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Event: Kansas Open Derby & Open Puppy Classics
Result: Kansas Red Setter Club

Location: Dexter, Kansas

Post Date: Apr 18, 2024

Submitted By: Don Beauchamp

Kansas Open AAS24

Open All-Age (front row, l-r): Rodney Shoemaker with H P Cottonmouth, Nathan Berendzen with B D K's Dirty Harry, and Justin Crook with H P Dirty Dancing. (Back row, l-r): Jace Lewis, Jay Lewis, Greg Gibson (judge), Mark Wasserman, and Don Beauchamp.

The Kansas Red Setter Club's 2024 Open Derby and Open Puppy Classics began on March 22, on the Radcliff Ranch at Dexter, Kansas, again this year. The beautiful 12,000-acre ranch owned by Paula Radcliff is located on the southern end of the Flint Hills. I want to thank Paula for allowing us the use of her ranch. The Kansas Red Setter Club has been running field trials here since 1976. In addition, I would like to thank the Wichita Bird Dog Club for helping again this year; their members, Frank Schoenborn, Bob Lais, Greg Gibson, Chuck Maxson, and Sonny Clark, were very helpful as usual. Also, I need to thank our judges Bruce Ludwig, Greg Gibson, Eddie Berendzen, Nathan Berendzen, and Frank Schoenborn for their many hours in the saddle and well-respected winners named. And finally, I thank Nutri-Source for their financial help and bags of dog food for the winners. The noon lunches and Saturday night banquet were prepared by Linda Beauchamp and Frank Schoenborn, who cooked the meats.

Bruce Ludwig and Greg Gibson judged the All-Age event which began first on Friday, March 22, with a temperature of 51 degrees and a mild wind, scenting conditions were very good, and the 11 dogs drawn had 15 bird contacts, including three wild coveys. First place was won by H P Cottonmouth, a pointer male owned and handled by Rodney Shoemaker. He pointed a wild covey and had a nice forward race. Second place was B D K's Dirty Harry, a German Shorthair male owned and handled by Mark Wasserman. Harry had a good big race. Rodney Shoemaker won third place with H P Dirty Dancing, a pointer female with two finds. Rodney was all smiles after winning two of the three placements.

Next up was the Open Derby Classic, a 45-minute stake that drew 12 dogs and was judged by Eddie Berendzen and Greg Gibson. The temperature was 34 degrees with strong north winds. First place was won by High Enchantress, a pointer female running in the last brace owned by and handled by Scott Hadley. "Evo" had the best race and one good find. Evo's bracemate Wild Dial Rose, a pointer female owned by Tom Lovett and handled by Justin Crook, took second place with a nice race but went birdless. HP Bloody Knuckles, a pointer male owned and handled by Rodney Shoemaker, won third place, "Larry" bumped and caught a bird and had a decent race. Owner and handler Mike Rost had some tough luck; his "Gator" dog, a pointer male, had four finds but needed a bigger all-age race, and his Sallie dog, a pointer female, had a very nice race but was gone too long at the end.

The Open Shooting Dog, judged by Ed Berendzen and Nathan Berendzen, began on Saturday afternoon at 47 degrees, and the wind still blowing. Aim High Elhew Hadley, a pointer female in season, owned by Tierra, Scott, and Kiowa Hadley and handled by Scott, won first place. "Koal" had two nice finds and a biddable race on the last brace Saturday evening. Second place went to Nickajack Doc Holliday, a pointer male owned and handled by Mike Rost. "Huck," running Sunday morning on the third course, had one find and one unproductive. Third place was won by Fast Money, a pointer female owned by Bud Moore and handled by Justin Crook. "Molly ran the third brace Saturday afternoon, had a back, and an okay race.

The last event running Sunday afternoon in the rain on a single course out and back from camp was the 30-minute Open Puppy Classic, judged by Frank Schoenborn and Nathan Berendzen. BB's Black Mamba, a pointer male owned and handled by Tyler Bowman, ran an incredible race and stayed to the front the entire brace to nail down first place. Second place was won by Dominator's Sweet High, a pointer female owned by Tierra Hadley and handled by Scott Hadley. "Kora" had one find. Third place was TB's Locked N Loaded, a pointer female owned and handled by Tyler Buche.

I want to thank all the owners and handlers from five states who entered dogs and participated in supporting our trial. Hope you all had a safe trip home and hope to see you again next year.

Dexter, Kan., March 22
Judges: Greg Gibson and Bruce Ludwig
OPEN ALL-AGE [One-Hour Heats] - 8 Pointers and 3 German Shorthairs

1st-H P COTTONMOUTH, 1681616, pointer male, by Wiggins Mister Ronnie-Wiggins Miss Swami. Rodney Shoemaker, owner and handler.
2d-B D K'S DIRTY HARRY, 1675196, German Shorthair male, by Slicks Cuttin Wild-C L K's Point Me The Way. Mark Wasserman, owner and handler.
3d-H P DIRTY DANCING, 1692532, pointer female, by Wiggins Grouse Hawk-Wiggins Lady Mack. Rodney Shoemaker, owner and handler.

Kansas Open Derby ClassicS24

Open Derby Classic (front row, l-r): Tyler Buche with High Enchantress, Nathan Berendzen with Wild Dial Rose, and Justin Crook. (Back row, l-r): Chuck Maxson, Kiowa Hadley, Scott Hadley, Tierra Hadley, Greg Gibson (judge), Ed Berendzen (judge), and Don Beauchamp. (Not pictured): HP Bloody Knuckles, owned by Rodney Shoemaker.

Judges: Ed Berendzen and Greg Gibson
OPEN DERBY CLASSIC - 8 Pointers, 3 Setters and 1 Irish Setter

1st-HIGH ENCHANTRESS, 1700180, pointer female, by Lester's Storm Surge-Lester's Snow White. Matt Griffith, Ron Stearnsm & Newley Hutchison, owners; Scott Hadley, handler.
2d-WILD DIAL ROSE, 1706745, pointer female, by Texas Cool-Baby's On Speed Dial. Tom Lovett, owner; Justin Crook, handler.
3d-HP BLOODY KNUCKLES, 1708971, pointer male, by Wiggins Elhew Snake-Wiggins Miss Swami Time. Rodney Shoemaker, owner and handler.

Kansas Open SDS24

Open Shooting Dog (front row, l-r): Scott Hadley with Aim High Elhew Hadley and Michael Rost with Nickajack Doc Holliday. (Second row, l-r): Bruce Ludwig, Don Beauchamp, Kiowa Hadley, and Nathan and Ed Berendzen (judges). (Not pictured): Fast Money, owned by Bud Moore.

Judges: Ed Berendzen and Nathan Berendzen
OPEN SHOOTING DOG [One-Hour Heats] - 13 Pointers and 2 Vizslas

1st-AIM HIGH ELHEW HADLEY, 1683609, pointer female, by Striking Elhew Zorro-Elhew Epitome. Tierra, Scott & Kiowa Hadley, owners; Scott Hadley, handler.
2d-NICKAJACK DOC HOLLIDAY, 1693508, pointer male, by Touch's Smooth Rider-Cocklebur Stripper Candie. Michael Rost, owner and handler.
3d-FAST MONEY, 1681232, pointer female, by Stash The Cash-Lester's Speed Queen. C. W. & Patty Moore, owners; Justin Crook, handler.

Judges: Nathan Berendzen and Frank Schoenborn
OPEN PUPPY CLASSIC - 10 Pointers and 1 Setter

1st-BB'S BLACK MAMBA, 1704745, pointer male, by B B's Street Sense-BB's Last Minute. Tyler Bowman, owner and handler.
2d-DOMINATOR'S SWEET HIGH, 1706114, pointer female, by Miller's Blindsider-Hadley's Honky Tonk Song. Tierra Hadley, owner; Scott Hadley, handler.
3d-TB'S LOCKED N LOADED, 1706946, pointer female, by Warjam's Big Mac Daddy-T B's Hawaiian Breeze. Tyler Buche, owner and handler.

Kansas Open Puppy ClassicS24

Open Puppy Classic (front row, l-r): Tyler Bowman with BB's Black Mamba, Scott Hadley with Dominator's Sweet High, and Tyler Buche with TB's Locked N Loaded. (Back row, l-r): Frank Schoenborn (judge), Don Beauchamp, Kiowa Hadley, Chuck Maxson, Nathan Berendzen (judge), and Ed Berendzen.