Result: Missouri Open Shooting Dog Championship
Location: Grovespring, Missouri
Post Date: Jul 14, 2021
Submitted By: Tony King
GROVESPRING, MO. -- A break from the cold temperatures and what seemed to be the beginning of an early spring seemed to convey a strong entry for the 2021 Missouri Open Shooting Dog Championship. Forty shooting dogs, from strings of several different handlers, competed in this year's event.

Professional handlers Doug Ray, Chuck Stretz, Harold Gearhart, Jeremy Gulick, Brian Gingrich, Eddy Taylor along with amateur competitor Dr. Pat McInteer enjoyed the atmosphere of gentlemanly competiveness along with a sportsmanlike attitude at this year's event.
After the dust had settled on four days of running, two brilliant performances stood above the rest at this year's Missouri Open Shooting Dog Championship.
Field trials would not survive without the help of their sponsors. The Missouri Shooting Dog Association is very fortunate to have two of the industry's best. For several years, Purina and SportDog collars have graciously provided product and support for this championship event. As always, Purina provides Pro Plan Performance dog food for the handlers and/or owners of the winners. SportDog provides e-collars to the champion and the runner-up as well.
The Missouri Shooting Dog Association thanks its sponsors and their professional representatives Greg Blair and Jim Morehouse. As always, Jim Morehouse is a stable presence at our event. It was great to see Jim as we look forward to hearing about his field trial travels and the great products he represents. This Missouri Shooting Dog Association looks forward to their renewed support and the continued relationship of this time honored event.
A huge heartfelt thank you to Adam Delude and Jerry Hailey for their help. Once again, Adam traveled all the way from Wisconsin to help facilitate both the Championship and Futurity. He was here through its entirety helping with the food, dog wagon, bird planting, marshaling, and social media management.
Taking a break from his retirement and golf game, former professional shooting dog handler, Jerry Hailey was in attendance several days to help with the running and handle the dog wagon duties. Dr. Pat McInteer, Bill Cignetti and Todd Amershek also provided help running the dog wagon when needed. Without everyone's help this event would not have ran as smoothly as it did. Their help was invaluable and much appreciated.
Judges Dr. Brent Hoehns and Jeff Wallace, both of Knoxville, Ia., occupied the judicial saddles to evaluate the field 31 pointers, 2 English setters and 7 Vizslas in order to name the winners for the 41st Missouri Open Shooting Dog Championship.
Although being the first time judging for the Missouri Shooting Dog Association, both of these gentlemen have judged many significant stakes in other venues and their judging talents are highly regarded. Brent and Jeff are not only great friends but they also work diligently to host field trial venues in central Iowa. This well respected duo provided a willingness to look at every dog in the same manner that allowed a stable running environment for all the competitors. They are passionate about the sport of field trialing and put a lot of effort into judging the two events. The Missouri Shooting Dog Association would like to thank them for their hard work and time in the saddle.
"All the right places," "Used entire course," "Minimal scouting," "Stylish." "Well spaced and located finds," "Biddable," "Good bird work" were some of the statements the judges used in describing this year's champion Boumeester's Bar None for owner Chris Martin of Lucas, Tex., and handler Chuck Stretz.
Course No.1 can be a blessing or the demise of dogs that draw on it. The big, showy edges can either favor a dog or demonstrate an unwillingness to flow through the country. This year's Champion used course No. 1 to his advantage demonstrating a front running application in which Bar None hunted every step during his powerful charge.
Breaking away in the 13th brace on course No.1, To Hard To Suit for Gulick was away with Boumeester's Bar None (Chuck Stretz). To Hard to Suit had a divided find early in the brace but was in the harness before the halfway point. Bar None went on to validate a commanding, yet classy four-find performance. As previously stated this year's champion tallied a divided find before crossing the road and then having three more evenly spaced finds in Davis Bottom, the Island Field and at the bottom of Apple Tree Hill. Bar None's manners were exemplary and his finish strong. For those who witnessed, knew they had witnessed a championship performance and one that would be hard to beat!
This year's runner-up was Dominator's Ghost Rider, pointer tee ?? co-owned by Harold Ray and Tony Gibson and handled by professional handler Doug Ray. Ghost Rider is a talented, four-year-old competitor sired by the great producer Just Irresistible bred to the Pearl Again. This young fireball also show cased his talents on course #1 in the initial brace of the trial. His performance, yet seemingly different in bird work perspective, stood out in the judges minds throughout the competition. Judges noted Ghost Rider's performance was reaching, front running, and stylish thus yielding a quality finish. He had a beautiful, well located find at 8 on the right edge before crossing the road and a un productive at 42 below Horse Killer hill. Although not flawless, Ghost Rider's strong hour was captivating and impressive. He was applicable, biddable, thorough, showing bird sense and meeting the criteria in overall total performance earning the runner-up laurels.
Although Boumeester's Bar None and Dominator's Ghost Rider set the bar high, it would be a mistake to not mention a few of the other championship contenders whose performances fell just short of the winner's circle.
The following dogs are in no particular order but rendered performances worth noting: Class Act Express, Nemaha Boot, Miller's Miss Kitty and Sun's Out Guns Out.
In conclusion, each year's running presents itself with different challenges and more memories. This year's running of the 41st Missouri Open Shooting Dog Championship should be remembered as highly successful event that provided ample opportunity for each canine competitor to showcase his or her talents.
Weather conditions for the most part were favorable and bird work was plentiful. Of course luck of the draw, time of day, and Mother Nature play huge factors but all in attendance would have agreed there were plenty of birds to point this year. As always, the Sportsmen's Association board of directors had the facility and its grounds in wonderful condition!
The Missouri Open Shooting Dog Association would once again like to thank the Sportsmen's Association crew, its sponsors, the judges, the dog owners, the handlers and all in attendance for making this renewal such a successful event!
Grovespring, Mo., March 1
Judges: Dr. Brent Hoehns and Jeff Wallace
[One-Hour Heats] -- 31 Pointers, 2 Setters and 7 Vizslas
Winner--BOUMEESTER'S BAR NONE, 1662742, pointer male, by True Confidence--Bar P Fizz. Christopher Martin, owner; Chuck Stretz, handler.
Runner-Up--DOMINATOR'S GHOST RIDER, 1679597, pointer male, by Just Irresistible--Pearl Again. Harold Ray & Tony Gibson, owners; Doug Ray, handler.