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Result: Northwest Field Association

Location: Hankinson, North Dakota

Post Date: Aug 14, 2024

Submitted By: Katherine Gove

Northwest ODS24-

Open Derby (front, l-r): Bruce Mueller with Cold Creek Rolling Stone and Ian MacTavish with Cold Creek Closing Time. (Back): Duncan Bukovich, Tim McElroy (judge), and Lorrie Bohl.

The Northwest Field Association's annual spring trial at Hankinson, North Dakota, went without a hitch thanks to the very hard work of Chairman Ian MacTavish and Lorrie Bohl. Even the weather cooperated and stayed relatively cool most of the time. The courses were stretched to the prairie edges, and the dogs that hit the extremes and hunted the cover were rewarded with plenty of bird work.

Obviously, field trials are all about bird dogs, but people come to trials for more than just putting their dog on the breakaway. Camaraderie, appreciation of other sportsmen, and nature are all part of the appeal that keeps us going to trials for years. Ian MacTavish knows this and tries his best to chair a quality trial with lots of fun. We are very grateful that Chris Benskin is part of this effort by cooking hot, multicourse meals for lunch and dinner. Kelly Jarmuzak assisted Chris. Our appreciation goes out to Bruce Mueller for donating the ham and bird trailer. The Club also hosted a dinner at the Hot Cakes Caf in Hankinson, and the proprietor couldn't have been more accommodating. Thanks to Mark Pfeifer for delivering the much-needed water and, of course, to all the judges for volunteering their time.

Congratulations to all the winners.

On a separate note, we all send our thoughts and prayers out to Ian, who is fighting a very serious illness.

Hankinson, N. D., May 10
Judges: Katherine Gove and Jim Tande
OPEN ALL-AGE - 6 Pointers

1st-UPFRONT'S SOUTHERN STAR, 1662579, female, by Ransom-Double Wild. Lance & Marcie Schulz, owners; Lance Schulz, handler.
2d-ST. CROIX'S DONNA LOU, 1690967, female, by Confident Nation-Amazin Nation. Bruce & Susan Mueller, owners; Bruce Mueller, handler.
3d-PRAIRIEWOOD'S DAKOTA, 1694445, male, by Boumeester's Duramax-Oday Nation. Todd Manns, owner and handler.

Judges: Todd Manns and Tim McElroy
OPEN DERBY - 7 Pointers and 2 Setters

1st-COLD CREEK ROLLING STONE, 1704916, setter female, by Cold Creek Hank-Cold Creek Belle. Bruce & Susan Mueller, owners; Bruce Mueller, handler.
2d-UPFRONT'S BART, 1705553, pointer male, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt-Upfront's Southern Star. Lance & Marcie Schulz, owners; Lance Schulz, handler.
3d-COLD CREEK CLOSING TIME, 1704342, setter female, by Cold Creek Hank-Cold Creek Belle. Ian MacTavish, owner and handler.

Northwest OWSDS24

Open Walking Shooting Dog. 1st - Ben McKean with Northwoods Sir Gordon, 2nd - Rod Lein with Over The Hill Try. Front: Ian MacTavish with Northwoods Sir Gordon Rod Lien with Over the Hill Try. Back: Judge Bruce Mueller, Judge John Zeman.

Judges: L. F. Lundstron and John Zeman
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 1 Pointer, 7 Setters, and 1 German Shorthair

1st-NORTHWOODS SIR GORDON, 1674314, setter male, by Erin's Prometheus-Northwoods Carly Simon. Benjamin McKean, owner and handler.
2d-OVER THE HILL TRY, 1699008, pointer female, by J T H Scion-Over The Hill Patty. Rod Lien, owner and handler.

Northwest OWDS24

Open Walking Derby (front, l-r): Ian MacTavish with Cold Creek Spectacle, Lorrie Bohl with Northwoods Eddie Setter, and Duncan Bukovich with OPA Johnny Ringo. (Back): Tim McElroy, John Zeman (judge), Ryan Hough, Asia Weber, Katherine Gove, and Amber Dequaine.

OPEN DERBY - 1 Pointer, 7 Setters, and 1 German Shorthair
1st-COLD CREEK SPECTACLE, 1705945, pointer female, by Confident Nation-Oday Nation. Ian MacTavish, owner and handler.
2d-NORTHWOODS EDDIE SETTER, 1705580, setter male, by Northwoods Sir Gordon-Northwoods Valencia. Benjamin McKean, owner and handler.
3d-OPA JOHNNY RINGO, 1705476, setter male, by Berg Brothers Wild Bill-Berg Brothers Rory. Paul Bukovich, owner; Dunkan Bukovich, handler.

Northwest OSDS24

Open Shooting Dog (front, l-r): Bruce Mueller with BK Marshall, Lorrie Bohl with Cold Creek Hank, and Todd Manns with Prairiewood's Dakota. (Back): Asia Weber, Duncan Bukovich (judge), John Zeman, Ian McTavish, L. J. Lundstrom (judge), Tim McElroy, Fran Kelly, and Katherine Gove.

Judges: Duncan Bukovich and L. J. Lundstrom
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 6 Pointers and 2 Setters

1st-BK MARSHALL, 1699760, pointer male, by B K Bonafide Stallion-B K Hirollins Wild. John Zeman, owner and handler.
2d-COLD CREEK HANK, 1678604, setter male, by Cold Creek Kevinator-Cold Creek Black Magic. Ian MacTavish, owner and handler.
3d-KINNI CREEK FYN, 1685067, pointer male, by Dominator's Rebel Heir-Bar P Fizz. Todd Manns, owner and handler.