Result: Pennsylvania Amateur Grouse Dog Club
Location: Luthersburg, Pennsylvania
Post Date: Aug 3, 2021
Submitted By: Eric Munden
LUTHERSBURG, PA. -- On June 6, 2021, the Pennsylvania Amateur Grouse Dog Club held their spring trial at the Dubois grounds in Luthersburg, Pa. Thank you to everyone who entered dogs and gave of their time to help this trial run.

Thank you to Doug McMillen for jumping in and helping wherever needed. Thank you to Mark Hughes and Dave Blakely for providing their judging expertise for all stakes. Judging is never easy and today would be no exception as nearly every dog that ran put on a winning performance.
The Amateur Derby ran first thing in the morning and all the dogs showed great future potential. Taking home first was Double Deuce Jack, white and orange pointer male owned and handled by Doug McMillen, followed by Wildland Sweet Caroline an orange and white pointer female owned and handled by Eric Munden. Rounding out the placements in third was Double Deuce Miles, liver and white pointer male owned and handled by Doug McMillen.
The Amateur Shooting Dog followed the Derby and the judges had their work cut out sorting between this slate of very successful dogs.
In first was Cal Peak Hundredth Meridian, an orange and white pointer male owned and handled by Sarah D. Gomes, followed by Leslie's Jigster, a tri-color setter male owned and handled by Les Bressler. Third was Leslie's Shiloh Joe a white and orange setter also male owned and handled by Les Bressler.
Thank you to Greg Blair and Purina for your support of our trial.
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the trial! We look forward to seeing you in the fall.
Luthersburg, Pa., June 5 -- One Course
Judges: Dave Blakley and Mark Hughes
AMATEUR DERBY -- 4 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st--DOUBLE DEUCE JACK, 1691404, pointer male, by Cal Peak Hundredth Meridian--Double Deuce Molly. Douglas E. McMillen, Jr., owner and handler.
2d--WILDLAND SWEET CAROLINE, 1692066, pointer female, by Waybetter Rocky--Beaver Meadow Rose. Eric Munden, owner and handler.
3d--DOUBLE DEUCE MILES, 1691405, pointer male, by Double Deuce Zeke--Bucket List Bella. Douglas E. McMillen, Jr., owner and handler.
H. Y. COOPER MEMORIAL SHOOTING DOG -- 12 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st--CAL PEAK HUNDREDTH MERIDIAN, 1671286, pointer male, by Cover Charge Search Engine--Sandland Dolly P. Sarah D. Gomes, owner and handler.

2d--LESLIE'S JIGSTER, 1669158, setter male, by Shady Hills Whiskey Bonfire--Leslie's Girl. Leslie Bressler, owner and handler.
3d--LESLE'S SHILOH JOE,1 664509, setter male, by Hunter's Pale Face--Hunter's Chippewa Squaw. Leslie Bressler, owner and handler.