Result: American Brittany Club Quail Championship
Location: Grovespring, Missouri
Post Date: Dec 18, 2020
Submitted By: Burton Wice
GROVESPRING, MO. -- The Greater St. Louis Brittany Club hosted the 2020 ABC Quail Championship on the Sportsmen's Association Field Trial Grounds in Grovespring, Mo. This fall's scheduled start was Saturday, November 14. An eleventh-hour judge cancellation delayed the start until Monday morning to allow the replacement judge, Ken Chenoweth of Fair Grove, Mo., time to rearrange his schedule so that he could evaluate dogs along with John Hott of Hoopeston, Ill.

With 49 entries and 48 starters, the judges assessed dogs over a four-day period. Together they made a team that worked great together, both readily agreeing on evaluations of performance and order of placement.
As detailed below, A N J's Ohio Hellion, handled by Bob Burchett captured this year's championship title. Hank was sired by Grand Junction Jake out of High Hopes Little Ann. Owner Mike Poehler of Hoffman Estates, Ill., was present to watch another winning performance for Hank. For the other braces, Mike sat tall in the saddle while comparing Hank's performance with those of the other dogs hoping that Hank would still be the winner after the last dogs had run. You can rest easy now, Mike!
Ru Jem's Last Penny, handled by Tommy Tracy, Jr., was named runner-up/ Penny was sired by Trademark's A T M out of Red Bud Zipper. Both the sire and dam were owned by the late Jim and Janet Chase. Each would have been so proud to see the results of this breeding.
Owner Jerry McGee of Steward, Ill., was driving the dog wagon while Penny ran and those in the horseback gallery had to keep one eye on the dogs ahead and the other on the dog wagon behind as Jerry kept inching closer and closer to see the action. His driving during this brace reminded us of the late Phil Corlew, longtime dog wagon driver for the Greater Saint Louis Brittany Club, who always gave the dogs a ride to remember.

Challenging the winners were Sniksoh Hank's Hatch handled by Bob Burchett for owner Adam Freeman of Marshfield, Mo., and perennial winner Piney Run Jake, handled and owned by Kent Patterson of Franklin, Tenn.
The Field Trial Sportsmen's grounds are in the upper echelon of field trial venues in the nation. The grounds are groomed for field trials with feed strips lining the edges and thoughtful mowing of the fields. The three one-hour courses have a natural flow and offer good cover for quail and for watching dogs.
Pre-released and wild coveys of quail are plentiful here; supplemental birds planted during the trial are an added bonus and aid in bringing the resident coveys back on course.
Missouri's rifle deer season started during the Championship which put the hunting season rules into effect at the start of the event. During deer season trials are not permitted to run through Clymer's pastures because of landowner hunting plans and the Missouri Department of Conservation does not allow us to use the clubhouse loop which is adjacent to a state wildlife area. This necessitated a horseshoe turn on the north end of the Bull Pasture and a return trip past the Blue House, then turning south into the chute below the Double Barns to resume the typical route on course No. 3.
Secretary Burton Wice conducted the draw as advertised, on Sunday evening, November 8, in his horse trailer on the field trial grounds. Forty-nine dogs were entered in this prestigious stake and only one was unable to make it to the starting line.
Overnight lows during the course of this trial ranged from 26 to 50 with daily highs typically reaching into the 60s or low 70s.
Purina donated pouches of Pro Plan Sport dog food for all entrants as well as large bags for the winners. Garmin donated a Pro 550 advanced training system for the champion. The Greater St. Louis Brittany Club and the American Brittany Club Quail Championship participants are very appreciative of the support received from these fine companies.
The American Brittany Club's Purina Open All-Age Dog of the Year is often determined at this Championship plus the Greater Saint Louis Brittany Club regional field trial that immediately preceded this event. This year was no exception where JWB's Arctic Cat held on to win the Purina 2020 Open All-Age Award.
The Greater Saint Louis Brittany Club worked conducted a smooth-running event. Burton Wice, field trial secretary, handled all of the paperwork and coordinated with the others as to who would take care of each day's duties. This year the club hired Jim Lowery, the caretaker of the field trial grounds to plant birds each morning.
Driving the dog wagon during the Championship were Tim Self and Jerry McGee. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the club was unable to host daily meals in the clubhouse for all participants. However, Burton prepared meals for the judges. Next year, the pandemic will hopefully be under control and the club will resume hosting three meals a day for all attendees.
The newly crowned champion, ANJ's Ohio Hellion, handled by Bob Burchett began his performance just beyond Davis Bottom, the second brace on the first afternoon. Hank's proud owner, Mike Poehler was on horseback to witness his performance and was not disappointed.
Hank made some attractive moves and scored a divided find with his brace mate at 35 in the far tree line after completing Little Vine Loop. Hank showed well in Sycamore Bottom and took the right edge in the field after the Double Barns and was rewarded with a find at 57. Hank finished his hour at the top of the hill by the Blue House.
Rujem's Last Penny, the runner-up, handled by Tommy Tracy, Jr. was turned loose at the breakaway in the first brace of the third afternoon. Penny is a perennial winner due to her excellent application and ability to finds bird. Today was no exception.
Penny's first find came at 11 just before the second creek crossing. At 17 Penny pointed again after crossing the road and Tommy flushed birds with all in order. Taking the left edge through the Island Field, Judge Hott remarked that "this bitch can fly". After going up Horse Killer Hill and passing the gate from Don Fox Hill, Penny was found standing under the cedar trees on the left edge of Apple Tree Hill where Tommy flushed a nice covey of quail. Penny slowed a little in the final minutes of her hour.
Challenging the winners were Sniksoh Hank's Hatch and Piney Run Jake. Hatch was turned loose in the first brace of the trial in the breakaway field. Although the beginning of course No. 1 is known as a great place to show your dog, bird work is typically less than would be expected. This was not the case for Hatch who scored three finds in the first 12 minutes before reaching the second creek crossing. Hatch had additional finds at 25 in the tree line at the end of Davis Bottom and at 42 just below Horse Killer Hill. From Apple Tree Hill to the end of his hour, the handler steered Hatch down the milo strips on the left edge of the course and he was rewarded with a find at 55 in the last field before the end of course No. 1.
Piney Run Jake was turned loose in the Island Field and got right to work with a find at 6 on the right edge of the field before Horse Killer Hill. Jake proceeded unseen from Apple Tree Hill and showed at the base of the hill in Little Vine Loop. Jake was again seen at the far end of Sycamore Bottom and was rewarded with a find at 45 by the pond by the Double Gates. Handler heeled Jake to catch the front but the judges did not like this 6 minutes loss of action. Jake, appearing tired, was watered at the Double Barns and then took the right edge toward the Blue House and was rewarded with a small covey find at 57.
Day 1 brace 1: Snikosh Hank's Hatch (Burchett) and Castaway Wilson (Tracy). Hatch was described above. Wilson bumped a bird at 7 and his day was done early.
Alar's Dirty Dancer (Tillson) and CVK's Ironman (Tracy). Dani took off from the start but forgot to tell Ed where she was going. Not a problem because Ed found her when he used the retrieval device. Tony was having trouble with his ground race but bumped birds at 18 on the left edge of Sycamore Bottom to end his day.
Molly Mae Alexander (Tracy) and Wild Wild Willie (Tillson) were turned loose in the middle of Sycamore Bottom. Molly wasted no time and pointed along the milo strip on the right edge below Sycamore Bottom and just before reaching the road. Tracy flushed a single and all was well. Molly had another solid find at 13 along the fence by the Double Barns but ran into trouble at 21 by the Blue House when she went with a covey that flushed wild. Willie, last year's National Champion and in the hunt for this year's Purina Award, pointed at 17 on the left side of the field after the Double Barns and before the lake. Tillson was unable to flush birds but that wasn't a problem because Willie put them up for Ed during a relocation.
WW's Miss Wendy Peffercorn (Tracy) and J'n M Rodeo Romeo (Tillson). The first brace of the afternoon was turned loose in the breakaway Field. Wendee, owned by this reporter, won this event last year shortly after her second birthday. A repeat performance was not in the cards as Wendee took out birds at 7 along the milo strip on the right edge before the first creek crossing. Tuff had a find at 13 just before the second creek crossing. Tuff was missing in action twice after his find but looked nice taking the right edge in Davis Bottom, that is until he disappeared again this time requiring Tillson to call for the retrieval unit at 31.
No. 5: ANJ's Ohio Hellion (Burchett) and WW's Gin and Tonic (Wice) were turned loose just beyond Davis Bottom. Hank's performance was described above. Ginee made some nice moves along the Island Field edges and the last field before Horse Killer Hill. She proceeded up Horse Killer Hill and showed again on top of the hill in Little Vine Loop. After completing Little Vine Loop, Ginee had a divided find with Hank at the far end of the first field. Ginee was released and enjoyed her independence and wasn't seen again until we reached the fields after the Double Barns. Ginee finished her hour headed toward the far end of the Bull Pasture.
I'm Your Man (Patterson) and Turning Points Shenanigans (Burchett). The last brace of the day started near the beginning of the Bull Pasture. Neither dog found birds until 22 minutes when Gus pointed at the end of the chute that leads back into Sycamore Bottom on course No. 3. Gus had a quail find at 59 when Kent flushed a nice covey of quail along the left edge of the Breakaway Field. Gus also demonstrated the versatility of the American Brittany with his Ozark Grand Slam which in addition to quail, included turkey, armadillo and deer finds during his hour. Shandi checked back frequently with her handler during her hour and had a small covey find at 59 on the right side of the first treeline at the end of the breakaway fields.
Day 2. brace 7: Tequila Scorcher (Tillson) and Roustabout Blew By (Tracy) were released in the breakaway field. The wind made it difficult for Lincoln to decide which side of Davis Bottom to hunt. At 23 he went on point in the treeline at the end of Davis Bottom. After his find, Lincoln looked nice on the right edge of Davis Bottom. After crossing the creek into the Island Field, Lincoln was lost and Tillson called for his tracker. Blew had a find at 14 in the last treeline before the second creek crossing but true to its name, Blew was not seen after he entered Vacuum Hollow.
JWB Arctic Cat (Tracy) and Piney Run Hilltop Blew (Patterson) were loosed on Apple Tree Hill. Blew was next seen on the hill in Little Vine Loop and then disappeared for good. Kimber had a find a 13 minutes on top of the hill in Little Vine Loop. Kimber took the right edge after Sycamore Bottom and pointed at 32. Tommy flushed birds and fired with all in order. Kimber had another find in the fenceline by the Double Barns at 45 immediately followed by one on the right edge after passing the Double Barns. The judges were impressed with her style on this last find. Kimber finished forward near the far end of the Bull Pasture approaching Clymer's.
Arrow's Tequila Rustler (Beaver) and Roustabout All In (Tracy). Rusty made some nice moves on the edges but finished without birds. Al got off to a quick start with a find at 5 in the tree line by the Blue House. This was followed by a stop to flush and an unproductive. Overall, Al was not pleasing his handler and Tommy elected to pick him up.
Treasure States Toby Mac Daddy (Tillson) and J J's Levi The Lionheart (Tracy). Toby took off like a bat out of hell but was not seen thereafter. Levi took the left edge of the breakaway field and was rewarded with a find at 4. He had a second find in the creek bed just before crossing the road into Davis Bottom. Overall, however, Levi's run was inconsistent and not up to par and Tommy elected to pick him up at 30 just before the Island Field.
No 11: Roustabout Lil Pumpkin (Rosevear) scratched.
Piney Run Jake (Patterson) and Kashmir (Tracy) were released in the Island Field. Jake's performance was described above. Kash had trouble getting started and came from behind in the Island Field but still had a find at 6. Overall, Kash's run was inconsistent but he did point at 57 on the right edge near the end of the field after the Double Barns. However, birds were never flushed and he was given an unproductive.
Hoochie Coochie Man (Tillson) and CVK's Spartan King (Tracy) were off near the Blue House. Leo, a perennial winner, did not receive the memo that we were not going to go through Clymer's and was lost after the 10-minute mark. Karl worked at short range and had a difficult time staying forward. Tillson elected to pick him up early.
Day 3. Big Mac XIV (Tracy) and Sniksoh Windtuck Willy (Burchett). This brace pitted a youngster against a senior citizen. Neither won out. Willy took off fast and furious but was not seen after the breakaway whereas Big Mac put up birds at 4 on the left side of the breakaway field.
Scout Upland Trailblazer (Tillson) and Maxwell's Prickly Pete (Tracy) were released at the second treeline in Davis Bottom. After crossing the creek, Pete went up the hill just before Vacuum Hollow and was not seen again. Scout proceeded through the Island Field and had a find on the right edge just before the creek crossing opposite Horse Killer Hill. After his find, Scout went up Horse Killer Field, turned to the right, and was not seen again.
No16: Rev'n Gunrunner's Tilly (Tillson) and JJ's Sir Walter Raleigh (Tracy) were away at the start of Sycamore Bottom. Unfortunately, that was the last we saw of Tilly. Raleigh was doing a nice job on the ground. He hunted the right edge of Sycamore Bottom and then took the chute to the left that leads up to the Double Barns. Unfortunately, at 17, Raleigh took out birds at the Double Barn and his day was done.
Just Call Me Lucky Ned Pepper (Campbell) and RuJem's Last Penny (Tracy). The first brace of the afternoon was released in the breakaway field. Penny's performance was detailed above. After crossing the creek at the end of Davis Bottom, Lucky Ned was found on point in the milo on the left side of the field. Frank was unable to produce birds and was given an unproductive. Lucky Ned continued on through the Island Field, up Horse Killer Hill, and was found standing in the woods on the right side of the field. Frank flushed a large covey of birds with all in order. Judge Chenoweth commented that Lucky Ned did a phenomenal job on the ground; he was forward, on the edges, and made some huge moves. Unfortunately, Lucky Ned sat down during Frank's extensive flushing attempt on his unproductive and could not be used.
Osage Fork Slick (Burchett) and Georgia's White Lightening (Tracy) were turned loose at the end of Little Vine Loop. Slick had a tough time keeping up with his handler but finally caught up with him at the Double Barns. He then went down the chute on course No. 3 and was not seen again. George's ground race was pretty erratic and Tommy elected to pick him up at the Double Barns.
Hehi's Slim Shipley (Burchett) and JoWill's Daniel in the Lions Den (Tracy) were released by the large pond after the Double Barns. Slim had a find at 6 in the Bull Pasture and then went forward on the left edge along the road. Slim continued forward on the course but failed to make the U-turn at the end of Bull Pasture and was last seen heading toward Clymer's. Bob called for the retrieval unit at 26 when we, but not Slim, got to the chute below the Double Barns. Raleigh pointed 45 seconds after the dogs were released but Tommy was unable to produce birds. At 6 Raleigh caught the front where his bracemate was standing. Unfortunately, he failed to back and his day was done.
Day 4, brace 20: Crescent City Girl (Tillson) and Brendi Brooks Cowboy Up (Trimble). Nola was not in true form today. She had a stop to flush at 6 on the right edge before the first creek crossing. Unfortunately, she released herself before the handler arrived and her day was over early. Tuff had a tuff day. His run was erratic and he seemed to be having a pretty good time doing his own thing. Ray elected to pick him up at the end of Davis Bottom.
J B's Full Speed Ahead (Tracy) and R'n H Dark Night (Burchett) were loosed in the Island Field and Mac D was not seen thereafter. At 14 Captain had a covey find in the left edge of Apple Tree Hill and another at 21 in the left edge of the last field in course No.1. Unfortunately, her run was a little erratic and she was picked up at 25.
Almaden's Under Lock And Key (Tillson) and Jagoub's Spell Caster (Tracy) were released at the start of Course No. 2. Oudi had a find at 18 in the right edge of the last field in Sycamore Bottom and a back at 35. Unfortunately, Oudi also had an unproductive at 26 just before the Double Barns and another in the tall grass as we entered the Bull Pasture and was picked up at 45. Tabu hit a hot spot in the course with finds at 35 just before the Blue House, 37 minutes just before the Bull Pasture and at 40 with a huge covey on the left side of the Bull Pasture. Tabu made some nice casts but overall he hunted at modest range and had a difficult time staying to the front.
Prairie Wind Pistol Pete (Tracy) and Sniksoh Hank Gypsy Cruise (Burchett) were the first brace of the afternoon was a short one for PD where he had trouble with birds shortly after breakingaway. Cruise had a covey find at 13 at the end of the field after the second creek crossing. Although he had a difficult time navigating the first part of Davis Bottom, he looked nice sticking to edges of the last fields after the second treeline and pointed just before the creek crossing at the end of Davis Bottom. Unfortunately, Bob was unable to flush birds and Cruise was given an unproductive. Overall, Cruise worked at short range and his run was erratic and Bob elected to pick him up when we got to the gate at the top of Don Fox Hill.
Rebel's Fly Me To The Moon (Tillson) and Driving Miss Daisy II (Tracy). Moon is a little new to the game, had a hard time deciding what to do, and was picked up by Tillson at 24. With her bracemate chasing her, Daisee got off to a slow start but started to get going when she took an edge to the far right corner of the treeline near the end of Sycamore Bottom. Daisee continued forward on the right edge toward the road where we have been having finds throughout the week. Daisee then had the find of the stake at 29 when she was found standing in the trees 60 feet up a near vertical hillside. To everyone's amazement, Tommy climbed the hillside, flushed birds, fired, and got back to Daisee with all in order. However, Daisee's slow start was too much to overcome and Tommy elected to pick her up.
The final pair: Roustabout Eustace (Capstick) and Sundance Kid's Rule Breaker (Campbell). The last brace of the stake started on the right edge where Daisee finished. "T" looked nice continuing on the right edge and completed rimming the last field before turning toward the Double Barns. At 2, "T" was found standing by the pond near the Double Gates. Dave walked into the thick briars and flushed a huge covey of quail in which birds exploded in three separate waves. Dave took "T" forward and caught up with Bud near the Double Barns. Both dogs took the left edge toward the Blue House where birds are typically found. Unfortunately, neither was able to handle the trusty birds that reside in this location. And the 2020 ABC Quail Championship was concluded.
Grovespring, Mo., November 14
Judges: Ken Chenoweth and John Hott
Winner--A N J'S OHIO HELLION, 1666102, male, by Grand Junction Jake--High Hopes Little Ann. Mike Poehler, owner; Bob Burchett, handler.
Runner-Up--RU JEM'S LAST PENNY, 1621183, female, by Trademark's A T M--Red Bud Zipper. Ruth & Jerry McGee, owners; Tommy Tracy, Jr., handler.