Result: Northeast Ohio Field Trial Club
Location: Polk, Pennsylvania
Post Date: Jan 14, 2025
Submitted By: Mark Fernandez

The Northeast Ohio Field Trial Club held its spring trial at the beautiful Pennsylvania Brittany Club grounds May 17-20, 2024. We had a record 97 dog entry so we anticipated a very busy 3 days. These grounds offer all the amenities necessary for a successful field trial including a converted farmhouse with a large, covered patio that serves as a headquarters and as a gathering place. There is also a barn that has a large quail pen that makes holding and capturing birds very easy. The surrounding grounds provide ample room for logical courses with a variety of cover providing plenty of objectives and edges.
Larry Sutter was the driving force leading to the formation of the Northeast Ohio Field Trial Club as he felt Ohio needed a field trial club dedicated to the walking dog and handler. Unfortunately, Larry left us too soon but others picked up the baton, most importantly Larry's wife Paula Giulitto. Paula has been the tireless leader that every successful organization needs and has contributed to and supervised every part of running our club and field trials from tracking and filing all the paperwork, to preparing food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The highlight was the Saturday evening meal where Paula out did herself with a perfectly prepared pork loin and all the various sides. The other two club members are Chris Jaeger and Mark Fernandez. Chris has a wealth of bird dog and field trial experience, is somebody who can fix anything broken and is a tireless and selfless contributor. This was never more apparent than when after the trial Rich Hollister's truck broke down on the way home to Michigan. He limped his truck to Chris's house near Cleveland where he and Jen spent the night. In the morning, they loaded Rich's truck onto a trailer and Chris transported Rich, Jen, dogs and Rich's truck to their home in Roscommon, Michigan, a six-hour trip. Mark's special talent is his ability to take direction!
The weather conditions for the trial were variable and challenging. On Friday we experienced warm and very rainy conditions. The rain didn't help with the already weak quail and in addition the grounds became progressively more muddy in several spots making it difficult for handlers and walking gallery members. Fortunately, on Saturday and Sunday the rain stopped with temps in the 70's on Saturday and 80 on Sunday; however, the course remained muddy.
We would like to express our appreciation to Purina and the U. S. Complete Shooting Dog Association for their continued support. A raffle included donations of a bag of Pro Plan and leashes/collars from Chris Jaeger, a handmade bell from Robert Ecker, and a sweets and treats basket from Paula Giulitto. We would also like to thank all of those who stepped in to help. Steve Graham helped with bird planting, unloading gear and wherever else needed. Rich Hollister helped with bird planting and Jen Hollister generously assisted with the kitchen. Suzie Cammisa and Deb Fazenbaker donated amazing baked goods that were huge hit. Jeff Angott stepped forward to judge the Qualifier. We are also sincerely thankful for the generosity of Mark Hughes, Brian Ralph and Paula Giulitto for the use of their side by sides as well as Jim Dowdell for the use of his 4-wheeler. I'm sure I have missed some, but rest assured your help was appreciated.
We were fortunate to secure judges with many years of experience and competitive success. Brian Ralph has been involved with field trials since 2006. He has judged the Grand National Grouse Championship 3 times and at least 20 other Championships. He won the 2023 National Grouse Championship and the 2023-2024 Purina Cover Dog of the year with Ralphy's Chasehill Rip. Doug McMillen started hunting over bird dogs when he was 12 and hasn't stopped since. He started field trialing in 2006 with Double Deuce Casey and her progeny have over 100 combined placements. He has owned or ran dogs with over 20 championship placements and has judged multiple Championships.
Gary Vitali has been involved in field trials for over 30 years competing primarily in wild bird trials. He has campaigned multiple runner up champions including the well-known Vitali's Grouse Ringer Purdy. The well-known Norm Meeder has been a stalwart of the Pennsylvania field trial world for decades and is held in high regard for his integrity and knowledge. He has campaigned multiple winners and knows what a winning dog should do. Christy Helmes brings with her much experience in the northwood's wild bird dog scene and has a unique connection with her dogs. She has a reputation for being fair and honest. Don Knight has been involved with bird dogs for 31 years initially as an avid grouse hunter and eventually gravitated to field trials where he now competes with his pointers. Jeff Angott has owned, trained, and bred dogs for over 40 years and brings with him a wealth of practical knowledge. We appreciate Jeff stepping in to judge the Qualifier. Joe Cammisa is well known in the field trial world and has campaigned top dogs winning the U. S. Complete National Open Championship, the New England Grouse and Woodcock Championship along with at least five additional Championships. His judging experience is extensive and includes eight Championship assignments from the grouse woods to the pheasant fields. Chris Jaeger has been actively involved in field trials for 13 years and campaigned Dun Rovens Lucky who was the Flanagan Award winner for the 2018-19 season. His current field trial dog, Soozie, was the 2023 Northern Michigan Cover Dog Champion and most recently the winner of the Seminatore Award for the top setter cover dog.
The Open Puppy kicked off the trial with Joe Cammisa and Norm Meeder presiding. Roxy, a diminutive english setter female owned and handled by Steve Graham, scorched the course with a big flashy race. She didn't have a bracemate and didn't need one. Second was Stone a good-sized pointer male handled by Rich Hollister who had big race hitting objectives with style and speed. Taking third was another Roxy, an english setter female handled by Russ Fazio. She is a beautiful dog running and is light and fast on her feet.
Next up was the Open Shooting Dog with Gary Vitali and Brian Ralph judging. The blue went to Grousehill Rambo a strong pointer male handled by Robert Ecker. Rambo impressed with a high tailed powerful well directed race with minimal handling that resulted in 1 find and 1 back. His style both pointing and backing were impeccable. 2nd place went to Penny, with Mark Hughes handling. She had a nice flowing and forward race the entire 30 minutes with intelligent application and little handling interspersed with 3 faultless finds. The yellow was awarded to Warrior Zeke, another Mark Hughes handled dog. He had 3 finds with perfect manners while displaying impressive teamwork with Mark. Honorable Mention went to Lucy with Steve Graham. She had 4 finds and a back with a medium purposeful race.
The Open Derby had judges Brian Ralph and Don Knight looking at the dogs. Topping the field was Dusty a pointer female handled by Mark Hughes. Dusty had an outstanding forward race while always attentive to Mark. She has a beautiful way of going and looked equally impressive on her one find. Second went to Cliff Monroe and Lillie, a pointer female. Lillie is a pretty dog running and applied herself well with a searching effort for her 30 minutes. Tilly, a stylish setter female, with Rich Hollister handling garnered the yellow. Tilly had a slow start but picked it up the rest of the way and had a strong finish. The judges gave Honorable Mention to Walter, a pointer male handled by Mark Hughes.
The Shooting Dog Qualifier was judged by Jeff Angott and Chris Jaeger. Winning the blue was Stone, a pointer male handled by Michigan pro, Rich Hollister. Stone had an intelligent, far-reaching race with strength and style interspersed with 2 broke finds. Bit a pointer female with Mark Hughes took second. She is poetry in motion, so classy and light on her feet. Her race was wide and forward. Finishing out the placements was the pointer male, Bo, handled by Dennis Kivikko. Bo had 2 good finds and hunted at a more moderate range than the 2 placed above him.
The Larry Sutter Memorial Amateur Shooting Dog stake started first thing Sunday morning. This was the 6th year this event was run in Larry's memory. He would be proud to see how his efforts to bring sportsmen and women and their dogs together for fellowship and competition has blossomed. Judging this year's competition were Christy Helmes and Doug McMillen. The morning started off foggy with a heavy dew and very little wind. Interestingly, there was ample bird work until around 10:30 when the dew burned off and the sun pushed the temperature to the low 80's. After that, bird work was at a premium. The Larry Sutter Amateur Shooting Dog winner was Chuck, a pointer male owned and handled by Eric Munden. Along with the blue ribbon, Eric took home the unique and beautiful rotating trophy featuring a Tree of Life from which a collar and oversized bell were attached. Chuck is a super classy, light-footed pointer that floats over the ground. He was picture perfect on his one find with textbook posture. His logical far forward flowing race took him to likely bird holding cover without wasted effort. The second-place dog Chess, a pointer male, was handled by Cliff Monroe who made the trip up from North Carolina to compete. Chess was exceptionally attractive, moving and pointing. He had one well executed find coupled with a solid race. Third was Wayne, a pointer male, handled by Krysta Munden. Wayne had one find and a good forward race punctuated by a strong finish in spite of the heat.
The final stake of the trial was the Amateur Derby. The clear winner was Lennie a strongly built Red Setter male owned and handled by Al Fazenbaker. Lennie was always forward, running with class, power, and purpose. On his one find he was steady to wing and shot with style to burn in spite of a poor flying bird. Cliff Monroe was back in the winner's circle with second place handling Lilly, a pretty pointer female. Lilly had one pointed bird and ran a big forward race with attractive style. She was gone for a while towards the end of her brace. Finally, placing third was Mac, a pointer male, handled by Tyler Bowser. Mac had one find with movement at flush. He started out a little short but finished at a good shooting dog range hunting hard. He showed promising potential as he moves up to shooting dog.
Thank you once again to all the handlers, owners, and participants for a successful three full days of competition. Everyone's hard work, cooperation, and willingness to put up with some adverse conditions contributed to a memorable trial. We hope to see everyone again next year.
Polk, Pa., May 19
Judges: Joe Cammisa and Norm Meeder
OPEN PUPPY - 2 Pointers, 8 Setters and 1 Brittany
1st-BACK CREEK ROXY, F1712014, setter female, by Grouse Hill Bullet Proof-Shady Hills Panda Bear. Karen Graham, owner; Steve Graham, handler.
2d-DUNROVENS ROLLING STONE, F705028, pointer male, by Cosswind Jim-Highbank's Down'n'dirty. Mark & Tom Fernandez, owners; Rich Hollister, handler.
3d-MEADOWINK RAE OF SUNSHINE, F1705287, setter female, by Dun Rovens Zip-Castle Rock's Autumn Breeze. William Yant III, owner; Russ Fagio, handler.
Judges: Brian Ralph and Gary Vitali
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 19 Pointers, 10 Setters and 3 Irish Setters
1st-GROUSE HILL RAMBO, F1696375, pointer male, by Bo of Piney Woods-Grouse Hill Prima. John Capocci, owner; Robert Ecker, handler.
2d-MILLER'S SPECIAL UPGRADE, F1695107, pointer female, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Carlos Escalante, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
3d-WARRIOR ZEKE, F1668664, pointer male, by Erin's War Creek-Brave Heart Cassie. Mike Husenits, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
Judges: Don Knight and Brian Ralph
OPEN DERBY - 4 Pointers, 6 Setters, 1 Brittany, 1 Irish Setter and 2 German Shorthairs
1st-MILLER'S DUSTY VERSION, F706290, pointer female, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Mike Husenits, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
2d-MOHAWK MILL FOR REAL, F1703195, pointer female, by Indian Creek Spur-Hirollins Fantasy Girl. Cliff Monroe, owner and handler.
3d-GROUSE FEATHER TILLY, F1703250, setter female, by Grouse Feather Hawk-GF Southern Belle. Curtis Coleman Jr., owner; Rich Hollister, handler.
Judges: Christy Helmes and Doug McMillen
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 7 Pointers, 10 Setters and 4 Irish Setters
1st-WILDLAND HIDE THE WINE, F1697105, pointer male, by Double Deuce Zeke-Beaver Meadow Rose. Eric Munden, owner and handler.
2d-THE TREASURE CHEST, F1692516, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill Legacy's Pride-Mohawk Mill Dolly. Cliff Monroe, owner and handler.
3d-WILDLAND WILD MAN, F1695981, pointer male, by Double Deuce Zeke-Beaver Meadow Rose. Krysta Munden, owner and handler.
Judges: Eric Munden and Krysta Munden
AMATEUR DERBY - 3 Pointers, 6 Setters, 1 Brittany, 1 Irish Setter and 2 German Shorthairs
1st-CC LENNI LENAPE, F1705228, Irish setter male, by Silver Creek Wild Again-Roses Are Red. Allen Fazenbaker, owner and handler.
2d-MOHAWK MILL FOR REAL, F1703195, pointer female, by Indian Creek Spur-Hirollins Fantasy Girl. Cliff Monroe, owner and handler.
3d-BOWSER'S ELHEW MACADOO, F1702278, pointer male, by Cross Timber Elhew Explorer-Cross Timber Elhew Arashi. Tyler Bowser, owner and handler.
Judges: Jeff Angott and Chris Jaeger
QUALIFIER - 3 Pointers, 1 Setter and 2 Brittanys
1st-DUN ROVENS ROLLING STONE, F1705028, pointer male, by Crosswind Jim-Highbank's Down'n'dirty. Mark & Tom Fernandez, owners; Rich Hollister, handler.
2d-BEAVER MEADOW BIT, F1696577, pointer female, by Waybetter Rocky-Beaver Meadow Rose. Joe Cammisa, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
3d-MOHAWK MILL BIG ENOUGH, F1698763, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill Trail Warrior-Mohawk Mill Fantasy Girl. Gary Winall, owner; Dennis Kivikko, handler.