Til Hankley, Jason Williams (judge), Alex Rickert, Tim and Polly Moore, Justin Hunt (judge), and Randy Floyd (trial chairman).
Livingston Place, widely known as Dixie Plantation, hosted its annual Amateur All-Age and Amateur Derby stakes beginning on November 11, 2024. Unfortunately, this highly regarded wild quail venue suffered yet another hurricane, cutting its swath across the Florida Panhandle. Many trees were on the ground, and parts of the courses were a mess. Plantation manager John Michael MacCormick and his crew did splendid work in the woods to ready these grounds for the trial and their upcoming hunting season. The field trial club and the competitors voiced appreciation for the work done. Ben Melvin and Vince Little helped at the barn and in the field. Retired plantation manager Randy Floyd is the president of the Continental Field Trial Club. He made the opening announcements at breakaway as he has done for 30 years. John Michael MacCormack offered a prayer of thanks and hopes for everyone's safety; at this time, the trial began.
Til Hankley handled the dog wagon duties, and he is always a pleasure to see. The lovely Gloria Hagan prepared lunches, had the lodge in good order for the official party, and generally dictated standards of behavior for all attending.
Amateur All-Age judges were Jason Williams and Justin Hunt, both from Blakely, Georgia, and both kept sharp and fair eyes on the proceedings. Twenty-six dogs were drawn, and 26 came to the line. For those of us who love true wild bird field trials, it was an honor to be on these grounds once again and to be among like-minded bird dog people.
Dr. Fred Corder, accompanied by his wife Rita, has been coming to this trial for several years. His dogs are well-trained, and his love for these grounds is apparent. Game Heir, a bright, mostly white Pointer male captured first with Fred on the whistle. Heir plied his trade out front, overcame an unproductive at the water barrel near the main road crossing, and went on to handle two clean finds. The first of these occurred across from the big house at 54 on a covey. The second find was in the closing moments of the brace; this contact was on a single bird, and it was in order.
Touch's Blue Knight (Woody Watson) has many field trial placements and is a multiple-time champion; he won second-place honors. Blue Knight required Woody to ride deep to maintain contact with him. He was seen just enough as Woody found him at time near the dirt road near the long pond at pickup time. He had good composure for this clean, stylish find.
The first brace contained the third-place effort for Storm's End and Jim Pendergest. The Pointer female stood near the first crossing at 15 with a nice covey being flown. Her next contact was at 20 on the edge of a cotton field with all in order. She finished near the hayfield across from the big house.
These were all worthy placements over historic grounds and were a pleasure to witness.
The Derby stake was short this year, with only six entries. Judges Tim Moore and Jason Williams evaluated the young hopefuls and found the following worthy. First place went to Game Fortress, Pointer female, with Fred Corder on the whistle. Second-place honors went to Hunt's Centerfold owned and handled by Justin Hunt. Pointer male Blue Grass Jack garnered the third-place honors for owner/handler Jim Pendergest.
This is an enjoyable trial over historic grounds put on by good people. This writer highly recommends the experience.
Greenville, Fla., November 15
Judges: Justin Hunt and Jason Williams
CONTINENTAL AMATEUR ALL-AGE [One-Hour Heats] - 26 Pointers
1st-GAME HEIR, F1691409, pointer male, by Dominator's Rebel Heir-Game Snow. Fred Corder, owner and handler.
2d-TOUCH'S BLUE KNIGHT, F1680548, pointer male, by Touch's Knight Rider-Touch's Maswood Anne. Woody Watson, owner and handler.
3d-STORM'S END, F1687221, pointer female, by Dunn's Tried'n True-K F Prairie Storm. Matt Pendergest, owner and handler.
Judges: Tim Moore and Jason Williams
1st-GAME FORTRESS, F1712461, pointer female, by Lester's Storm Surge-Game Princess. Dr. Fred Corder, owner and handler.
2d-HUNT'S CENTERFOLD, F1718110, pointer female, by Touch's Mega Mike-Broomsedge Tiny Rebel. Justin Hunt, owner and handler.
3d-BLUE GRASS JACK, F1705890, pointer male, by Imagine-Mohawk Mill Dolly. Jim Pendergest, owner and handler.

Amateur Derby (front): Rita and Dr. Fred Corder with Game Fortress, Justin Hunt with Hunt's Centerfold, and Jim and Amy Pendergest with Blue Grass Jack. (Back): Til Hankley, Alex Rickert, Polly and Tim Moore, and Randy Floyd.